It's that kind of week...

Every once and a while I do something dumb and I file it in my memory bank so I (might) not do it again. This week, I've done some dumb things so instead of letting all of them go, I'm calling myself out on them.

This post isn't going to have many photos, but feel feel free to laugh with me and agree at the high level of dumbness. (Is that even a word?) This post also kind of reminds me of a book I saw recently called First World Problems.

Today I'm feeling good and I think I'll be productive, but it's just been one of those weeks!

1. Dinner last night: Yesterday was a cold-ish fall day and I got totally amped at the thought of having my mom's chili and homemade mashed potatoes for dinner with the hubs. So I got in the car during my lunch break and picked up all the ingredients at the grocery store. In an unusual fashion, I made everything before my husband got home so he could have dinner waiting for him and I could win the "Wife of the Year" award. Okay, maybe just wife of the day?

Well, after 6 years of dating and 6 months of wedded bliss, I forgot that my husband doesn't like chili. FAIL. On top of that, he came home with a new vacuum.

You win, husband. Now my fat ass gets to eat a gallon of chili for the next week. At least I have a new vacuum that doesn't spit the dirt back out at me to help work off some of those calories.

2. Another food failure. I dumped a whole bag of Stacy's Pita Chips on my lap. Yes, a WHOLE bag. You know when you try to catch it as it falls and you make matters worse? And yes, I ate some of them off of my lap... after dipping them in hummus. Don't judge.

3. Vitamins and my inability to swallow them. This week I'm trying to get back into a workout/healthy eating routine (we'll come back to this) so today I tried to get back into taking my multivitamins. After 15 minutes and 2 glasses of water, I threw the half-disintegrated vitamin away while gagging at the taste and texture in my mouth. I thought, someone else has to have problems swallowing these gigantic pills, right? Apparently I'm not alone... One-a-Day makes "petites" and I'm totally buying them. I also contemplated chewable Flinstones but thought I'd give the petites a try first...

4. The sewing machine that hates me. I'm trying SO hard to make some progress on our master bedroom (if you remember, I told you here how it takes me forever to make decisions). Unfortunately my mom's sewing machine is being a little bia. Note I'm blaming the machine, not the user. Cue my hissy fit. "All I want to do is make my euro shams and everything keeps working against me!"- Me, right before yelling at my husband for telling me to take a deep breath. God I love him for putting up with my craziness.

Don't worry, I'm determined to get said shams completed and share the progress with you this week! (I know you've all been waiting on pins and needles for an update...)

5. Working out begins again this week... or not. Made a whole workout sched, put it on my massive to-do list, and then found other more important things to do like watch movies, search the internet for lamps, and write more to-do lists.

So far I'm 0 and 5 here folks. Someone get me a cocktail. Oh wait... I already ate seven four pudding shots.

Anyone else feeling a little defeated this week? Or just feeling intimidated by your to-do list like me?

On a good note, both the hubs and I got approval from our bosses for our one year anniversary Europe trip. Buying tickets to make it official today... OMG!


  1. Have you tried the gummy vitatmins yet?! I have the same problem as you and am now addicted to my vitamins!

    1. Thank you SO much for the gummy vitamins recommendation, how did I not know about these until now?!

  2. Gummy vitamins!!! that is the answer! soooo jealous of the europe trip, and soooo been there on the pita chips. xoxo

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, gummies are so much easier!! So glad I'm not the only one with the chips... haha! xo

  3. Hi Ruby,
    HAHA, I had a good laugh about your husband not liking chili. My fiance hates cheese! I have never met anyone who hates cheese, which puts so many meals off the menu...arggh.
    About the vitamins, I hate taking and most leave nasty after tastes or make your stomach upset. I like to drink Vitamin water, because it's water with B vitamins. B vitamins are great for the skin, immune system and brain. Hope that helps.

    xoxo, Jess

    1. He hates cheese? How is that possible! haha! I've never tried vitamin water but that you so much for recommending it, I'll definitely check it out!!

  4. oh, your plans to work out sound just like mine do, there are always way more important things to do, like you said. The chili cracks me up. My hubby hates chili too, so no matter how much I want to make some I never do because I won't eat a whole pot by myself! At least you know what you'll be having for lunch this week, right? :)

  5. Oh, I would be so happy if I had that much chili leftovers. PLEASE share your recipe :)

  6. haha who doesn't like chili?! So exciting you are going to Europe!!

  7. Yay for booking your trip! :) So exciting! And yes, gummy vitamins are the answer. I only work out once a week and try to plan for more but it rarely happens.

  8. Get Costco's gummy vitamins! I make stuff especially sweets all the time and then by the time it's done realize I'm the only one who's going to be eating this because my husband doesn't like sweets! I feel ya on the work out plans. I even bought a new work out DVD over a month ago and still haven't used it! Ugh!! Look on the bright side you get to go to Europe!

  9. It took me a while to learn to swallow my horse-pill of a vitamin. I still gag. Keep us posted on the Euro Sham progress--I need to make some as well, and I've been putting it off!!

    1. I've always had problems taking pills, I feel so silly when I can't take them! Glad I'm not the only one! Euro shams are finally done, on today's (Thursday) post.. once I fixed my machine it took about an hour for 2 shams with zippers. Good luck with yours!!

  10. That vacuum is the It is seriously the best and one of my very favorite wedding gifts! Is that weird to have such a loving relationship with a vacuum? Anyway, it's awesome. You're going to love it!

    1. Yay I'm so glad to hear he got a good one!! Haha I was pretty excited about a vacuum too! Its so much smaller and easier to use than our old mammoth one. Do you think my husband was hinting I need to vacuum more? LOL!


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