Christmas in Charleston

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas! Ours here in Charleston was very laid back, exactly what we needed after lots of traveling with this giant baby bump of mine. There wasn't any dressing up for Christmas dinner... just sweats, Christmas cookies, and Home Alone on repeat.

Christmas was a little surreal this year. This whole pregnancy, I've been thinking we had until Christmas before we had to really start building baby swings, learning how to use the car seat, and finishing the nursery. And now the final month is here.. whoa!

I'm also feeling very big all of a sudden.... like, "this kid might come next month kind of big." (Or maybe it's just the cookies I've been eating... hard to tell.) But the thought of having our little man crawling around next Christmas is just unreal and so exciting!

These two and Rowan are absolutely the best Christmas gift I could ask for. I'm not sure how I got so lucky to have them in my life but I thank God every single night. 

We were lucky to have both of our parents visit but on Christmas day it was just us. Though I missed all of our traditions in Pittsburgh, we took full advantage of the beautiful weather and decided to explore downtown. I could honestly walk around the streets south of Broad for hours, the houses are so beautiful!

Yep, I'll take this one.

Ruby did so well walking around with us, I think its safe to say her little bionic knees are feeling good!

I mean, so gorgeous right?! We found quite a few houses during our walk that we'd love to buy... so if anyone has a couple million sitting around that you'd like to share, that would be great. K, thanks. :)


  1. aww gah I bet Charleston is so pretty during the Christmas season!! Sounds like yall had a nice & relaxing Christmas!!

  2. I know those houses are redic. But think about their insurance! Loving near the water and they're 100's of years old, no thanks!! Theo has gotten me thinking about that stuff lately! Let's plan to do a food tour soon, maybe Saturday what do you think?

  3. Oh my gosh those houses are beautiful. If you find an extra million - in addition to the one for you - I'll be your neighbor. :) Isn't it so exciting to think what next Christmas will be like with a baby?! I can't wait. Glad you had a good Christmas lady!

  4. im glad you had a good christmas! im surprised we didn't run into eachother downtown :) and SOOO excited for you!! Rowan will be here soo soon :) :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. Looks like a lovely Christmas. Those houses are gorgeous!

  6. Oh goodness...I want all those houses. They're perfect!!!

  7. I love Charleston. It feels like you have gone out of the country when you go there. Glad you had a happy Christmas!

  8. I just love Charleston especially at Christmas! Even though I've been hundreds of times, I still love walking around looking at all the beautiful homes!

  9. Geez, those houses are beautiful! Okay, so this is awful of me... but I have lived in SC my whole life and never explored Charleston. I think I'll be adding this to my To Do list for this year!

  10. Gorgeous! Having a little one next year will definitely add a whole other element to the holidays. I can't wait either.

  11. Glad you all had a great Christmas. I think Ruby picked out your new digs ;)

  12. Looks like a beautiful Christmas! Love Ruby! Come link up today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Aw little Ruby in the city :)

  14. The weather looks SO beautiful! A relaxing Christmas sounds perfect - PJs and Christmas cookies are where it's at :) So glad Ruby is doing better, hoping 2015 is a bit better for her!

  15. Sounds like the perfect low key Christmas. Charleston is so gorgeous- I'm always so jealous of your weather when it gets freezing here


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