Pumpkin Pie Withdrawal

I'm happy to report that we survived two 10-hour car rides, snow, Black Friday shopping, and lots of company at my parents' house. And if you noticed on Instagram, we had a wonderful baby shower! Rowan and I were totally spoiled and I can't wait to share more photos! 

Our week up North was nothing short of crazy, but equally as fun and delicious, and I wouldn't have it any other way! Even though I used the pregnancy card to score a bedroom while other relatives had to sleep on air mattresses in the living room, it's always feels good to get back to your own bed. 

I was terrible at taking photos on Thanksgiving (I took about 5 blurry shots) so bear with me while I attempt to get myself out of my pumpkin pie-induced coma and (maybe) stop the swelling. My rings officially came off this weekend but I'm hoping with a reduction in my carb intake, I may get a few more weeks out of them. Ha.

I did manage to get some Cyber Monday shopping in as we drove home yesterday and our rocker is officially in the nursery, more on that this week! Nesting is finally kicking in again after a month-long hiatus... good thing since we're only 10 short weeks from baby's due date!

Now all I need to do is decide whether I want to sleep, decorate for Christmas, or organize baby things. Hopefully all of the above since I feel totally behind on the Christmas tree thing!

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!


  1. Girl you look amazing! I don't know what you're talking about with the swelling, you look great! And sometimes my fingers swell in the winter and I can't wear my rings too and I don't even have pregnancy to blame :) I just blame it on my body trying to stay warm haha!

    <3, Pamela

  2. omg just 10 weeks?!! time is flying by! love your shower dress! it's so pretty. xo jillian - stop by! I'm hosting a Freshly Picked Moccasin giveaway on cornflake dreams

  3. I love the title of this post, lol! Looks like a great Thanksgiving was had, for sure!

  4. You are really glowing! So glad you had a great Thanksgiving :)

  5. Can't believe you're only 10 weeks away!! Glad you guys had a fun and safe trip! Let's get together soon!

  6. Love your dress. Sounds like we had a very similar holiday full of family, food, baby shower, and 10 hour drives! FYI I'm hosting a Whole Foods Gift Card & Turkey giveaway today! ;)

  7. Can't believe Rowan will be here in 10 weeks! Sounds like a great Thanksgiving. My husband and did I trip that was 10 hrs both ways over Thanksgiving too. Glad you made it to and from safely!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  8. You look so pretty!! How precious are those little outfits?!

  9. Only 10 weeks left?! Crazy! So glad you had a good Thanksgiving - and survived the cold!

  10. I'm seriously having dessert withdrawal too! I mean....eating it for breakfast with coffee was probably overkill though.....

  11. Welcome back! I love the pic of the belly and snow boots :)

  12. Oh my goodness time is just flying!! You are just have the cutest bump out there!

  13. You look so fabulous and love the title of this post! haha Those clothes for little R are to die for!

  14. Wow, I can't believe you only have 10 weeks until y'all get to meet your baby boy. Glad y'all made it back safely!

  15. Oh my goodness you look adorable!! Cannot believe you are already 30 weeks in!


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