Cupcakes 101

A couple weeks ago I shared my rose cupcakes and I got a lot of awesome feedback from y'all asking for a tutorial, so I thought I'd lump it into a Cupcakes 101 kind of thing. You know I like to share tutorials for first timers, like our DIY headboard, curtains, and other random craft projects. So this is for those of you who want to get more into baking or want to make prettier cupcakes!

I know it is much easier to buy frosting at the store but making your own frosting will step it up a notch if you're up for it. I fully support boxed cake mix though, especially when you're pressed for time. 

What you will need
  • Wilton Frosting Tips. I used the 2D and 1M tips the most so I recommend starting out with those two.
  • Disposable Pastry Bags. Filling the bag can get a little rogue, so don't bother with the reusable bags.
  • Large Scoop (Not pictured). Use a scoop for even batter distribution for your cupcakes.
  • Greaseproof Cupcake Liners (Not pictured). These aren't totally necessary, but they do look better after baking your cupcakes than standard liners.  

Start out with a good, pipable frosting. I like this basic vanilla buttercream frosting, but I've also made blueberry buttercream and vanilla-almond frosting.

The key is blending your butter long enough that the color lightens and it becomes fluffy (about 5 minutes). For most recipes you also need about 4 cups of confectioners sugar to get the right consistency for piping, so buy the big ass bag! I swear by my Kitchenaid Stand Mixer which helps making frosting much easier, but you could use a hand mixer too.

Preparing your pastry bag

You don't need to bother with a coupler, just cut the end of your pastry bag and and throw in the tip.

There are basically two easy ways to fill your pastry bag. The first is to put the bag, tip side down, into a cup and fold the bag over the edges of the cup before filling. I personally like to hold the tip in one hand and fold the piping bag over itself, towards my arm. 

Please excuse my manhand... I was in between manicures!

Once your bag is filled, try to eliminate any air pockets and twist the bag above the frosting.

Rose Cupcake Tutorial 

  1. Prepare your frosting in your pastry bag with the Wilton 2D, 1M, or 2C tip (I used the 1M above).
  2. Starting in the center, pipe just a little bit and stop. 
  3. Then in a circular, continuous motion, pipe the frosting around the center working toward the outside of the cupcake. Try to end on a downward angle so you don't notice where the icing ended. 
So easy! It does take a couple tries to get it right so that gives you an excuse to eat the ugly cupcakes!

And in case you're wondering why the heck I made blue roses.. it's because I also wanted to try this hydrangea cupcake tutorial. Here's how they came out!

I used the Wilton 2D nozzle for the hydrangeas.

The trickiest part of the hydrangea icing is getting the white frosting in the center of the blue frosting. Make sure to push some of the frosting out before working on your cupcake because the tip of mine was mostly just blue frosting at first. 

Whenever you screw up, just blend the frosting with your spatula and top with sprinkles!

If anyone has questions let me know! Now... who is in the mood for cupcakes?!


  1. Ok, these are adorable!! The hydrangea cupcake seriously looks amazing! I've never tried to use a frosting tip before but maybe I'll give it a shot... it can't turn out any worse than my usual iced cupcakes!

    <3, Pamela

  2. Those are beautiful cupcakes!! I love the different designs - especially the hydrangea ones!

  3. YUMMMMMMMMM! These look SO GOOD!

  4. Simply stunning! Can you send me one to Richmond?

  5. Thank you sooo much from posting this!

    ~Ashey @ A Cute Angle

  6. Those look so good! I completely agree with making your own icing, its so much better than the store-bought kind! I'm going to have to try both of those designs. How did you get the white in the center of the blue icing for those hydrangea cupcakes?

  7. OH MY GOODNESS.... You are ah-mazing and clearly need to open a business!! (hydrangea's are my fav in general so I adore these!)

  8. These are "almost" just too pretty to eat!

  9. You are so talented!!! They look amazing - and delicious!

  10. These are adorable and looks delicious. I love baking cupcakes, it's something I really enjoy too!

  11. I love everything about this post! you have totally mastered cupcakes. we should totally have a baking date. :)

  12. wow! im sooo impressed with your skills! pinning this so i can try this out sometime! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

    1. Thank you!! It just takes a couple practice cupcakes and you'll get the hang of it :)

  13. ps i am loving your new blog design!! xo

  14. Just by looking at these beauties you made me hungry lol

  15. I am taking the wilton cake decorating class at Michaels and this is one of the things we learn! I love your hydrangea one :)

    1. Thank you! I thought about taking that class too actually! Do you like it so far? I've mostly googled everything I want to learn but I think a class would be fun.

    2. Yes they are great! It's been great getting to know people in my class and I like the aspect of having a teacher to help. And to tell you if your icing is too thick (which was always the case for me haha)

  16. I already told you you need to go into business with your awesome cupcake making!

  17. so pretty! I love making cupcakes! If only I had an excuse to make them more often :) I am dying to try the hydrangea cupcakes! Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. Holy moly the flower cupcakes are seriously too pretty and perfect to eat! Great job, girl!

  19. ummm these look amazeballs. teach me your skills!

  20. Alright not kidding. I am so making cupcakes tonight!

  21. Ummmmm I am so impressed!!! Not only does those look beautiful but I'm sure delicious! I was cracking up over the man hand comments definitely dropped one of those lines today ;-)

  22. You have got some patience and artistic eye girl! These look great. I'm sure they taste equally delicious.

  23. These are SO adorable!!!! I plan on baking a bunch of cupcakes to practice these soon! Thanks for sharing, girlfriend!! Xo


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