Operation: Shorts Season

Notice I didn't say swimsuit season? Yeah, I think that goal might be further off than the shorts thing since I'm still going through my carb and sweets withdrawal after our trip. Baby steps, folks.

I am constantly in a cycle where I really love working out and go about 4-5 times a week, then I take a month off and lose whatever muscles and tone I previously gained.

So today I'm publicly challenging myself to try harder. Life gets busy (plus I'm really good at excuses) but I'm making myself a realistic workout schedule so I'm not a ball of insecurity when my thighs rub together in shorts, or worse, in a bathing suit. Ew. Damn you high school volleyball... I should have stayed in ballet.

I loathe running, even though it feels really good afterwards. I'm also not into cardio classes, though I do love a good Barre or Yoga class. I'm thinking of trying something similar to this Elite Body Trainer or maybe paying some attention to my fitness board again.

Anyone else have the same workout habits? What helps you stay motivated? I need all the help I can get right now, tonight's workout is going to be rough.


  1. I have no tips because I'm in the same situation was you. I hate working out!! I am going to be doing yoga again today if I ever get my butt off the couch! Speaking of shorts, we're going to Madewell next Sunday and getting a new pair!

  2. I am the same way! I secretly loathe people who love to work out. Mostly because I wish i was one of them!

  3. My wedding is in less than 2 months and I literally have done nothing. It's a problem. What am I thinking?!? Wedding + Shorts + Honeymoon = Hope get your crap together!

  4. I used to run but I can't get into it anymore and it isnt fun for me -- so I take a bunch of different classes every week: tone up (free weights with an instructor), pilates, yoga, barre and a core class that uses a foam roller. luckily all of these classes (except for barre) are in my office gym so there is no excuse for me not to go. it's a great break in my day and i've noticed results after a few months of class. it's really nice to feel STRONG again! good luck! just find something you love doing :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. I despise running, but I do enjoy cardio and weightlifting classes at the gym. The hardest part is making myself get there. I am the queen of excuses, also. Luckily, this warmer weather has motivated me...probably because I'm realizing that I'll be in a bikini way too soon.

  6. Ugg I hate running and I hate exercising and I hate dieting. I need this shirt lol

  7. I swear the best way to get toned shorts legs is to do the 30 days squats challenge. It works!! And your upper legs and thighs will look amazing. I only wish I'd done it longer than 30 days to keep the shaping ha.

  8. I don't really like running all that much either. I have done it before, but it's not my favorite. One thing that got me really excited and even had me looking forward to working out was when I participated in work out classes. It was more motivating and fun than just going to the gym or running. My favorite was Zumba - it goes so quickly, is fun, and does not feel like a work out, but man is it ever! Yoga, pilates, and cycling classes were pretty fun too. I've never done barre before but have heard it's amazing! If I could I would join a gym just to go to the classes. Good luck!

  9. I'm training for a 5k and was running last night, I'm really not a runner either. While running I was thinking about how I really dislike it haha. Some people love it, it's like a therapy. For me, that's bootcamp class. I actually love it. Find what you truly love, it makes all the difference!

  10. Have you tried spinning? I am an obsessive spinner (4-5 times a week for the past two and a half years) and I LOVE IT! I hate running, too, and spin is the only cardio I can stick with. It does take a few classes to get over the "oh my God, I want to die, will anyone notice if I just leave" feeling, but once you make it through that the endorphin rush is like nothing else!

  11. Girly I am the EXACT same way! I get really into it for a few months, then something side tracks me and before I know it, 3 weeks have gone by without seeing the gym. My recent attempt at a personal trainer didn't work out so well monetary wise, so I am trying a different route hoping it works out. I give you kuddos for always trying no matter how long it's been ;) Here's to shorts season my friend!

  12. My husband and I are a week into P90X3 and mannnnn it's a workout!

  13. I need to get motivated too. I bought the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD a couple weeks ago and I have been loving it. It's a 20 minute workout that I can do at home and it's hits everything--strength, cardio, and abs. I also need to get out and start running. Once I do it, I feel so much better!

  14. Ughhh I have the exact same habits. I go strong for a few weeks and then SOMETHING happens. I get sick. The baby gets sick. We go out of town. And just those few days off turn into a week, and then another, and another until I've been off for longer than I was on. Still don't have a solution. Though I am digging T25, since it's only 25 minutes and you see results pretty quickly.

  15. Love this post. It was very open and honest, and I appreciate that! I'm actually trying my first barre class next week! I am horrible at staying motivated.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  16. Not sure if you can wing it, but when I worked from home I went to the gym and got my workout {or at least the cardio} in at lunch. For me personally, I have far more energy mid-day than at night and I'm SO not a AM person so forget that. The other tip is to get a partner...aka your hubby or Ally {she is so not going to appreciate me volunteering her} ; ) It really helps bc I find when I'm feeling like slacking off my hubby is motivated and vice versa. Accountability is important. Good luck! Oh, and I don't ever think there was a time my thighs didn't touch...


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