18 Weeks

How far along: 18 weeks

Size of Baby: Sweet Potato

Gender: all boy!

Best moment this week: Feeling Rowan move! I can't detect actual kicks yet but Monday night it felt like he was just bouncing around in there and Steve actually felt my stomach moving with it! Obviously he can't feel it as much as I can yet, but I was so glad he experienced Rowan's acrobatics already.

Also I really feel like I look pregnant now. I seem to be carrying low, not sure if that's because of my pre-preggo chub or what. ha!

Weight gain: +8 lbs. Eek! I know this is good but it feels really funny sitting on the couch and having the food you missed with your mouth fall on your belly.

Maternity clothes: Still in regular clothes but I stocked up on some Gap maternity shirts during the Labor Day sales. (Side eye to the rouching on maternity clothes...not a fan, even though I know wearing them is inevitable). Also in the process of searching for the perfect full panel jean so I don't feel like a total chubalub in my regular pants.

Stretch marks: None yet!

Belly button in or out: In, looking kind of cavernous already

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Sleep: Getting better! My bumpnest is so comfy but I do have to switch sides a lot.

Miss anything: Wine, hoagies (bonus points if you call them hoagies too!)

Movement: I think I felt flutters on the plane to Chicago but since then it mostly feels like little nudges. I have to really focus to notice it, and sometimes I forget to breathe because I'm trying to stay still to feel him!

Cravings: Sweet and/or sour gummy candy, Orange Juice in unusually large amounts 

Symptoms: The good news is my cold went away but I have a feeling a stuffy nose and sore throat might linger the rest of the pregnancy. Also I'm pretty much hungry all.of.the.time.

Nursery: I'm working on a nursery inspiration post but for now you can see some of my ideas here! I'm currently struggling to pick out the wall color, there are so many shades of grey. (Insert husband's joke: "would you say there are about 50?") I'd really like our rocker to be grey but I feel like none of these shades work together!

We also picked up a dresser for the nursery this week! It looks like like this but with three drawers. It needs some TLC but I'm happy with the size. We're planning to paint it and keep the original hardware so I'm excited to see how it comes out!

Looking forward to: More movements and our 20 week ultrasound! I also want to finally commit to some monogrammed clothes. If I can't buy headbands and bows, he might as well look adorable and Southern in his jon jons!


  1. you look great!!! hope you are feeling great too!

  2. Oooh, I love the grey shades! We just did our living room in a gray. You look so great!

  3. So cute! You look amazing. Our house is all SW Repose Grey to give you an idea and we love it!!

  4. you look great Caitlyn!! It's kinda crazy how many shades of gray there are but it's great that you already found your rocker so at least you know what you're working with. Im excited for our dinner date tonight :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. Love that little bump you're sporting!! Happy to hear your back to sleeping better now!

  6. I'm 23 weeks pregnant and so far Target Liz Lange bootcut jeans have been the best! They still have actual pockets, most just have "faux" ones.

  7. We went with the Benjamin Moore paint as PB kids suggests...it was one of those greys! and it was very pretty! definitely a touch of color without being too dark.

    Also, I splurged on 1 really nice pair of maternity jeans....Hudson's. I found them at Destination Maternity (they have the "motherhood" side and then the "a pea in the pod" side). Well worth the $$$- I figure, they were an investment- i'll wear them for #2... and I wore them for a little while after baby....until I could reasonably fit into my regular jeans.

  8. Yay! Your little bump is so cute! I'm seriously loving the gray idea and I really don't think you can go wrong mixing shades of gray! Can't wait to see your nursery!

    <3, Pamela

  9. Haha oh Steve. Can't wait for baby to try the magicalness (should be a real word) that is Indaco tonight! :)

  10. Looking Good! Love the grey and dresser you've picked out. Can't wait to see it all put together.

  11. I can't even imagine how awesome it must be to feel him!!

  12. Awwwww so cute!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. Looking good, momma!!! And I'm loving the gray inspiration!


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