Friday Five

So happy it's Friday! Unfortunately I'm not one of those lucky people with today off from work, so I'll be that person staring at the clock every 10 minutes or so, wishing the day away until its acceptable to have a cocktail. Anyone else with me?!

As usual, I'm linking up with Christina and crew for a quick Five on Friday post!

ONE. Rose Cupcakes with Almond Frosting.

I've been craving anything lemon-flavored this Spring, so I decided to make lemon cupcakes this week. It's just a box mix, but I did put in the effort for some Almond Vanilla frosting. I've basically been eating these every day. I mean, who doesn't love cupcakes for breakfast?!

The icing recipe goes like this: 2 sticks of softened butter whipped for a few minutes, 4.5 cups powdered sugar added gradually, a tablespoon of vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon of almond extract (or a little less, almond flavor is strong). Whip for 5 minutes and pipe onto cupcake. Side note, do these look like roses? I tried.

TWO. Blooms. 

Chalkboard Inspiration.

My sweet husband brought home some of my favorite flowers this week! Here's hoping I can keep them alive for a few days!

THREE. Spring clothes. 

Cutaway Top
Is anyone else obsessed with all the pretty spring clothes coming out? There are so many sales lately, I honestly can't help it if this shirt (and a few others) find their way into my shopping bag for purchase. Also, if J. Crew could just send on over all of their new arrivals (Factory items included), I'd greatly appreciate it. K, thanks!

FOUR. Brunch.

I mentioned this week that we'll be picnicking for Easter since we're so far from our families, but I'm also throwing in brunch plans tomorrow after seeing this Banana Bread French Toast recipe or maybe some french toast sticks. If you can't tell, french toast is my jam!

FIVE. Easter weekend. 

Free chalkboard printable
Whether you're celebrating Easter or not, I hope you have a fabulous weekend and are able to soak up lots of Spring weather and family time!


  1. Lemon cupcakes sound perfect right about now. And I love that chalkboard print too.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh my goodness... Those cupcakes! Yum! Happy long weekend!

  3. Just found your blog through the linkup. I'm J.Crew obsessed as well.. sorry you have to work today, but have a great weekend!


  4. Those cupcakes are gorgeous! Please share your how-to! They are perfect!!!

    1. Thank you! I'm going to try to put together a tutorial soon! :)

  5. those cupcakes are AMAZING!!!! too pretty to eat!!!!!!! happy easter, friend! xo

  6. I am stuck at work today too but those cupcakes sure did put a smile on my face - Happy Easter Love!

  7. YUM to those cupcakes and loving your blooms and that cute cutaway top!

  8. I'm at work as well!!! Love the flowers - they're my favorite too!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. You did awesome with the icing on those cupcakes! I read somewhere yesterday that when your hydrangeas start to look sad, submerge them (flowers and all) in water for a few hours and it will bring them back to life. Hopefully it really works!

  10. What a 'beautiful' post- seriously, that is what comes to mind when I see this! I adore hydrangeas and just got one I need to put in a big planter. Those cupcakes are so pretty that I wouldn't be able to eat them!!

  11. oh good god i need those cupcakes in my belly, stat. have a fab weekend!

  12. ooo so many good things! i want that top :)
    have a happy easter! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  13. Those cupcakes look beautiful and so yummy!! I'm working today too :( I didn't even get to wear jeans because I have a meeting with a client. Boo! Happy Easter weekend...when we get there ;)

  14. pretty cupcakes! And what a fun idea to go on a picnic for Easter since you'll be away from family. We will be on our own this year too, so I've been trying to think of what we'll do... maybe a picnic :) Happy Easter!

  15. LOVE that green shirt!! And you need to post a how-to on your frosting - it looks amazing!!

  16. You somehow always make me crave cupcakes ;) Have a blessed and happy Easter!

  17. Between the cupcakes and the hydrangeas, I'm ready for spring!! Have a great Easter weekend!

  18. The icing does look like roses! I want to know what technique you used! I just put tulips and lilacs in the house this week. Happy Easter!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  19. Those cupcakes sound amazing!! Two of my favorite flavors too, almond and lemon!! Yum!!

  20. Those cupcakes are perfect! And I love hydrangeas. We've got a bush in our yard that I like to cut off of. Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  21. Cut the hydrangeas on an angle and make sure they always have plenty of water. I somehow can keep mine alive for weeks! Those cupcakes look yummy! Love that top!! Your brunch sounds delish!!

  22. Those cupcakes sound amazing!! Two of my favorite flavors too, almond and lemon!! Yum!!

    1. Thank you!! Its the first time I made that combination and I ate way too many :)

  23. Your roses look awesome! I took a cake decorating class a few years ago, and I can't wait for my little guy to be old enough to practice my skills on for birthday parties and such.

    Happy Easter!

    Elise @ Harvey Ever After

    1. Thank you!! I wish I had more reasons to bake too, I just send them to my husband's office. haha! Hope you had a great Easter!

  24. The flowers your husband got you are gorgeous!


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