Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! We're almost halfway through August which is totally blowing my mind! This week has been busy and I'm so ready for the weekend! I wish I could say I'll have a refreshing cocktail in my hand but I'll be sipping on my fancy La Croix, be jealous.

Linking up with Lauren, Amanda, and Karli!

Favorite Birthday Boy

If only we could be back in Siena!
Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and I'm so excited to celebrate with him. It's his LAST birthday in his 20s! Eek! (I keep reminding him of that.. ha!) We'll be hitting up his favorite brewery and grilling with friends, which is convenient with a pregnant wife as your DD. Good thing I love him!

Favorite Closet Inspiration

If any of you follow Rachel from Pink Peonies, you've probably already seen glimpses of her gorgeous white kitchen. But her closet/office is unreal. I can't even wrap my head around the sheer size of it! I'm pretty sure it's as big as our entire first floor. You can see the rest of it here.

Favorite Kate Spade Surprise Sale Find

Kate Spade Stevie Bag (similar)
If you follow me on Instagram, you had a sneak peek at this! I think there were about 10 bags I wanted to buy, but I ended up with a baby bag! It's amazing how our priorities change so quickly, right?! I love that it doesn't look like a diaper bag, is easy to clean, has a lot of compartments inside, and is such great quality!  Did any of you take advantage of the Kate Spade surprise sale?

Closet Sale
See all of these here!

This week I decided to start cleaning out the future nursery closet. Up until now I haven't been able to rid myself of my office/work attire because everything is still in great condition (not to mention its pricey to replace a 9-to-5 wardrobe!) but I'm finally ready.

So... I'm having a closet sale! I started a separate blog called Cait's Closet Sale (really catchy, I know) if you're interested in checking it out. Everything is $15 or under and sizes medium, 8 or 10. There are a ton of dresses (including a maxi from VS), pencil skirts, a few blazers and a cute nautical West Elm rug so if you're interested please check it out!

Favorite Season: Football!

Y'all its still 95 degrees here so I'm not going to pretend Fall is almost to Charleston, we just haven't gotten the memo yet. But Football is almost back and I'm excited to start on some Fall DIY projects! If you're a college football fan, I'm thinking of doing a link-up during kick-off week. If anyone is interested let me know and I'll get you more details soon!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend!


  1. Aww happy early birthday to the hubs! Isn't he lucky having his own personal DD this birthday? :) And loving your Kate Spade baby bag! Not even gonna lie, I looked at one of those in the sale and debated on getting it as a purse because yup, I don't have kids and I'm not planning on it soon but it looks like a purse! Love it!

    <3, Pamela

  2. Happy birthday to your husband! And giiiiiiiiiiiiirl those Kate Spade sales get me every time. LOVE your bag and that dream closet?!?! pinning now :)

  3. Love your Kate Spade bag! I checked out the sale, but couldn't let myself buy anything. Someday! And that closet looks amazing. I would be in heaven with that closet. Hope you guys have a good weekend celebrating!

  4. Yes! I would love a college football linkup! It's also still 90+ degrees here every day, so it doesn't quite feel like fall but I'm ready for some football to start!!

  5. A link-up for college football would be amazing!!! Happy birthday to your hubby and hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!! I'm still swooning over Rachel's closet/office - it's seriously beautiful!

  6. Count me in for a college football link up! I'm so excited that it's just around the corner :) 13 days until the first official game (even if it is South Carolina...) Happy Friday!

  7. Happy Birthday to your hubby this weekend!!! It's always fun to be DD, right?? You'll have to remind him of that when you're finally not pregnant and ready to enjoy a few cocktails of your own. I'm so excited for football season and would love to join in on a link-up! Have a great weekend.

  8. Happy birthday to your husband! Hope you guys have a great weekend! That closet is absolutely dreamy btw!!

  9. Hah love that you said "y'all". I'll have to check out your sale. Happy birthday to your husband - have fun this weekend!

  10. Closet sale? How fun!! 95 degrees? Yikes! for some reason it all of a sudden hasn't gotten above 82 here and I must admit it is faaaab! ADORE that bag and I sort of want the same one when the time comes :) Have a great weekend! xoxo

  11. OMG! That closet is to die for! Seriously amazing. We watched our first football game last night and it made me so happy! Fall is almost here :) Have a good weekend!

  12. Love the diaper bag find!! I didn't allow myself to shop the secret sale!

  13. I'm right there with you about being ready for Fall....Happy Friday girly!

  14. I have a whole board devoted to closets....that are usually bigger than my entire condo....but a girl can dream right? ;)

  15. Yay for football season! The hubs and I were just at a pre-season game last night and I'm so excited!! I really can't wait for fall!

  16. I am so excited for football season!!!! And your closet sale.. hopping over there right now!!

  17. I had to run so far away from the Kate Spade surprise sale. I wanted to order everything!!

  18. Ohh love your new bag! I managed to resist the sale but barely!

  19. Love the new bag girl. I had to use a lot of self control not to splurge on anything :)

    1. Thank you! Oh me too, its almost a bad thing when they have sales like that! haha

  20. Happy birthday to your hubby!! And I'm absolutely loving your closet sale - such a fun idea! A link-up for football kick-off is such a fun idea!

  21. Happy birthday to your hubs! That closet is gorgeous.

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  22. Good call on the Kate Spade! Love your new bag :) Hope y'all had a fun weekend celebrating!

  23. Oh my gosh that closet!! I would love to have something that spacious and organized!

  24. OMG! That Kate Spade bag! Love it!!!

  25. I went and check out all the pics of that closet/office, and OMG it is amazing! Definitely bigger than the first floor of my house haha. I can only dream of something like that!

  26. Rachel Parcell's closet is seriously AMAZING. I was drooling. I sent it to my husband and asked if we could do that and he LAUGHED. Dream big right?



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