Five on Friday

We made it to the weekend! I'm keeping it short and sweet this morning with my usual link up with Christina and crew for Five on Friday.

 ONE. Chocolate.

If you haven't heard of Sarris Chocolate, this is going to change your life. It's really famous chocolate (in the Pittsburgh area) and its so delicious I cannot keep my hands off of those Peanut Butter Meltaways. My mom sent us some for Easter... the meltaways also come in the form of a giant peanut butter-filled egg. Don't judge. The good news is you can order online!

Side note, anyone else still get an Easter basket (or box in my case) from your momma at age 28? Mom's are the best.

TWO. Herbs.

I love cooking with fresh herbs so I decided to try my hand at growing some in our back patio area this year. I'm not known for having a green thumb, so we'll see how this goes! I've got parsley, basil, cilantro, and rosemary. It smells so good!

THREE. Easter Sale. 

I don't have a lot of Easter decor for around the house so when I saw this felt wreath at Target I knew I had to get it on sale after the holiday. Sure enough, it was half off this week! Sad that it's going straight into storage but it will still be pretty next year!

FOUR. New Blog Header.

Anyone notice the new blog header? I thought it was time for a mini-blog facelift. I've got some other plans in the works so stay tuned!

FIVE. Weekend Plans.

Anyone have fun plans for the weekend? I think Ruby has the right idea (she gets her staples out this morning. Yay!) I plan on doing some of this in the gorgeous 88 degree weather we're supposed to have this weekend! I don't know about you but I'm really hoping to get something I can call a tan, my makeup doesn't match my face anymore... 

I hope you all have a fab weekend!


  1. Love that herb planter! And your new header is lovely!

  2. love the clean blog look. i wrote about herbs/gardening today too. i hope i can get my act together. found you via the linkup. new reader!

  3. Love the cute new blog header! :) I'm going to do the same thing with herbs once I pick a place for them! Happiest of weekends to you all!! xoxo

  4. Love the new look, so impressed w. people that can DIY blog designs! That pic of Ruby is so sweet, so glad she's feeling better. Have a great weekend! : )

  5. i love that you planted your herbs in a window box! I never thought to do that. Looks great!

  6. Yay for Easter Baskets from Moms! That was on my five today too! Happy Friday! :)

    1. Ah Moms are great, aren't they!? :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  7. Love that your growing herbs!! One day i really want to do that. Fresh and so conviniant.

  8. Great new header -- and I really want to try my hand at a small herb garden... Is it too late in the season to start?

  9. ummm chocolate yum! now i want some. lol

  10. I so wish I had the space to grow my own herbs - I'm sure it makes your dishes that much more delicious!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Your new header looks great! Your herbs are looking good too girl :) If I give you my address and send you some moolah can you hook a sister up on some chocolate?? Just teasing, sounds delish! Have a good weekend!

  12. Sarris Pretzels are amazing! I have a friend who is from Pittsburgh who introduced them to me. :) Glad Ruby is on the mend!

    1. Yay I'm so glad someone else understands how good they are! :) And thanks for the kind words about Ruby!

  13. Sarris candies?! Are you from the 'Burgh AND you live in Charleston? We are long lost sisters. :) We lived in the 'Burgh for 6 six years and my friend's family owns Sarris.

    1. Yes ma'am!! What a coincidence!! The Sarris family is so great, they give back so much so I never feel bad about overpaying for their delicious chocolate.. haha!

  14. that chocolate sounds SO good! ive never had it before but i am sure it is delicious! (especially with peanut butter!!) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. Oh Ruby, melt my heart why don't ya! Girl, we planted two boxes of fresh herbs and lost one to April frost.... I wish you much luck!

  16. love your little herb garden! adorable.

  17. Love the header! I'm impressed you're doing the herb garden. I bought a basil plant and put it in a big Mason jar on the porch; that counts, right? I want to try cilantro now thanks to you! Have a great weekend lady :)

  18. Loving the new blog header! Looks like Ruby and I have the same plans for the weekend :)

  19. YAY for fresh herbs. It makes cooking so much more fun. Happy Friday :)

  20. You will love having fresh basil and cilantro around! I picked up a couple pots this week too. And I always stock the post-holiday sales for next year's decorations. Love the new header too! Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you!! And you're so right, they are growing like crazy and I love having them around for whatever I'm cooking! :)

  21. So glad Ruby is feeling better and enjoying the sunshine! I'll be on the look out for that chocolate. Sounds amazing!

  22. I love that you are brave enough to try growing your own herbs! I totally considered it this season but wimped out - I'm afraid I'll kill them!

    1. Oh my gosh, mine are growing so much already! Did you try starting with the plants or seeds? Mine were plants.. so much easier as long as they get enough sun!

  23. Ruby's idea for the win! Sunbathing pups are the best! :)
    And yay for the herbs growing! Cannot wait to move in so we can get our garden started! xx

  24. I love Sarris chocolate covered pretzels.

    1. Yay! I knew there had to be others out there that would understand how good they are! haha :)

  25. We lived in Pittsburgh for a long time. Sarris' candies are the best. I found your blog via the link up. I am also in Charleston! :)

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by!! Such a small world that you are in Charleston and lived in the Burgh! We should get together sometime!

  26. I think I need to try those peanut butter meltaways, they sound delicious! My mom totally gave my husband and I Easter baskets this year and we are's great :)

  27. Aren't Moms the best?! haha I didn't even realize chocolate as my number one makes me look like a total sweet tooth, but I suppose that is okay with me :) Checking your blog out now!

  28. Awwww sweet Ruby. Glad she is on the mend and enjoying some sunshine :)

  29. Oh man that chocolate looks delicious! I love the idea of a herb planter.

  30. You've definitely sold me on the chocolate (not that it's very hard to do)! Love your little herb garden, I'm hoping to do that as well when we get out of the city. It's amazing how much fresh herbs can improve a dish. Happy Monday!


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