Happy Long Weekend!

It's hard to believe this is the last weekend in August. I hope you all have fun Labor Day plans!

First I wanted to thank those of you who joined me in the College Football link-up this week. I loved seeing all of your recipes and photos, it made me so excited for football season! Here's hoping all of our teams get a win this weekend! (Unless you cheer for Idaho... if that is the case, Go Gators!)

My weekend started yesterday so the bump and I will be exploring Lake Geneva and Chi-Town this weekend.

I most certainly will not be visiting the Sky Deck but I'm excited to spend the weekend relaxing and seeing the city! I won't have much time downtown but I'm hoping I can check out some of the great restaurants recommendations many of you have shared. And for some reason I'm oddly excited to see "The Bean" and a beach with a skyline, so those are at the top of the list.

Hope you all have a great long weekend and enjoy the last bit of summer. It's officially Fall next week... right?!


  1. Have so much fun in Chicago!!! The bean is fun, but there are always soo many people there, ha! Here's to hoping you and the bump can get a photo without 17383 other people in it ;) ;)

  2. Have so much fun this weekend!! I can't wait to visit there one day. I've heard awesome things!!

  3. Officially almost Fall! Woot woot! Ya'll have a great weekend! xoxo (looking forward to the link-up next week)

  4. Have so much fun, I love love love Chicago :)


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