Hellllo Friday

Friday could not have soon enough this week! Between attempting to work out again and fighting off a cold, its been a little exhausting around here! I'm hoping I can kick that cold out of my system this weekend with some excessive pumpkin beer drinking at a local brewhouse. That's always a good cure, right?

Of course I'm linking up again today with the fabulous ladies of Carolina Charm, A. Liz Adventures, the Good Life, and Hello Happiness for some Friday goodness!

ONE: Stellar Dance Moves

I was in the car this week and the radio stations were annoying me so I busted out my old collection of CDs from the glove compartment. Yes, you know those things called compact discs that came out eons ago? Well, I don't know when I went through the rap stage but the CD included "Get Low," "Snap Yo Fingers," and "This is Why I'm Hot" to name a few. Just so you know, I will forever dance like a fool when any and all of said musical selections are played. Here is a little idea at what my dance moves look like via one of an iphone at our wedding...  You're welcome.

TWO: Halloween Tombstones

We had some leftover plywood and my husband decided he wanted to use it to make some Halloween decor for the front yard. We settled on making tombstones. I didn't want responsibility for the project but I did help a little because he kept telling me that he is the "idea man" and I'm the "implementer." When he told me I couldn't put the Sanderson Sisters' names on the epitaph he was on his own. For two people that don't typically decorate for Halloween and are on a budget, its not too shabby.

THREE: Recent Purchases

I mentioned on Tuesday that I made some purchases with the Columbus Day sales, but the biggest (and smallest) purchases were flights! I used some rewards points combined with a Southwest sale and got a flight for $5 to DC in December. FIVE BUCKS! We also bought our flights to Europe and renewed our passports. Did you all know its $110 fee even for a renewal with your new last name? Boo.

Another purchase I'm planning:
Via TShirtMarket on Etsy
Loving pretty much everything about this tee! And I'm already getting into Christmas stuff even though I'm trying really hard to hold back!

FOUR: Healthy Habit Update

Last week you all talked me through my craziness when I couldn't swallow multivitamins and my workout plans failed. I am happy to report that I am eating my gummy vitamins, back to working out, and eating healthier... as in... less carbs. Success! I may or may not have wanted to puke on the treadmill the first and second day though. Anyone else trying to get back into healthy habits?

FIVE: Goodbye shorts, hello sweaters

Even though we have some days that are still a bit warm, I decided to unpack all of my sweaters and put away my summery shirts and shorts. I think I may have enough sweaters now, but just in case I'm really in the need for another, I've got this one with elbow pads on my Christmas list. Anyone else rotating your closet yet? Or am I behind on that one?!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Only one more of them in October after this!


  1. I've got that baseball tee on my list of Christmas purchases too!! So cute and cheap!! Happy Friday!

  2. That shirt is amazing, I MUST HAVE IT NOW!!!!!

    Love the cd pics, i listen to my old cds ALL the time and they make me so happy!

    $5 ticket to DC!?!? that's where I live :)!

    Stopping by from the link up!

  3. you and your hubs are so crafty! I love those tombstones! And so jealous of all your exciting travel plans!

  4. iiiii smiled really big when i saw that shirt. love that movie (and seriously the shirt is precious!)!! woopwoop for sweater weather. happy friday, girlie!


  5. ah, that shirt made me laugh. love it. it makes me think of "Home Alone" ... oh Christmas :)

  6. Awesome Christmas tee! Double awesome in fact.

  7. Love the halloween decor!
    Come link up with me and enter my giveaway from Wednesday!

  8. That shirt is AWESOME. It's definitely on my my "must buy" list!

    I just renewed my passport too with my new last name (hubs and I are planning a trip back to Europe too!) and was shocked it was $110!

    1. I just ordered mine this weekend, you should get one too! :) That is so exciting about your Europe trip, where are you guys going? I think passports were like $75 when I got mine initially... ugh deduct that from the trip budget!

  9. Ha! Your CD playlist made me laugh. Took me back to my freshman year of college. Anddddd now I feel old. Have a good weekend!!!

    1. haha I know, right? Get Low was during High School for me... eeks! It was funny listening to those songs though!

  10. The tombstones look great and I NEED that t-shirt!

  11. Ha, your dancemoves are awesome! The tombstones look great!

  12. oh my goodness, your tombstones look AWESOME! happy weekend sweet friend!

  13. I've also switched out my summer wardrobe for my winter one--with great reluctance and sadness! :P I'm a warm weather kind of girl.


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