"Surviving" the First Year of Marriage

Today I'm guest posting over at Lavender and Light for Kristan's 'Love, Inspired' series, so make sure you hop on over there and check it out! With Valentine's Day and our one year anniversary coming up, I shared some of my "keys to survival" for your first year of marriage! Hint: It's not super sappy! You know that isn't how I roll (most of the time). 

Thanks again for asking me to help with your series, Kristan!


  1. I've nominated you for the Leibster award over on my blog today! I hope you'll consider accepting and passing it on!

    Caitlin C

  2. Hey lady! I loved your post and can't thank you enough for joining up with me! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

  3. Can't wait to go see what you have to say!


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