26 Weeks

Love this comfy henley tee!

How far along: 26 weeks

Size of Baby: An eggplant

Gender: all blue!

Best moment this week: Getting the glucose test over with (fruit punch really wasn't that bad.. I kind of chugged it), prenatal yoga, and a much needed pedicure! The days of painting my own nails are behind me already.

Weight gain: +18 lbs. total. Too much candy!

Maternity clothes: Definitely all-in on the maternity jeans front and I've been layering maternity tanks under regular shirts. Sadly some of my sweaters won't work out this year since they are short on my belly so I'm on the hunt for non-maternity pieces, like cardigans, that will work post-baby.

Stretch marks: None yet

Belly button in or out: In but getting flatter by the day

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Sleep: Getting better finally! Despite 2-3 pee breaks each night, I'm able to fall back asleep faster without as much tossing and turning. Still loving my bump nest!

Miss anything: Not worrying about every.single.thing and some down time would be great. I feel like we're so busy lately and its a little overwhelming!

Movement: Some days he kicks away and other days he is more calm and I only feel small movements. Of course I get nervous on the days he isn't as active, but my OB says that's normal.

Cravings: Sweet tea.. which is so random for how cold its been

Symptoms: Besides being an emotional train wreck... some round ligament pains and indigestion but nothing major!

Nursery: Suddenly it feels like we're moving at a glacial pace. There hasn't been time to work on the DIY baby mobile and other little projects. Also I'm so indecisive now that its time to pick out a crib skirt, curtains, things to put on the walls, etc. Major first world problems here.

Looking forward to: So much to look forward to this month! Thanksgiving, trips to see family, my baby shower, and maternity photos top the list!


  1. Looking good mama! Glad to hear you've been feeling well mostly. November is going to be a huge month for you guys!

  2. So cute!! You'll be in that 3rd trimester before you know it!!

  3. In love with that bump girl and way to go with the pedicure treat! I'm fearing the point when shaving, painting nails, etc. gets tough! haha Looking forward to more nursery previews!

  4. You look great! Such a cute little bump! I bet you wouldn't even be able to tell you were pregnant from behind! You'll get the nursery put together with plenty of time! Can't wait to see it!

    <3, Pamela

  5. Looking great mama!!! Try to enjoy the down time when you can! I'm not even pregnant and November is going to be a crazy month!

  6. You look great!! You've got plenty of time to finish the nursery!

  7. Can't wait to see that cute bump in person this afternoon! :)

  8. This month is going to be so fun for you all!

  9. Looking good momma!! I definitely feel you on feeling like there's no time to get stuff done for baby. It's tough! Hang in there :)

  10. I love this website for room planning: http://planner.roomsketcher.com/
    It has a ton of furniture (even Ikea products!) and accessories that you can stick in your virtual room to plan out your nursery. It lets you choose paint colours, curtains, flooring options, shelves, etc. And best part = free!
    I have used it to plan out several rooms in my house and I find that it's so nice to have a visual before you dive in.

  11. I can't imagine how emotional one can be with all those extra hormones on board! You look so great girl!


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