Friday Favorites To say I am excited for Friday is an understatement. My husband and I don't have any big plans for the weekend and my to-do list is surprisingly very small, but this week was just exhausting! I'm linking up again with Carolina Charm and some other lovely blogs to share a few of my favorites from this busy week!

ONE: My first Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season!

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that I could not pass up a pumpkin spice latte when I walked into the Target Starbucks at 8:00 PM on a Monday. Yes, I drank expresso at 8 PM, and no, I don't regret it for a second (it was only a "tall" size anyway...) I pretty much backflipped at how good it was and it just put me in such a good mood while perusing Target, carrying my MK purse and the coffee in one hand while trying to shove way too many items into my little shopping basket. I don't even know why I bother with a shopping basket, we all know a buggy (aka cart) is necessary in that store.

TWO: Fall Bunting projects are complete

I finished another Fall DIY project that I mentioned in my Fall Decor project roundup. The first project I crossed off the list was a Fall Wreath and since this week was busy, I decided to do the burlap bunting. It is super easy, cheap, and festive. What else can you ask for?!  Even more importantly, have you entered the GIVEAWAY for the Halloween burlap bunting?? If not, do it now! :) Winner will be announced on Labor Day (which is when I'm officially decorating for fall, I don't care if Charleston is still 90 degrees!)

THREE: Ruby's new ID Tag from the Etsy shop Aaronalbrecht

I can't believe how good she was posing for this picture! haha

For last week's link up, I shared my favorite pet items of Etsy and this is one of them! How cute is that!? I love the pink color and although its bigger than the ID tag Ruby is used to, she doesn't seem to notice her new one! You can still use the coupon code sweetruby for 10% off one of these babies and another fabulous Etsy seller Suzaluna is offering 20% off items like the personalized dog bowl with the coupon code LUNA20. Don't forget to check out these items and maybe pick them up for your pup or as a gift for a dog lover!

FOUR: Progress on Anniversary Trip to Europe

We decided on the official dates for our trip to Italy and Paris, France! Yay! And I realized its only about 6 months away so we think we'll probably have to purchase our plane tickets soon. If any of you have been to Rome, Florence, Siena, Tuscany, Venice, or Paris, I'll take all the recommendations for hotels and restaurants I can get! I'm already on the market for the perfect cross-body handbag that can hold my big girl, DSLR camera that Santa is hopefully bringing me!

FIVE: Last weekend before football officially begins!

I wanted to get a bit more creative with this chalkboard design but it just wasn't possible because we were trying to fit both of our teams' schedules on there.. oh well! I love football season, probably because it reminds me of the fall (yes, more fall-talk!), but it also takes me back to when I went to all of the Gator games in college and I miss it so much! Now I dress a little nicer for games (Florida is not like the other SEC schools that dress to the hilt for games in 100 degree weather... we're known for our jean shorts, or "jorts," if you will) and can't drink as much beer, but I'm okay with that. haha! Next week I'm going to share some fun ideas for tailgating no matter what team you're cheering for, so stay tuned! :)

Anyone else excited for football? What are your favorite teams? Or have a favorite fall coffee flavor or beer I should try? I hope you all have a great weekend! xoxo!


  1. Nooooo! I am so jealous of your Starbucks! My Starbucks made it very clear that we will be getting no Pumpkin drinks until next week!

    1. Oh geez, that is lame of them! I've heard others in Florida who can't get pumpkin lattes yet either, but at least it will taste really good when you can get one! :)

  2. So jealous of your trip to Europe! My husband and I are hoping to do a big trip to Italy and/or Greece sometime in the next few years :)
    Stopping by from today's link up!

    1. Oh Greece is on our list too, it looks so gorgeous! We've never been to Europe so we're trying to get knock out a few places on our bucket list before kids come along! Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Love your football chalkboard!!! We are huge steelers fans too {all of my family is from Pittsburgh!} but you can keep your gators ;)

    1. Thanks Sam! Glad to have another Steeler fan around the blogosphere! :) I'm kind of worried about them this season so lets cross our fingers Big Ben can get something done!

  4. I love your pooch! My husband and I went to Europe in May for our 5th wedding anniversary (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary). I liked up this week!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

    1. Thanks Ashley! Wow that sounds like an amazing anniversary trip!! Germany and the Czech Republic are definitely on my list, it's so hard to narrow it down! Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. LOVE your chalkboard schedule. We need to step our game up (we have a print out on the fridge). Super cute idea!

    1. Thank you!! I'm sure it will be changed when I get the urge to write something about Halloween or Fall, but for now we plan on marking the wins and losses to keep track!

  6. OMG, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are out and I didn't know?! AGHHHH! Thank you! I can't wait for fall and football! My favorite fall beer is the Pumpkin Ale by Blue Moon. Delicious! Have a great weekend!

    1. haha I've heard the pumpkin lattes aren't available in some places, but hopefully you'll be lucky to get one this week! I LOVE the Blue Moon Pumpkin Ale!! I tried Pumpkick this weekend and Blue Moon definitely kicked it's butt! :)

  7. Oh my goodness! That chalk board schedule is awesome, I have an old window that I usually put quotes on but I think I may have to put our football schedules on now!


    1. Thank you Kristen! I love that old window idea, that is probably so cute! I like it because we can keep track of wins and losses, but if we have too many losses I can just erase the whole thing haha!

  8. Found your blog through the 5 on friday - love your fall decorations! So excited for football, although I am a canes fan :)

    1. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by!! Canes fans are still welcome here, I almost went there for college! :) We play you guys in 2 weeks.. eeks!

  9. Love the football sign! I am SOOO jealous that your Target has pumpkin spice lattes already. I've been to Target three times this week (don't judge) and they don't have theirs yet!

    1. No judgement here, if I lived closer to Target I'd totally be the same way! :) Hopefully you'll be able to get a pumpkin latte this week since we're almost in September!

  10. Found you on the link-up!! I didn't know they already came out with pumpkin spice lattes!! And so jealous you already did some fall projects, so cute!

    1. Thanks Chelsey! And thanks for stopping by! I got the easy projects out of the way this year, now I just have to wait a few more days to put them up!

  11. What the what, I can't type this fast enough! PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE'S are out now? I thought they didn't come out until September ;) Great bunting too, love :) Anddd I got married in Positano, been to Italy a few times - Rome, Siena, Cortona, Capri, Naples, Sorrento & we did Paris, which I love :) You will have such an amazing time!

    IG: megawat

    1. haha Thanks Megan! Apparently only some Starbucks have the pumpkin spice available, hopefully one by you does! I've heard so many people talk about Positano, maybe we need to be making a stop there!

  12. I am SO ready for the fall drinks at Starbucks to come back here in California. AND I'm ready for cold weather. SO jealous that you got to have a pumpkin spice latte!

    I'm definitely adding a fall bunting DIY to the list this year. What a great idea! Plus, it's SO easy.

    1. At least you don't have the humidity in Cali, right? Its been so gross here, so I'm with on you wanting colder weather! Definitely try the bunting, its so easy and you can change it up and stencil words or something on it if you want some more to it! :)

  13. Ahh I love pumpkin spice latte's!! So happy to hear they're back! Good job with the bunting! I wish I was as crafty! And Ruby is so cute with her new name tag. My dog Pixie runs away as soon as I take the camera out, it drives me crazy!

    1. Thanks Ally! I honestly think if you have a glue gun anyone could make the bunting, you can't really mess it up! Hopefully you entered the giveaway if you're not up for it, maybe you can win one! :) That is so funny about Pixie, Ruby seems to be the opposite... she's always photo-bombing pictures haha!

  14. That trip sounds amazing! AND I love your football schedule sign, what a great idea!

    1. Thanks Libby! We've never been to Europe so we're really looking forward to it!

  15. Ahh so jealous of your big trip!! And I think I am the only blogger without a vein for football!

    1. I think the football thing is all about where you grew up or what your parents watch! We're born and bread Steelers fans where I'm from! haha :)

  16. The Europe trip sounds amazing! My husband and I were just talking about trying to plan a fun trip like that! And the bunting, so cute, can't wait to start fall decorating! :-)

    1. Thank you! We've been talking for years about a trip to Europe so we're finally doing it, there is just so much to plan! Hopefully you guys can go on one too!

  17. WHAT? Starbucks has Pumpkin Spice Lattes already? Running there tomorrow!

    1. haha yes, but only some! Hopefully you were able to get one! :)

  18. My husband and I went to Italy for our honeymoon in April! Specifically Venice, Florence, Naples, Positano, and Rome. It was amazing! Incan definitely give you a few recommendations!

    1. Ah that sounds amazing and so romantic for a Honeymoon!! I think I'll definitely have to pick your brain for recs! :)

  19. yay for pumpkin spice lattes! it really is the best time of the year. i love your comment about the "jorts"... they're a gainesville staple! go gators!!!

    1. So glad someone else understands the jorts! I'm not even embarrassed about rocking them still, although some of the Carolina girls here are totally judging! haha!


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