Five on Friday

Hallelujah, it's Friday! Honestly I thought this week was never going to end!

As usual, I'm linking up with Christina and crew for Five on Friday!

ONE. Nate Berkus for Target

Loving these Nate Berkus stapler and scissors that I picked up from Target this week! Actually Target is killing it in the home decor department too, I can't come up with an excuse to buy any of it but I still love looking!

TWO. Google Chromecast + House of Cards

Y'all I know I'm behind the times on the House of Cards thing, but we just got Google Chromecast so we can watch Netflix on our living room TV and its so good! I don't know if its because I work in the political field or because Kevin Spacey is a badass but I could have watched every episode last night! I also recommend Google Chromecast if your TV doesn't have WiFi. You can use your phone as a remote!


This was just one of those weeks where I could not get a big ole glass of wine in my hands soon enough. Anyone else have those weeks?! We found out Ruby tore her ACL (on the other knee that wasn't already having problems) so the poor little thing just can't catch a break. We'll of course do anything we have to do to keep her out of pain and be herself again, but that means surgery next week.

FOUR. Farmer's Market and 2nd Sunday on King Street

Mansions near the Battery
This weekend is the opening of the Farmer's Market, which always reminds me of summer so I'm really excited! I'm also hoping to make it down to King Street in downtown Charleston for 2nd Sunday with Ally. They close off busy King Street so its pedestrian only, so we can safely go from one store to the next without dodging traffic and enjoy some outdoor seating for brunch!

FIVE. The Weekend

So looking forward to regrouping and catching up this weekend with my favorite things like sleep and blogging! Thank goodness things will slow down a bit next week for us. The blog kind of got pushed to the back burner this week but I promise I've got some good stuff coming up!

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Anyone have big plans?!


  1. We'll have to go to the Farmer's Market one Saturday. Poor Ruby hope she isn't in too much pain! That's got to be so hard seeing your child hurt!

  2. Nate Berkus has the prettiest things for Target - love it all! I hope Ruby is ok and I so need to visit Charleston someday, it looks so gorgeous!

  3. What a pretty planner! And yay for farmers markets! So summery.

  4. Poor Ruby :( :( :( And I'm right there with ya, with the big glass of wine.

  5. You just might be my hero, I never really have a legitimate reason to buy half the stuff I bring home from Target, yet I buy it anyway, ha. Props to you being able to just look. ; ) So jealous your farmers market is open already! Ours doesn't open until May. So sorry to hear about little Ruby, wishing her a quick recovery. Have a great weekend!

  6. My 65 pound lab had knee surgery this past August...the recovery is certainly not fun, more so for the human than the puppy, but we have moved on and he is doing great! Hope she recovers quickly!!

    1. Thank you so much, that is so good to hear!! I know we've all got a couple difficult weeks ahead but its makes me feel so much better hearing that your pup is doing so well! Much appreciated!!

  7. I have never been in the Charleston area but those homes and the area looks beautiful!

  8. That's awesome that they shut down King Street! That would be so nice, ha!

  9. Google Chromecast is the best thing ever. Obsessed!
    Farmer's markets also remind me that summer is approaching, one of my favorite things to do on the weekends.

  10. I wish we had a nice farmers market nearby! I would be there as much as possible!

  11. Target, ah. That picture makes my heart happy! Poor Ruby, hope she can soon catch a break! Enjoy your weekend :)

  12. ooo farmers markets are so fun :) enjoy it!
    i need to start watching house of cards! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  13. oh, I love a good Farmer's Market! :) I wish we had one nearby.

  14. Poor Ruby!!!! I hope she gets better soon...I'm a wreck when Bella isn't feeling well. :(

  15. I am so sad to hear about Ruby :( Do you have pet insurance? We do with Finn but I think it's not very expensive because he is a mutt. Hopefully we never have to use it!

  16. Those Target finds are amazing girlfriend!!! Poor Ruby...bless her pup heart. Thinking of y'all. Xx.

  17. Maybe I shouldn't have been so upset my students broke my third stapler because now, I can go out and buy that adorable new one at Target. And probably 500 other things I don't need from Target. That's just how it always goes, right? Have a great weekend!

  18. Gold office supplies = AMAZING. So sorry about poor little Ruby's injury! Glad you have hopped on the HOC train. Have a great weekend :)

  19. ahh poor ruby! and a glass of wine is a must some days i will drink to that for sure!

  20. Poor Ruby! I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery!

  21. I'm also behind on the House of Cards wagon, but it really is soo good! Also, super jealous of the Farmer's Market. I went to the Charleston City Market in March and it was amazing! Soo cannot wait to call that place home. xoxo have a GREAT weekend, love!

    1. Thanks so much Alyssa! The Charleston City Market is awesome, but you'll love the Farmer's Market down there in Marion Square. So many good food vendors and goodies to look at!

  22. Target is just so full of fabulousness! Loving everything in that first pic!! Hope you have a lovely weekend ...& that Ruby is doing much better soon!! xo

  23. Love that planner!! And yay for the farmers market... Love fresh flowers and veggies :) :)

  24. we are loving House of Cards too!

  25. I am SO pumped the farmers market is back! Time to stock up on cheap(er) rewined candles, fresh pasta and get a breakfast crepe!

  26. house of cards is one of the best thing that happened to TV ever... Happy monday!


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