Friday Favorites

So thankful we're heading into another weekend! We've got a big to-do list this weekend, most of which includes DIY projects and busting out some more Fall decor. It's been cooling down in the morning and evening which is such a welcome change around here!

Without further ado, I'm linking up again with Amanda and Lauren for my favorites from the week!

Favorite Fall Purchase (so far)

Zara Checked Soft Scarf
Just ordered this gorgeous, oversized scarf for Fall and I cannot wait to pair it with this pretty vest in white! Zara had a similar one last year (see here) that sold out really quickly so my guess is this one might too. I'm thinking this will be perfect for our maternity photos in November!

Favorite Sound

That little heartbeat at my OB appointment this week! We get to do a 2D + 3D ultrasound for our 20-week appointment, so excited to see how much he has grown! It must be a lot, or else mama is eating way too many red gummy bears.

Favorite Girls Night

This week I joined some of my favorites (Ally, Shelby, + Jillian) for dinner at Indaco and ice cream at Jeni's (SO good!). I love that we're all about trying every restaurant in Charleston! I have absolutely no problem stuffing my face with deliciousness alongside these ladies!

Favorite Weekend Project

Plans and Picture via Ana White
My husband agreed to make me this console table over the weekend! I've been wanting something larger for our entryway and this will be perfect to decorate for Fall. Hopefully all goes well and I can share the end result soon! Also hoping I can get a start on our dresser for the nursery... though I think that may be just a bit ambitious for one weekend...

Favorite Video

Loving this bit from Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show with Meghan Trainor. Because her song isn't catchy enough, Jimmy Fallon and the Roots added some classroom instruments to the mix. So great!

That's it for me this week, friends! I hope you all have a happy weekend!


  1. Yay for heartbeats & amazing fall outfits. And that table.. to die for!!

  2. Love that blanket scarf. I actually just bought the one that was so popular last year off of ebay! I can't wait to get it! ANd hearing baby's heartbeat is the best sound ever!! Happy weekend!

  3. Ana White plans are the best! Just be prepared to use a Kreg Jig a LOT and to make a ton of pocket holes. I love that table & I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  4. That console table is so cute! Can't wait to see how it turns out. :)

  5. Ooh can't wait to see the finished console table. I wish my hubs was that handy! Have a great weekend lady! PS Cute bump!

  6. Your baby's heartbeats are the best sound :) I loved hearing it at every ultrasound. You girls are too cute, glad you all are having fun and can't wait to see the way your table comes out - it's gorgeous!

  7. I loved hearing my babies heartbeats too - such a beautiful sound! So glad you girls are having fun trying all of the yummy restaurants! I can't wait to see the way your table comes out, it's gorgeous!! Have a great weekend!

  8. annnd that scarf is to die for!! Bring on Fall! Love the blogger meet-up/girls night and yay to that tiny heartbeat!!! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  9. OMG that table is gorgeous! Love it! And jealous of your blogger meet up! Fun!!

    <3, Pamela

  10. Zara always has fabulous scarves! And yay for your meetup. Sooo fun!

  11. Love that table! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  12. Looove that console table! If it turns out, you should definitely do a DIY post so I can have my husband copy it :) So happy the Zara scarf is back.. I was kicking myself for not getting it last year. Happy Friday!

  13. That scarf is perfect!!! I've past my vest phase and have moved on to beanies and scarves would think that I'm trying to imply that people who live in California need to be that bundled up ;)

  14. Hah that was so great with Megan and Jimmy. I don't know why I held my to-go box like that? Like thinking if I held it out of some imaginary box the guy wouldn't see it in the picture? Wine thinking. Love your new scarf and I'm sure Steve is going to kill the console table challenge!

  15. Love love loving that wooden table...can't wait to see how it turns out! And the sound of your babe's heartbeat is the best!!

  16. Love that scarf and the console table. Can't wait to see the finished piece!

  17. I live in scarves during the fall, and that vest will look adorable with your cute new purchase! How great that your hubby is making that table! Its awesome!

  18. You ladies all look so wonderful - so jealous you all live so close! Love your new scarf and can't wait to see what the console table looks like!! Have a great weekend!

  19. LOVE that console table - can't wait to see how it turns out!!

  20. I have a thing for scarves this season... This one is beautiful. And that console table is amazing! Lucky you for a handy husband. I will have to watch that clip ASAP!

  21. Love the plaid scarf - perfect for the upcoming season!

  22. That's smart to buy that scarf now. You know it'll sell out fast. I can't wait to see the finished console table. He needs to come over here and build one for us too!

  23. Hearing that baby's heartbeat is the best! I can't believe your husband is so handy, I'm super jealous. That scarf looks cozy and perfect for winter.


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