32 Weeks

How far along: 32 weeks... 8 months!

Size of Baby: A head of lettuce (he is measuring a little big, so we know he's over 4 lbs already!)

Gender: all things blue

Best moment this week: Completing our registry and feeling like we have what we need...even if its totally unorganized at the moment.

Worst (but most informative) moment this week: Learning about pain management (read: seeing the epidural needle) and watching birth videos during our childbirth class. Holy hell what did we get ourselves into?!

Weight gain: +29 lbs... Woof.

Maternity clothes: Getting so sick of wearing the same things but I refuse to buy anything else from this point on
Stretch marks: Still in the clear.. woo! My OB said if I don't have them by now, I probably won't get them so lets hope she is right!

Belly button in or out: Still in and flat

Wedding Rings on or off: On maybe half of the time but no swelling elsewhere (yet)

Sleep: I've been a total night owl lately. I think once I get the nursery done I will stop thinking about it so much and stop online shopping from my bed.

Miss anything: Wearing blouses. Random?! Its just one of those things you can't wear unless you get a maternity version (not as cute) and I have been wishing I had some for dinner dates lately!

Movement: Lots of shifting going on and some hiccups! He pushes his butt up against my belly a lot and I noticed a heel pushing out the other day. It is so entertaining but slightly uncomfortable now. I never know what he's doing in there....

Cravings: French fries and Christmas cookies. Together or separate, I don't discriminate. 

Symptoms: Tired and out of breath quickly, hungry all of the time, and having difficulty putting on and taking off socks/shoes. Yeah I'm definitely feeling 8 months pregnant!

Labor Signs: None yet but we know Rowan turned and is now head down... woo! I'm starting my 2 week appointments this week, whoa!

Nursery:  Making some major progress finally! I have a couple DIY projects to do, like turning an expensive Restoration Hardware sheet into a crib skirt, so wish me luck! Stay tuned for more sneak peeks until its ready for the full reveal!

Looking forward to: Christmas! We're not traveling from here on out so I'm excited to have visitors and a few days off from work.


  1. You are truly all belly love. I am not a huge DIY type but think it is completely necessary with the way babies grow and the expense of having to replace things all the time!! Fries and cookies sound like an interesting combination!

  2. 8 months already?! you look great! i can't wait to see the nursery :) good luck with your DIY projects. xo jillian - cornflake dreams ps i could totally go for some french fries now!!

  3. Yay! You are getting close! Watching those videos in child birth class made me cringe.. They are a little over dramatized in my opinion! You will be fine!

  4. You look fantastic!! Can't believe you are getting so close to meeting your little guy! And I'm very impressed at your DIY projects. Can't wait to see the whole nursery. :)

  5. I had a patient last night who had her now 17 mth old all natural birth. So no epidural or drugs at all. I kept asking her so many questions she probably thought i was such a weirdo! She said the pain wasn't that bad, I thought it probably was you just won't remember it!! I'm all for the drugs!

  6. So exciting! He's almost here!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. Haha great cravings. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by! See you Saturday pretty mama!

  8. All belly! Oh the baby classes! Yeah I could have done without the videos too.

  9. I mean you have the most perfect bump!!!! I bet from behind you don't even look pregnant!

  10. You are so close mama! I don't think I'm going to be able to do much reading up on birth processes or pain management or any of that until AFTER I get pregnant because otherwise I may never go through with it, ha!

  11. You look amazing, gal. I can't believe you are already 8 months!! These last 8 weeks will fly by with the holidays ahead of us!

  12. You look awesome! I have been so MIA on here due to the little one but I am so excited for you!!


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