Gift Guide: 5 Favorites for Him + Her

This week has been so crazy busy, I can't believe it's already Friday! Between work, packing, running errands, and decorating for Christmas, I'm really looking forward to a whole week off next week! Don't worry, I'll still be blogging!

As I write this I can see our ridiculous stash of things we're putting in our little car, and hoping it will all fit. I really think I need to reevaluate the term "packing light" before our Europe trip.

Caught her red handed trying to steal my socks!

It's looking like Sunday is going to be a bitter 28 degrees for a high.... I'll probably regret complaining about the heat here when I'm freezing my ass off and refusing to leave the house! That's where the wine and fireplace come in, I suppose. And the sweatpants.... because in reality, that's what I'll be wearing 90% of the time.

Since I've got Christmas on the brain (and I'm thinking most of you do too), I'm linking up again with Christina, April, Darci, and Natasha to share my five favorite items for "his and her" Christmas gifts! I've already gotten my camera for an early present so I don't actually expect to get any of these items, but if we had a money tree, this is what else I'd be asking for! Also make sure to check out my Pinterest board for more gifting ideas, I'll be adding to it while I'm bored out of my mind singing along with Christmas music on the road!

And for the guys...

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and are gearing up for lots of eating and family time next week like we are!


  1. I love that mug and purse!!! So pretty! Have a good one :)

  2. I love the sweater and bag! These are some great ideas for the men in your life too! Look at Ruby trying to steal socks!

  3. oh my gosh stop. that is the CUTEST pup packing pic ever. bless. i've already scrolled back up to look at it more than once. SO CUTE!!!! so excited for yall's trip!!! xx

  4. I've come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as packing lightly for a girl. Every time I pack I fail big time!! Love your boards! Happy Friday!

  5. I really want to get that sweater for Cameron. Those always look hot on guys! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  6. That handbag is so. dang. perfect. I wish I had some sort of style sense! Oh, and that pup packing picture is pretty much exactly what my pets always do ;)

    I'm your newest follower...happy weekend!

  7. How fun!! Great wishlists! -enjoy your weekend! (and week off! -we have wed-fri off so at least a SHORT week) :)

  8. Europe? Say WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? That's awesome. Have a great time!

  9. Love, love the jewelry box!

    And your sweet Ruby is such a dolly helping you pack!! :)

    BY the way, totes jelly of your Europe trip...!!

  10. Ooo... I love your gift ideas - espcially that sweater! :-)

  11. LOVE that necklace!! I too struggle with the packing "light"

  12. My Europe packing looked a lot like that too - haha! I was able to scale down a little by wearing basics such as black tees more than once (we stayed in apartments so had a washer/dryer) and switching up a scarf etc. At least those don't weigh much! Have a great weekend! :)

  13. Love that jewelry box!! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!


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