Winter Favorites

Brrr! It's cold outside! I hope everyone has been able to stay warm and cozy the past two days...  I know our 18 degree low is nothing compared to the North and Midwest right now. My blood has certainly thinned since moving here but I still love these cold nights... they make for perfect cuddling!

The cold weather last night was the perfect excuse to lay on the couch, online shop (but not buy) on my iPad, and watch the Downton Abbey premiere and a slew of House Hunters on the DVR. If that evening isn't the epitome of laziness, I don't know what is. I successfully managed to cross nothing off of my to-do list.

I don't know if our overall tiredness is a result of taking down all of the pretty Christmas decor this weekend (and our house looking completely empty.. ugh!), the fact that we were so behind on rest the past two months that it finally caught up to us, or our out-of-shape bods getting a butt kicking at the gym. Probably all of the above. Let's hope its not a sign of getting sick!

Here are my go-to's this winter season... because hey, it does get cold here!

Down Vest (optional Monogram!): I'm loving my J. Crew herringbone vest this season, but I think I just found a new love... this vest is currently on sale and with a monogram, its just $30! I may or may not have to brake my "no spending" rule for this deal... sorry husband.

Pants. (Also loving these) Another reason to love working from home: its perfectly acceptable to wear these all day, every day.

Carmex Chapstick. I've tried tons of different chapsticks but for whatever reason, Carmex works the best!

Burt's Bees Hand Salve. I find myself using this a lot recently because my hands get so cold and cracked during Ruby's after-work walk! Even better get, get yourself the Tips and Toes kit, you'll be thanking me!

Five Crowns. This is one of my favorite card games to play on the fold out table while we lounge on the couch.  You can play it with two people but it gets really interesting with 4 or more.

If you have anything to add to my winter must-haves, I'd love to hear it! Also, anyone totally getting into Valentine's Day yet? Or just me?

Also I want to thank those of you who reached out on Friday with advice for our trip to Europe! I know I've said this before but I have the absolute sweetest readers!


  1. Theo and I are always looking for a new game to play I'll have to check that one out! You need to add a thick fur throw to that list! Especially after the temps today! Freezing!!

  2. Is it sad that I wish it was 18 degrees here. These -8 temps in Pittsburgh are not ok! But I agree these temps give us the perfect excuse to cuddle on the couch and catch up on shows and movies. Stay warm!!

  3. That card game looks fun. I am so cold today! I am such a wimp. Wine helps me stay warm!

  4. I'm excited for V-Day too but I wait until MLK weekend to put the decor up. I want to enjoy it but also like the house with no decor for a little after the holidays too!

    1. Yeah I'm holding off on the decor too, but I love seeing the red and pink in the stores already! :)

  5. I still haven't taken down our Christmas decorations yet...slacker alert! I also skipped the gym yesterday with the cold weather being my excuse. Double slacker alert! Atleast it's supposed to be in the 70's this weekend..

  6. Love that vest - perfect extra layer to throw on when you never know what the weather's going to do here!

  7. Those pants look so comfy! I might have to find me a pair. :)

  8. I reeeeeeally need that hand salve! My hands get so dry with this terrible cold weather! Stay warm!

  9. All this coldness is just ridiculous! See I gripe about home prices but then I remember our weather and I guess I can't complain too much!

  10. I live in the north so we all pretty much don't leave our homes in the winter and just stay inside hibernating - so I definitely need that card game because it gets pretty boring! I haven't really been thinking about Valentine's Day, BUT I did get a new dress from the Lilly sale yesterday with the idea that if we did anything I could wear it :P

    jess | Quaintrelle

  11. I don't know how I've never seen that had salve! Must get some of that on my hands, they are so cracked they bleed, nearly daily. I'm sure it's not healthy. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Do you work from home?! So jealous!!! However, I am wearing jeans and a crew neck tee and work so I guess I can't complain about "dressing up" too much haha. Winter would not be the same without ANY of these items..I am vest obsessed!

  13. I totally need to look into this game!!!!! xx

  14. That blanket looks so cozy! So do those pants!

  15. cold weather while warming up with downton abbey? Sounds perfect!!! Love that series! <3


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