20 Weeks

How far along: 20 weeks.. halfway!

Size of Baby: a Banana! We'll find out exact measurements this morning at our ultrasound.

Gender: Boy

Best moment this week: Making some nursery progress and feeling lots of kicks from our little man! Also loved our girl's night yesterday, trying to get as much time in as I can with these lovely ladies before the babe comes!

Someone remind me not to stand at that angle ever again for the next 4 months...

Weight gain: +10 so far... Whoa baby!

Maternity clothes: I'm all about the maternity jeans now. I wear a few Old Navy and H&M maternity tees but for the most part I'm still rocking my regular shirts. So excited for Fall plaids, leggings, and vests!

Stretch marks: None yet!

Belly button in or out: In and cavernous

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Sleep: Not so good lately. Leg cramps are no joke! The other day my sweet husband pushed my back to help me get out of bed. Little does he know that will become a normal occurrence in the coming weeks!

Miss anything: Most definitely Pumpkin and Oktoberfest bee. Oh, and wine. Do I see a theme here?

Movement: Lots of movement and loving it! The other day Rowan moved around for about 10 minutes before giving me a stiff arm and staying like that for a few hours. It felt so weird, he was definitely pushing directly on some other organ of mine.

Cravings: Halloween candy

Symptoms: Stuffy nose, back ache, and getting tired out really quickly

Nursery: Technically the room is a hot mess. We're participating in a neighborhood-wide garage sale this weekend (yay for getting rid of clutter!) so all of the sale items are stored in there right now.

I mentioned yesterday the dresser is almost done, so ready to get organizing! We also got our crib in the mail and tested two paint colors: Benjamin Moore Grey Owl and Wickham Grey. I think I'm leaning towards Grey Owl but both colors are really nice for a nursery.

Looking forward to: Our 20-week ultrasound today! So excited to see this little babe in 3D again! I saw some of our old baby pictures and it makes me so excited to see which one of us Rowan will look like, or if he'll be a good mix of both of us like I am with my parents. We know he'll definitely have this smile...

Most photogenic toddlers of 1990.


  1. Aww loving reading about your progress! You seriously don't look like you've gained 10 lbs, you're still so tiny!! Can't wait to see the nursery progress!

    <3, Pamela

  2. This toddler pics are precious! Have fun at your ultrasound :)

  3. Blogger meetup... SO fun! Love your bump pic. Too cute.

  4. Haha love the throwback pictures! Oh, the 90's :) Yay for being halfway!!

  5. Those toddler pictures are cracking me up! Your bump is so cute :)

  6. Aah I didn't know the name but LOVE IT. You are silly and look gorgeous at any angle. That is going to be one good looking kid with the two of you (grown up versions hah). XO

  7. Those toddler pics, too cute!! Woo hoo, half way!!

  8. Awww, how cute are your tot pics?! I love them.

  9. So cute!! Love those pictures from the 90s!! It's such a crazy thought thinking about what that baby in your tummy is going to look like! And then just wait till they come out...they change every day.

  10. Haha. Those last pictures of the two of you are amazing! I love that you have the same smile!!! And yeah, having your hubby assisting you up out of bed will be a VERY common occurrence. Happens every day at our house now. ;-)


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