Friday Favorites

Now that the holidays are over, I'm back to playing the Lumineers' on repeat and I've ceased eating my weight in Christmas cookies. I also got a head start on my resolutions by eating healthy and working out this week, and I can already feel the difference. The downside is that I currently cannot climb up our 15 steps to go to bed, so... yeah, it looks like a slow weekend for us! I'm also getting older next week so that's my other excuse.

Linking up again with Christina, Liz, Darci, and Natasha for the first 2014 edition of Five on Friday!

Countdown to Europe!

We can finally say we're going to Europe this year! Approximately 10 weeks to be exact... not that I'm counting or anything.  Is it weird that I already started a packing list? We still need some travel adapters and such but our passports are ready to go! If any of you have been to Italy or Paris and have suggestions for life-saving travel items or accessories to pack, I'm all ears. Ready, go!

New camera goodies.

Compact Camera Case. Tripod. Remote. Memory Card. Memory Card Case.

My mom and sister-in-law hooked me up with all of these camera goodies for Christmas, I'm so excited to put them to use! I also got the Gorilla tripod, which is awesome by the way, so I'll bring that to Europe with us to save space and avoid the awkward selfies we always take (and fail at). If you're in the market for any DSLR accessories, I definitely recommend all of these!

Target After Christmas Sales.

Remember when I said I was going to stop going to Target so much? Well technically it was still 2013... Everything was 70 percent off,  you know I couldn't pass that up. I scored some gold dot martini glasses ($1.50 each!), the Cheers Highball glass and Gold shaker seen here, and washi tape and glitter ribbon for under a buck. I also picked up two 50-count ornament sets for $4.50 each. Now the hubs will have to let me decorate a live tree next year too, right?! Did anyone else pick up some great deals?

Reflecting on 2013.

2013 was a big year for us. We got hitched, moved to Charleston, and traveled a lot to see friends and family. I also started this little blog! Major thanks to all of you for following along, even when my photos were terrible and I didn't know what I was doing! Who am I kidding, I still don't! I feel so lucky to have a creative outlet like this, which is totally different than my 9 to 5, and you have all been so incredibly supportive! {Insert virtual hug here}

And finally, a weekend with nothing to do and no where to go.

Hallelujah. Anyone else with me?!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I'm super jealous of your Europe trip! I really need to invest in a nice camera to take good pictures for my blog. I just use my iPhone all the time. Our weekend is going to be super uneventful too. Hope you have a good one!

  2. Yay for your trip to Europe! Can't wait to hear about it. Love your passport cases! :)

  3. Have so so much fun in Europe!! I'm so jealous and can't wait to read about it! Love all your new camera accessories! Isn't new camera stuff the best?!

  4. Sounds like your 2014 is off to a fabulous start! Where are you going in France? We're planning a trip in April. As for Italy, you will LOVE it! I have a ton of recs and will send you an email in case any of them may help. : ) And I'm totally with you on the nothing planned, low-key weekend...long overdue!

  5. We went to Italy for our honeymoon. Not sure how you are traveling between cities/countries, but we did it by train. And a piece of advice would be to travel light! My husband had a hell of a time lugging both of our suitcases up the train steps and finding room for it on the train. What cities are you going to in Italy???

  6. I lovelovelove that mint passport cover!!

  7. We're headed to Italy in June-- looking forward to hearing about your trip! Thanks for reminding me I need to go get a passport photo taken--eeek!

  8. We have the same tripod!!! I want to get a wireless remote! Europeeee!!

  9. Love your passport holders! I hit up Target after Christmas too, can't resist the 70% off ;)

    1. Thank you!! Same here... I love seeing all of their new stuff on the shelves too!

  10. I definitely hit up the Target after Christmas sale..scored a table runner for $5 last night and then ordered two other things this morning from their website! Love free shipping with their Redcard. :)

  11. Europe!! Ahh!!! So jealous! I'd be counting down too!! haha

  12. Wow how exciting that you are traveling to Europe. I have been to Italy but I was in high school so I wish I could remember some must have travel items! Maybe just remember to have a lot of room in your suitcase so you can bring stuff back :) Hope you have a great weekend! (thanks for visiting my blog, I totally want the coral ones of my running shoes...lime green too while we are at it haha)

    1. Thanks for the advice Lauren! I definitely need to remember that.. I have a tendency to over pack to begin with! Eek!

  13. Such a great passport book! We did our bargain shopping at Hobby Lobby :)

  14. I could never decrease my Target trips haha. I'm already looking forward to the V-Day decor! You'll love Italy? Where are you going in Italy?

    1. Oh I love the Valentine's stuff they have up already! My hubby just rolls his eyes when I come up with another excuse to go to Target :) We're heading to Rome, Siena, Florence, and Venice before jetting to Paris for a couple days!

  15. Ahh I loved Italy!! One of my favorite places I have ever been!

  16. Yes! Where are you going in Europe! My husband and I just went in May 2013. Have an awesome trip!!!!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  17. I LOVE relaxing weekends! They are probably one of my favorite things in the world! :) Love the post this week! I bet you are getting so excited for your trip! Have a great day!

    1. Thank you so much!! Sometimes you just need one of those weekends, right?! :) Hope your weekend was great!!

  18. I need to get one of those GorillaPods! I always questioned whether or not they actually worked!

  19. YAYAYAYAY to your Euro travels!! CHEERS! xx

  20. VERY jealous of your Europe trip... 10 weeks is certainly not too early to start a packing list!!

    And I def. need to go to Target and get some of those ornaments!

    Happy weekending :)


  21. We need to take a Europe trip as well because my hubby has never been! Ya'll will have SO much fun! Countdown is DEF on! Happy weekend to you!

    1. Thanks Jessi!! We have been talking about it forever and just finally said lets do it before kids or anything else comes along and we can't go! I hope you guys can plan one too! :)

  22. I am so thrilled this is a weekend with nothing to do and no where to go! Enjoy it!

    Also, have you heard of Cartwheel for Target? Great coupons! If you're a lover of Target like I am, they come in so handy! Had just heard about it the other day and couldn't pass up sharing it :) Happy Weekend!

  23. Ah yes, target sales. Love them--but my bank account hates 'em.

  24. Yay for Europe travel! I love Paris and the cities in Italy that I have visited. Where in Italy are you going? Where ever it is, I'm sure you'll find lots of amazing food and wine!!

  25. You are going to have so much fun in Europe! It's been a while since I've been so no lifesaving tips other than to bring your camera :) I would love to go back and I can't wait to see all of your photos!! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks Samantha! I'm totally going to take tons of photos and will share them, I've already got a couple camera cards ready :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  26. Oh, Target. It gets me every time. I can't walk in that store without making a lap around the whole store and purchasing at least two or three things that I completely don't need... That is when I don't leave my purchased items at the cash register. :P

  27. Oh oh! SOOO excited for you to go to Paris and Italy! What parts of Italy are you going to? I was a foreign exchange student in middle/high school to both France and Italy so if you need a list of places to go, I've got you covered! Enjoy your weekend :-)

  28. Oooohhhh after-Christmas Target sales just suck you in! Those are awesome camera goodies- totally getting a remote soon! And good for you for getting healthy!

  29. You are going to have a blast in Italy and Paris! We are heading back to Europe in November! One of my must-have items is hand sanitizing wipes. These come in handy for any trip but I found them essential in Paris after climbing to the top of Notre Dame and the Arc de Triomphe as the handrails were very sticky!

  30. yah! paris and italy are two of my favorite places! we went to paris for our honeymoon and italy last year. here are some recap posts of the cities (and must visit spots/eats):

    you are going to have the best time! xo jillian

    1. Hey thank you so much for sending those links!! I loved going through and seeing your photos!! Definitely writing down some of your recommendations!! :)


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