Oh, hey Friday!

Y'all, this week wore.me.out. I didn't mean to take a mini-break from blogging but when work gets crazy and my to-do list gets of out of control, blogging sadly takes a backseat. I've also learned that at almost 20 weeks pregnant, its really tough to be as productive as you'd like.

Anyway, much more exciting Fall news around here, so lets get to it! Linking up as usual with Lauren and Amanda.

Good news is, pumpkins are out in South Carolina! I haven't purchased any yet because I like getting them at the Farmer's Market, but I was that nerd who snapped this picture out of pure excitement.

Favorite new Fall Outfit

Scarf. Jeans. Vest.
I've crossed into the maternity jeans threshold, so don't mind the elastic waist here. I'm loving this combo and can't wait to wear it this Fall! It's getting cooler here at night but sadly I don't think I'll be able to rock this until October at least. 

Favorite Splurge vs. Save deal

Is it just me or is everything you have on your "must have for Fall" list on sale right now?! (Side note, other people have those lists... right?) Anyway I'm excited about this throw, which looks exactly like the West Elm Tassel Throw ($69 full price) but I snagged it for $30 at TJ Maxx.

It's a light blue-ish silver color, which clearly didn't photograph well. I'm excited to put it on the rocker in Rowan's nursery! Anyone have any good "splurge versus save" finds lately?

Favorite Pumpkin Find

My friend snapped this picture for me and obviously I have to make a trip to Trader Joe's for these pumpkin macarons now! Has anyone had them? I love TJ's vanilla and chocolate macarons so hoping these live up to my expectations.

And finally, my favorite part of this post. This weekend my husband and I celebrate 7 years together! (Yes we still remember the day we started dating!)

We look like babies! This is one of my favorite photos of us and we just happen to be in a bar. So classy. We're celebrating by finally finishing our DIY projects (hope to share those next week, you may get a sneak peak this weekend at Rowan's dresser!)

I hope you all have a fabulous Fall-ish weekend!


  1. I am in Florida and during the day it is definitely NOT Fall weather, but at night and early morning, it's been cooler, so I'll take it. I need to get to TJ's for the macaroons! Have a great weekend!

  2. You know, I've never had a macaroon? I totally want to try one I've just never had the chance!

    That fall outfit is amazing. I want to wear it! Maternity pants included because elastic waistbands are a gift from heaven.

  3. I love that you celebrate when you started dating - those anniversaries are just as important in my book!!! Loving your fall outfit - hope the weather cools off for you!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Oh my gosh I LOVE that fall outfit!! Too cute! And my husband and I also celebrate our dating anniversary! We actually put a little more emphasis on that one than we do our wedding anniversary just because of all we had to go through to start dating! <3 happy friday!

  5. yahh! im so glad that it's cooling down! I finally got to wear leggings outside last night. congrats on your dating anniversary (not weird at all btw, our is in may!) have a great weekend! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. I totally remember our dating anniversary. I remember the day we met too! Love that fall outfit. Sadly you won't need a puffer vest till at least October but you can always wear a scarf anytime. Tons of stores are selling mums too and I'm dying to buy some but then I remember last year and how they died days after buying them because of the heat!

  7. Cute fall outfit. Love the scarf! It's so fun seeing pumpkins out!

  8. Hooray! Cute outfit but yes it might be a bit before you can bust that out. I am curious about thos Macarons!

  9. I keep looking at pumpkins when I go to the grocery store. Since I have a house this year instead of an apartment I might make J come over & carve them with me.

  10. Love your fall outfit! We've picked up one little pumpkin for Miller but haven't gone full blown fall yet. Our morning and nights are cool but it's still getting up to the 80s during the day.

  11. Pumpkin macarons?! Amazing! I'll be hitting up Trader Joe's tomorrow so I will definitely be seeking out these sweet treats!

  12. Wow! Pumpkin macaroons! I will be checking these out for sure!!

  13. Oh my gosh, that fall outfit! SO perfect! I loved my maternity jeans and wore them post-baby until they were falling off. I've been shying away from the pumpkin lately (shock). I just keep thinking that the original, pumpkin-free versions of everything taste better (but hoping that's not true for your macarons!).

  14. LOVE that scarf. I'm so ready for sweater weather, and I'm pretty pumped it's around 80 today...even if it's raining, haha. Those pumpkin macarons also look to die for!

  15. Your fall outfit is perfect and looks so cozy!! All it needs is a Starbucks :)


  16. 7 years?! So awesome!! And I think now I need to make a special trip to Trader Joe's for the macaroons :)

    Happy Friday!

  17. This whole post is the best -- nothing better than a good pumpkin, sweater, or coffee :) Love the fall!

  18. VERY jealous of your Zara scarf!! And those macarons look amazing!!!

  19. Pumpkin macarons?! Yes, please!! Those sound amazing! Yay for 7 years, hope you two are having a wonderful weekend! :)

  20. How are you liking the Gap maternity jeans? I think I may have to purchase some. I got a pair from Destination Maternity that I've been wearing a lot, but need a lighter wash pair too I think. Pumpkin maccarons? Sign me up! Can't wait to see your progress on the nursery! Happy 7 years to you and your love!!

  21. Aww happy anniversary! LOVE your Zara scarf and your puffy vest. It's still so hot here... no scarves for me for awhile!!

    <3, Pamela


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