Weekend in Photos

Confession: I intended to do a fun Christmas craft this weekend and share it with you today, but my to-do list was exceptionally long and it got pushed back. More on that later!

This weekend we did some Christmas shopping, took Ruby into downtown Charleston to walk around and take photos, picked up some pralines to take home to my family, and ran so many errands that I totally tired myself out. Also I may or may not have crashed last night from a sugar high. Not sure if those pralines will last.

I also made some progress on the master bedroom, which I've been redoing for ummm 4 months? Wow I'm slow. Fingers crossed I'll be able to share the final product in a week or two!

The weather here this weekend had a bit of an identity crisis and we went back into what felt like late-summer mode. I refused to wear shorts but my Floridian husband was all about it with his flip flops.

I mean, how gorgeous are those colors?! You know I'm counting down the days until Christmas but I don't mind if these leaves want to hang around just a little longer!

Was anyone else productive this weekend? Get some Christmas shopping done or preparing for guests next week?


  1. Oh my gosh, how perfectly Fall-y do your photos look? I'm in Florida, and it's HOT!

  2. Gorgeous photos...I love the changing of the leaves.. we don't get that in Florida!

  3. These photos are gorgeous!! We had the crazy weather change in Texas, too, but I'm hopeful that more fall-like temps will return before Thanksgiving. :)

  4. Those are some awesome pictures of our beautiful city! Do not feel bad about not having your master bedroom put together after 4 months. We have been in our house for 3 years and the master is the last on our to-do list. :(

  5. absolutely beautiful pictures (and PRECIOUS pup pic), lady! xx

  6. I had every intention of completing TWO crafts on my list and I'm pretty sure I didn't lift a finger this weekend! -Your pictures make me so excited for May- Hubs and I are staying on King Street for 2 nights before heading to a friends wedding in Florida and we are so pumped!

    1. Sometimes we need those kinds of weekends, right?! You will have a great time in Charleston, its so charming :) Let me know if you want some restaurant recommendations or anything!!

  7. so jealous of your foliage, but I can't wait for Christmas!!

  8. Beautiful pictures! I have always wanted to visit Charleston, and hopefully sometime soon! Fall is my favorite time of year, and I totally love looking at all of the beautiful foliage. Unfortunately most of ours is gone thanks to a couple of big storms these last few weeks, but the leaves are still pretty on the ground. Can't wait to see your Christmas craft. I haven't completed a craft in forever, so I need a good craft idea to jump start Christmas :)

  9. GREAT photos!
    FYI - giveaway at my blog

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  10. I love these photos AND Charleston! We haven't been down in a while, maybe it's time to plan a trip :) I love seeing master bedroom/bath renovations so I'm looking forward to yours! We've been in our home for a little over a year and a half and I'm with Megan... it's the last thing on our list. Lastly, the weather needs make up it's mind! 70* today and 50* tomorrow here in Charlotte!

    1. Thanks Samantha! You should definitely come visit!! Avoid the hot summer though :) I'm glad I'm not the only slow one with redecorating! I can't make decisions and I'm cheap.. haha bad combo!

  11. Look at you rocking that new camera! We've got rain coming our way tomorrow and our dry state of California needs it!

  12. What a beautiful weekend!!! You captured Fall just right ;)

  13. Your new camera takes such great pics! That first pic looks like Charleston actually changes for each season! Ha! The cold weather needs to hurry up and come back!!

  14. Looks like you're getting a lot of use out of that new camera!!!

  15. Wow! It looks like you had an absolutely gorgeous weekend. I'm pretty jealous! ;-)

  16. I love Charleston! Such beautiful photographs! Thank you for this post!


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