Easter Weekend Recap

Is it just me or does anyone else need another day off after this weekend?! I'm moving slow today so I'm just going to do a quick recap of our lazy weekend!

Unfortunately our weekend consisted of non-stop rain so our Easter picnic plans had to be cancelled. I decided to make my Mom's delicious brown sugar and pineapple ham for dinner and I have to say I'm pretty proud of how my first ham came out. We also had some white chocolate covered popcorn for dessert while watching half of House of Cards season 2.


Excuse the ugly red, black and blue colors. This is what happens when you're in yoga pants all day and have no one to impress with your table setting skills.

With Ruby still on the mend, we all tried to make up for the lack of sleep we've had over the past week. We have to be really careful that she doesn't lick her incision or sit on her leg wrong since her mobility is limited, so every time she moves in her crate both of us wake up and make sure she is okay. I can only imagine what it will be like when we have a kid!

Poor pup cuddled in like this for most of Sunday
The good news is she is getting better every day. The bad news is she knows we are hiding her medication in food manages to spit it out every.single.time. She also creepily stares at us at night, probably plotting against us for keeping her in the crate rather than on the bed at night. Spoiled!

It was so nice having nothing to do this past weekend, but I did miss our families and wish we had more energy to go out and about. Here's hoping this week goes by fast! I hope you all had a great Easter!


  1. Your food looks so delicious. We thoroughly enjoyed our 3 days at home, we got so much done! We had gorgeous weather but are getting some nasty rain now. Sweet little Ruby, glad she is feeling better :)

  2. I'm with you, I could use a 3 day weekend every weekend. I did not do enough "nothing" this weekend so I'm already counting down til Friday. Home your sweet pup gets better fast!

  3. im glad your pup is getting better!!
    the ham looks SO good! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. That pic of Ruby makes my heart hurt - poor little bug but so glad to hear she is on the mend! I am def in need of a break but back to work I go! Have a great week!

  5. I find the easiest way to get medicine in Finn's mouth (because he too spits it out). I open his mouth and put it as far back in his throat that I can. Then I shut his mouth and rub his throat, followed by a treat. Poor little Rubster I hope she mends quickly.

  6. So glad sweet Ruby is on the mend!! And your ham is impressive, girlfriend - looks delicious!!

  7. Poor baby!! She looks so sad! :( That ham looks delicious good job! Let's plan to go to Red's this weekend since this weather will be great. Theo won't be able to play golf for awhile he broke his finger so the boys can come too!

  8. Glad Ruby is on the mend. The first week is the hardest for sure!

  9. Love your hydrangeas and that sweet ruby is on the mend!

  10. yay for Ruby getting better! those flowers are gorgeous, and all that food is making me hungry!

  11. I'm glad Ruby is getting better! I was prepared to fight with our pup and medication, but he LOVES it... any kind which is so weird LOL


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