
I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be taking a few days off to soak in as much family time as I can, eat as much pumpkin pie as possible, and celebrate with family and friends at my baby shower. Make sure to follow along on Instagram and Twitter to see what we're up to!

I'm so glad we'll be able to share our holiday with friends and family up North, though I have to say I definitely can't handle the cold these days. I packed every warm article of clothing that fits the bump, which isn't much at this point, so thank goodness for warm fires, hot chocolate, and cozy socks!

I'm also thankful for my husband and our little family. I can't help but get excited thinking about what our holidays will look like next year with Rowan. My heart is so full.

And while I'm thinking about all of the things I'm thankful for, I have to say thank you to all of you! I have loved having this little corner of the blogosphere. I have loved getting to know many of you, and I'm pretty sure we should hang out if any of you come to Charleston! :)

Now I'm off to start baking, make my Black Friday shopping list, and find some dealcoholized wine so I feel normal at the grown up table tomorrow! Cheers to the holiday season!


The Bump

Happy Monday, friends! We're on the road today so I thought it would be the perfect time to share our beautiful maternity photos, taken by Jodi of Tickled Blue Photography.

These photos were taken on probably the dreariest, coldest Fall day but Jodi worked her magic and we could not be happier with them! I don't know how she did it, but she managed to make two incredibly awkward people look good in front of a camera... I say "good" loosely because my hair could have cooperated a little bit more, but hey I'll take it.

Dear Rowan,
Your Daddy, Ruby and I have moved a lot in the past few years, but Charleston will always hold a special place in our hearts because this is where you are joining our lives. We have spent almost two years here now, our entire marriage, and it has been the happiest two years I can ever imagine.

We could not have been more excited to see those two little lines and the word "pregnant" on the (many) pregnancy tests I took, it didn't feel real at first. We thank God every day for you and ask that you continue to grow as you should, happy and healthy. We thought you were a boy from the start and were so happy to have it confirmed at 4 months. You're named after your Papa and your Great Grandpa "Chub," both amazing people who love you more than you know.

Over the past seven months we've prayed for you, prepared your nursery, heard your sweet little heartbeat, and felt your little (and big) kicks. So far you enjoy laying sideways in mama's belly, prime location for kicking my hip bone. I don't mind because those kicks are constant reminders of the blessing God has entrusted us with.

I can't help but worry and think about you at all times, but so far this pregnancy has been good to me. I went from having lots of food aversions to eating everything, but mostly carbs and sweets. I just have to make sure you like pizza and cupcakes as much as your Mommy and Daddy do.


I can't imagine a day without your Daddy by our side. He is the most loving and thoughtful person I know. He's patient, brave, and selfless. He can always make me laugh and has been by my side through even the worst of the pregnancy hormones. I hope you take after him, he will teach you so many things.

We promise to try our best at this parenting thing, but be patient with us because we have no clue what we're doing! Just know that we love you with all of our hearts and are so thankful that we'll have you in our arms in just a few months!




28 Weeks.. Hello Third Trimester!

How far along: 28 weeks... third trimester!

Size of Baby: An eggplant/head of cauliflower? (apps differ). Apparently he's almost 2.5 lbs and 16 inches long

Gender: all blue!

Best moment this week: Passing my glucose test was a definite plus and we had fun taking our maternity photos downtown! The photographer posted a sneak peak and I'm so excited to see the rest. We also have a 3D ultrasound scheduled tomorrow!

Weight gain: +22 lbs. Eek!

Maternity clothes: Fully committed to maternity jeans and leggings. I'm starting to wear more maternity shirts too because I don't look like I'm wearing either a kid's shirt or a tent.

And because some of you may be sick of seeing just the belly, here is one of the only photos documented in the past five years of  me with my hair pulled up, sans mascara. I'm only sharing this because if you're prego, you need this sweater! It comes in so many colors and it's super comfy!
Sweater (belt from another sweater). Scarf. Leggings.
Stretch marks: Still in the clear and loving my Mama Bee's Belly Butter

Belly button in or out: In and almost completely flat

Wedding Rings on or off: On but starting to fit a little tighter on some days. Stay away swelling!

Sleep: Much better! I'm really loving my bump nest now that I've got a bigger belly. Having the pillow support under the bump when I'm on my side is so much more comfortable.

Miss anything: Wine, toned thighs (and butt... see below), and the ability to sit up without my husband's assistance

Movement: Lots of big movements now and he definitely has more of a pattern. You can't make out little feet or elbows yet but when he kicks my whole stomach shifts and jumps. I could honestly watch him jump around in there for hours.

Also I think he likes Coldplay. I play it while I'm working and it seems like he always squirms around when I'm singing along. I'm sure it has nothing to do with my exceptional singing voice...

Cravings: Grape jelly, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting (I never liked that much chocolate before), and hot chocolate or apple cider 

Symptoms: Dealing with the prego hormones, an aching back, and occasional leg cramps. Can't really complain much though.. give me a couple weeks and see what I say then! 

Nursery: Unless you consider adding lots of cute hats and clothes to his closet progress, we've stalled a little on this front. We finally get to bring our rocker home next week.. yay! I'm hoping once we get that in the room I'll be able to commit to curtains, a crib skirt, and hang some bookshelves. Oh and that DIY mobile has been on my to-do list for weeks.

Looking forward to: Using the "I'm eating for two" excuse on Thanksgiving and wearing an elastic waistband to allow for at least 1 extra piece of my grandma's pumpkin pie. Also I'm so excited to see my friends and family at my baby shower. Everyone we love in one place, it doesn't get much better!

Looking back 10 weeks ago... I think there might be a little more junk in the trunk these days.


Hosting an Easy (& Fun) Thanksgiving + Link Up!

With just over a week until Thanksgiving I'm getting so excited to see all of our family in one place at one time! I love Christmas, but Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. You've got an excuse to eat like a pig, slip into a wine-induced coma, and put your feet up (after helping with dishes of course!). Either way, I'm just counting down the days until we get a house big enough to fill with all of our friends and family.

Holiday Linkup
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Holiday Linkup"><img src="" width="250" height="250" alt="Holiday Linkup" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Even though we haven't actually had Thanksgiving at our house, over the years I've helped my Mom host and filled my Mother-in-Law's shoes when she couldn't fly home in time to make Thanksgiving dinner (yes, I made every dish including the turkey that year!). So I think I've got a good game plan. If you're hosting for the first time or planning a Friendsgiving, here are some beginner tips for a fun and festive dinner, sans the stress!

background image {via}
ONE. Delegate
Don't be afraid to ask for help, assign some dishes to guests, or ask your sweet husband
to run out and grab that one ingredient you forgot. It's hard to delegate but totally necessary on a day like Thanksgiving!

TWO. Menu: Plan

This is pretty obvious but when you have a lot of people coming, you need to have enough food! I love this little chart for help. And personally I'm all about the side dishes and having lots of options, which is where #1 comes back into play. Don't forget the rolls... the more carbs, the better!

THREE. Menu: Turkey Do's + Don'ts

Do remember to thaw the turkey well in advance. Do baste the turkey often while cooking. Don't rely on the pop-up turkey timer. They don't always work correctly which can cause you to overcook your turkey. Get a good meat thermometer like this one.

FOUR. Menu: Pick Easy Recipes

Clearly my food photography skills were lacking, but this cornbread casserole is one of my most-pinned recipes!

Now is not the time to try that recipe with 30 different ingredients and even more steps that you found on Pinterest, I don't care how delicious it looks. One of my favorite recipes is my Cornbread Casserole. It's one of those "throw everything into a bowl, mix, then bake" kind of things, plus its absolutely delicious. I promise you will run of out this before the doggy bags even come out!

FIVE. Menu: Have a Selection

Yes that even includes white and red wines! You can't forget the pumpkin and apple pies but don't worry if you can't bake, scope out a good bakery beforehand to help you out.

SIX. Menu: Arrange a Bar Cart

Don't bother trying to get everyone's drinks for them. Set up a bar cart and let them work off those carbs they are about to eat. If you've got time, have some of this Apple Cinnamon Sangria at the ready!

SEVEN. Set the Table in Advance

Get your table ready the night before so you're not stressing as food is coming out of the oven. Not sure about centerpieces? When in doubt, light candles.

EIGHT. Be Classy, but Practical
We'd all love to have matching place settings with perfect chargers, napkins, and centerpieces, but sometimes that's a lot more effort and who really wants to help with dishes anyway?

Places like Party City and Sam's Club have "premium" plastic plates (hello pretty gold-rimmed version here) and you would never know looking at them that they are disposable! I'm not saying its for everyone, but if you'd rather curl up in your sweats with wine and play poker after dinner, this might be the way to go!

NINE. Have Doggy Bags at the Ready

Free Printable here
You probably won't have room for all the leftovers, nor will you want them after a couple of days eating the same 5 things. Have some to-go containers available (like these) and wrap with some bakers twine. Easy and adorable!

TEN. Enjoy it.
I know this seems obvious, but make sure you take some time to savor that red wine (if not for you, then me!) and be thankful for those you have in your life.

Is anyone hosting Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving?! What's on your menu?

Now it's your turn! Grab the button above, share your favorite Thanksgiving recipes, outfit inspiration, traditions, etc. and link up below. 


Weekend in Photos

It was so nice to have a weekend at home, which of course went by too fast as all weekends do. There is nothing better than sleeping, eating, and Scandal watching covered in a fortress of pillows and blankets on the couch.

We did manage to wear something other than pajamas this weekend, though. 

On Saturday we headed out to EVO for a quadruple date night with Ally, Shelby, Jillian, and our husbands. There were lots of laughs and drinks, including water for us pregos... we're so wild. Dinner was also complete with all of the guys sitting on one side of the table, speed dating style.

There was also a maternity clothing meltdown just in time for our maternity photos on Sunday. Luckily I managed to find the perfect sweater at Target and we headed downtown on a very dreary afternoon for our photos.

Our photographer promised she could edit the photos so the skies didn't look quite as depressing and I made her promise to do something with my frizzy hair. I can't wait to see them and order our Christmas cards!

It was pretty chilly by the end of our session, so we headed to Caviar and Bananas in the Old Market for a hot Apple Cider before heading back home to get back into our PJs.

We also nursed Ruby back to health again, after her surgery on Friday to pull a broken tooth. Luckily she is back to her usual crazy little self already which we are so happy about!

"You didn't need this pillow did you Mom?"
I didn't get around to my DIY projects so I'll be hauling ass this week on those. I'm also still in the process of taking down Halloween decor but I've officially decided to start transitioning to some of the Christmas decor. We won't be putting up our tree until after Thanksgiving (gotta draw the line somewhere) but some festive pillows, Pandora's Michael Buble holiday station, and an Evergreen-scented Yankee Candle will hold us over.

I hope you all had a fun weekend! Only one left in November, can you believe it?! Don't forget to link up tomorrow with anything Thanksgiving-related!


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! This week seemed to go so quick, which is perfect because we've got a fun weekend of cool weather, football, friends, and, my husband's favorite (obviously).... maternity photos! I can't wait to see how they come out and get our Christmas cards ordered ASAP!

Per usual, I'm linking up with Amanda, Christina and the Five on Friday crew for my favorites from the week!

Christmas at Target

I know it's slightly early for Christmas talk, at least for those of you who are big fans of Thanksgiving like I am, but Starbucks red cups are out so it's officially the holiday season, right? I honestly can't go to Target without perusing their Christmas shelves... it makes me so happy. I could buy everything. In fact, that fair isle blanket may or may not have back-flipped into my cart this week.

New Boots

Sam Edelman Penny Boots
(Oh and please don't judge the mess in the background of this photo. We're due for a major cleaning this weekend!)
So I've been on the hunt for new black boots and thought I finally found a pair I love, but they sort of wrinkle at the ankles and I can't decide if that is how they are supposed to look. Does anyone have this problem with boots? Is that how they all are? Obviously I'm not a fashion blogger!

Rowan's Coming Home Outfit

Footie. Hat.  (Similar here with monogram)

I've heard from a few mamas about how great the Kissy Kissy brand is for baby clothing, so I finally committed to this dot footie and hat for Rowan's coming home outfit. The fabric is so incredibly soft! I had it monogrammed at a local embroidery shop and I'm completely obsessed! Never mind  that the hospital is about 2 miles from our house and he won't wear it for long...

Osh Kosh B'Gosh Goodies 

Continuing with the baby theme... Osh Kosh was super generous and sent us this package of adorable clothes for Rowan this week. I was so excited opening the box (Anyone else love snail mail and packages as much as I do?!). I mean, baby suspenders and a peacoat? Too stinkin' cute!

Thanksgiving Link Up

Holiday Linkup

Don't forget to link up with us again this Tuesday for a festive Thanksgiving post! You can write about anything... you're favorite recipe, family traditions, decor, etc.! I can't wait to see what y'all have in store!

That's it for me this week, I've got a couple DIY projects planned for the weekend. Make sure to follow on IG to see a sneak peek! Hope y'all have a great weekend and stay warm!


Bundling Up

With temps set to hit the 30's this weekend (yay!) I'm officially ready to cuddle by the fireplace, sans my usual glass of wine this year, and bundle up. I'm having such a hard time passing up cozy gloves, scarves, and chunky, over-sized sweaters this year. They are easy to wear with a belly and without... win!

So today I thought I'd round up my favorite winter accessories, aside from the ever popular Target plaid scarf that practically every blogger (including me) owns and loves. While I'm at it, I'm linking up with Annie, Stephanie, and Laura!

Thoughts for Thursday

 1.2.3 (Also love these, both are super soft and cozy!). 4. 5. 6. 7.
I know the pants don't really fit in here, but they have been my go-to lounge wear for the past few weeks and I had to share. I wish they came in more colors, but I'm pretty sure I'll be buying a second (or third) pair very soon. They are so soft! And I wasn't even looking for gloves but couldn't pass those fair isle ones up when I tried them on in the store.

And of course we can't forget the mini. I doubt we'll take Rowan out much this winter since he will be brand new and all, but I'm totally planning to snatch up some of these baby winter accessories after the holidays. Look out Baby Gap, I'm coming for your after Christmas sales!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5 (Also love these). 6. 7. 8. 9.

If you can't tell, I have a thing for pom poms, baby bear ears, and red and black accessories this year. I also can't get enough of the Fair Isle pattern this year. What are some of your favorites this winter?


Wednesday Confessions

I haven't done one of these posts in a while so here goes... I confess:

+ I'm slightly annoyed that Starbucks red cups are out. I feel like its too early... Thanksgiving needs some love too.

+ I have way too much fun organizing my planner.  Washi tape + Target dollar spot page flags for the win!

Sugar Paper Planner ($10 in Target!)

 + We have our maternity pictures this weekend and I have no idea what I'm wearing. I'm so over shopping online for maternity clothes and too cheap to splurge for faster shipping. Cue the ridiculous, hormonal tears.

+ Last week a lizard got into our house and Ruby chased it under the couch. Naturally I blocked it from getting out until Steve came home, attempted to make a trap, and tried to bait the lizard with chicken in said trap. Nailed it.

Actually, Ruby kept moving the trap to get to the chicken. And when Steve came home, the lizard disappeared. It's probably roaming the house right now plotting to scurry across my feet and cause me to lose my shit one of these days. Ew.

+ Speaking of Ruby, girlfriend broke her tooth which requires surgery to have it pulled. That's right, 3 surgeries in one year. Ok God- we get it.. you're preparing us for a baby!

+ The one thing I feel totally unprepared for is changing diapers. I've changed two in my lifetime and they were both girls, so I'm not sure what we're getting into with our little man but I fully expect to get peed on.

+ I miss wine. And cheese plates. I'm counting down the days until I can indulge in this deliciousness...

+ I have about 5435 to-do lists on my phone, one of which involves which cookies I want to bake this Christmas. This could be dangerous.

Anyone else with me?!


Weekend Getaway

My husband and I decided we weren't busy enough lately (that's sarcasm in case you missed it) and thought it'd be fun to drive to Florida Thursday night! So after a hectic work week, we got some much needed down time and spent the weekend with his family. 

Since we were so busy I decided to take a mini-blog and social media break, and honestly it felt good for this tired mama! I can't keep up like I used to but I am so ready to get back to regularly scheduled programming... Especially with the holidays on their way. Lots of festive fun coming up! 

As I write this we're just beginning our trek back home, so all I've got for you is my favorite photo from the weekend. I mean, how gorgeous is this sky?! 

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

26 Weeks

Love this comfy henley tee!

How far along: 26 weeks

Size of Baby: An eggplant

Gender: all blue!

Best moment this week: Getting the glucose test over with (fruit punch really wasn't that bad.. I kind of chugged it), prenatal yoga, and a much needed pedicure! The days of painting my own nails are behind me already.

Weight gain: +18 lbs. total. Too much candy!

Maternity clothes: Definitely all-in on the maternity jeans front and I've been layering maternity tanks under regular shirts. Sadly some of my sweaters won't work out this year since they are short on my belly so I'm on the hunt for non-maternity pieces, like cardigans, that will work post-baby.

Stretch marks: None yet

Belly button in or out: In but getting flatter by the day

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Sleep: Getting better finally! Despite 2-3 pee breaks each night, I'm able to fall back asleep faster without as much tossing and turning. Still loving my bump nest!

Miss anything: Not worrying about every.single.thing and some down time would be great. I feel like we're so busy lately and its a little overwhelming!

Movement: Some days he kicks away and other days he is more calm and I only feel small movements. Of course I get nervous on the days he isn't as active, but my OB says that's normal.

Cravings: Sweet tea.. which is so random for how cold its been

Symptoms: Besides being an emotional train wreck... some round ligament pains and indigestion but nothing major!

Nursery: Suddenly it feels like we're moving at a glacial pace. There hasn't been time to work on the DIY baby mobile and other little projects. Also I'm so indecisive now that its time to pick out a crib skirt, curtains, things to put on the walls, etc. Major first world problems here.

Looking forward to: So much to look forward to this month! Thanksgiving, trips to see family, my baby shower, and maternity photos top the list!


Cream Cheese Pumpkin Bread

Happy November! I hope you all had a fun and festive weekend!

We spent our Halloween passing out candy to tons of tiny, adorable trick-or-treaters, including one little girl dressed as Elsa who said to me, "You know I don't like Skittles, right?" It was quite entertaining, even sans my usual pumpkin beer.

We ran out of candy so we were forced to dip into our own stash... you know, the pile of your favorites that you keep for yourself? Not going to lie, I ran out the next day and got more on sale... #notsorry

Speaking of food, I made this bread a few weeks ago when we had family visiting and it was such a hit that I wanted to share it with y'all today! I haven't done a whole lot of baking or cooking since the beginning of my pregnancy, since I was pretty turned off by most foods, so I'm glad to finally get back into it.

This recipe easily made a huge loaf of bread and about 20 muffins. I probably could have made 3 huge loaves, which means it's perfect if you're making something for a holiday bake sale or mini loaves to pass out to neighbors!

Cream Cheese Pumpkin Bread
Recipe adapted from Your Cup of Cake

Pumpkin Bread Ingredients
1 can of pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup applesauce
2/3 cup milk
2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 cup sugar
3 1/2 cup flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
3 tsp. cinnamon
2 tsp.pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips

Cream Cheese Filling Ingredients
16 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg, room temperature
1 tbsp. milk


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and grease a loaf pan or set up liners in your cupcake tin.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the pumpkin, eggs, vegetable oil, applesauce, milk, vanilla extract and sugar. (I used my stand mixer for this step because it was easy, but not necessary if you don't have one!)

In another bowl, sift the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice together.

Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix just until combined. Then stir in your chocolate chips.

To make the cream cheese filling, beat the cream cheese, sugar, egg and milk together until smooth. Top with some leftover mini chocolate chips.

For Bread: Pour a little bit of batter into the loaf pan (not as much as I did) and spoon the cream cheese mixture on top. I found it easier to do this just once, top with more of the batter, and use a butter knife to swirl the cream cheese around.  Bake for 60-80 minutes or until an inserted knife comes out clean.

For muffins: Fill each muffin tin 1/3 full, add some cream cheese filling, and then top with another spoonful of pumpkin batter. Swirl with toothpick or knife then top with mini chocolate chips. Bake for 14-18 minutes or until an inserted knife comes out clean.

It's so easy and comes out really moist and delicious! You don't even need butter or anything on this bread when you eat it. Definitely adding this to my list of favorite pumpkin recipes!

What are some of your go-to pumpkin recipes this Fall?! I'm always up for trying new ones!

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