Wednesday Confessions

I haven't done one of these posts in a while so here goes... I confess:

+ I'm slightly annoyed that Starbucks red cups are out. I feel like its too early... Thanksgiving needs some love too.

+ I have way too much fun organizing my planner.  Washi tape + Target dollar spot page flags for the win!

Sugar Paper Planner ($10 in Target!)

 + We have our maternity pictures this weekend and I have no idea what I'm wearing. I'm so over shopping online for maternity clothes and too cheap to splurge for faster shipping. Cue the ridiculous, hormonal tears.

+ Last week a lizard got into our house and Ruby chased it under the couch. Naturally I blocked it from getting out until Steve came home, attempted to make a trap, and tried to bait the lizard with chicken in said trap. Nailed it.

Actually, Ruby kept moving the trap to get to the chicken. And when Steve came home, the lizard disappeared. It's probably roaming the house right now plotting to scurry across my feet and cause me to lose my shit one of these days. Ew.

+ Speaking of Ruby, girlfriend broke her tooth which requires surgery to have it pulled. That's right, 3 surgeries in one year. Ok God- we get it.. you're preparing us for a baby!

+ The one thing I feel totally unprepared for is changing diapers. I've changed two in my lifetime and they were both girls, so I'm not sure what we're getting into with our little man but I fully expect to get peed on.

+ I miss wine. And cheese plates. I'm counting down the days until I can indulge in this deliciousness...

+ I have about 5435 to-do lists on my phone, one of which involves which cookies I want to bake this Christmas. This could be dangerous.

Anyone else with me?!


  1. That is hilarious about the lizzard under the couch! That would scare the crap out of me! I am with you about the diapers and the wine & cheese... I can't wait to enjoy a nice glass of wine with dinner again!

  2. You'll do fine with diapers! My husband and I hadn't changed diapers before our daughter was born and it wasn't nearly as difficult or bad as we were expecting.

  3. Sorry about Ruby's tooth! My dog had an abscess rupture under one of his teeth two weeks ago, so he went in for a dental last Monday so they could pull that one and another one with some decay while doing a cleaning. They ended up pulling TWELVE of his teeth because the decay was so bad under his gums. We brush his teeth regularly but I am still feeling like the worst dog mom ever! This is his second surgery in nine months so I feel you on that front lady! Good luck with your maternity pics, I am sure whatever you wear will be perfect :)

  4. I thought I was the only one that was afraid of diapers. I have changed less than 5 in my life so I am right there with you. I can only hope that when it is your child it just comes natural! Maybe there will be lessons in the hospital? :) Happy Wednesday Love!

  5. Oh my gosh I'm dying at your trap to block the lizard...I can't stand creepy crawly things so I feel your pain!! I've actually change a TON of diapers in my life, having two nieces and a nephew will do that so my advice is always have a little something covering his little area...although you already knew that!! You have to be quick like a ninja LOL!

  6. I'm with you on trying to find maternity clothes online. It's the worst!! I say splurge on something at Destination Maternity for your photos :) You'll look great no matter what you wear though! I have only ever changed one diaper in my life as well. I'm not worried, but I fully expect to be peed on as well. haha.

  7. oh poor Ruby girl....and I am totally feeling you on the to do to do lists have to lists of their own!!! Ugh! Oh and speaking from experience (of being an Auntie of course) newborn diapers are nothing....wait till they are eating real food. Those are the ones to be afraid of! xoxo

  8. Oh my gosh, I don't think I'd be able to sleep until the lizard was caught!! Fingers crossed it somehow got out of the house! And this may be a terrible idea haha but you could always buy a couple outfits for your photos and then return them... it's not like they are going to get too dirty or anything! I'm such a bad person!

  9. I just got a new planner so I will be doing the same as you! I love the washi tape in it!

  10. Haha awesome lizard trap. Changing boy diapers isn't that different from girls (just block the little guy from aiming with the diaper as soon as you get it under his butt haha.

  11. The lizard trap! That is exactly what I would do... How CUTE are those page flags, I want, I need!

  12. Ugh, I hate those lizards! They get in our house ALL THE TIME here in S. Florida! Check out Loft - they have maternity (I just found out on Sunday) and I went nuts on there! I actually got their final sale and additional 60% off (now I think its 40%). Also, don't drive yourself nuts, EAT THE CHEESE! As long as it's pasteurized, you're fine! Ask you doctor, they will probably tell you same (or at least that's what mine said...) The issue is that in the past many soft cheeses were not pasteurized, so they can put you at risk for food poisoning. But nowadays, I think it's hard to find cheese NOT pasteurized! I'm 19 wks along...and eating cheese the whole time. :)

  13. You're a step ahead of me because I've NEVER changed a diaper. My poor children are screwed!

  14. omg you and that couch set up to trap the lizard is hilarious! glad you were able to find the Sugar planners at your Target! :)

  15. Hahaha I would have done the same thing with the lizard!! Don't worry about the diapers you'll get the hang of it and yes you will probably get peed on a lot in the beginning :) I forgot about that part and got peed on at least 3 times in the hospital. It gets better as they get older

  16. You know Pixie would of had that lizard dead before I even saw it! I love that you set up a trap! That's hysterical! Lizards don't bother me but roaches, now that's a different story!

  17. I agree with you on the red cups! I feel like they should have waited until after Thanksgiving. And the lizard trap is hilarious! Very smart though!!

    <3, Pamela

  18. I am literally dying over your homemade trap and couch bumpers! Great idea! hahaha Damn lizard! Love the planner too- I'm the same way!

  19. Oh how good is planner organising! I'm currently researching the one I want for next year. So many decisions haha

  20. Found you through Jillian's blog. When I had my son I had NEVER changed a baby diaper ever. In the hospital my husband changed all the diapers. We get home and the VERY FIRST diaper I changed, I got peed on...not just a little, but a LOT. I laughed and felt like I had just been inducted into the boy mom club. Boy diapers are WAY easier to change than girl diapers, IMO. Coming from someone with one of each. Good luck!

  21. I love how you organized your planner with the tape! Creative and I'm saving this for later :)


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