Friday Favorites

We made through another week! Feels good, right?! It's been a very exciting week around here since our announcement, I'm thinking a relaxing day at the pool might be necessary this weekend!

Linking up with Amanda, Lauren, and Karli for my favorites from the week!

Favorite Mail these Days

Jelly Cat Bashful Lamb. Stitches and Soles Mocs. Embroidered Closet Dividers. Happiest Baby on the Block.
It's funny how mail days have changed in the past few weeks! I could care less about buying myself anything at this point, I'm just ready to stock Baby M's closet. Come on 16-week gender ultrasound, get here already! Mamas- Any other books I should be reading? I've heard Moms on Call is a good one.

Favorite Treat for the Hubs

I know,  you're all thinking why is this prego lady posting a picture of beer taps? Last night I tagged along with my husband to a local brewhouse for a special South Carolina IPA tap takeover. He has been working long hours and taking care of me and Ruby, so since he is really into IPAs I wanted to treat him. If you're an IPA fan, he said his favorites were Holy City Yeast Wrangler (really weird name, right?!) and Quest Mazu.

I tried to pretend my water tasted as good as his beers, but yeah it's not the same. I'm looking forward to having a bump (that doesn't look like I ate too many donuts) so people don't think I'm weird for showing up at a brewhouse and not drinking a beer. At least I had good company!

The Great Debate: Daybed in Nursery versus New Sleeper Sofa for Living Room

Daybed. Sleeper Sofa.

I know we have some time to figure this dilemma out, but we'll be losing our guest bedroom to the nursery in a few months and we need to come up with a solution for future visitors. My husband and I are going back and forth between getting a new couch with a pullout mattress or putting a daybed in the nursery. Anyone have thoughts? Or any mamas out there who have a daybed in their nursery? I'm worried it will be cramped in there.

Favorite Look for Early Fall

{Via Style Cusp}

I'm loving this look and hoping I can recreate it in a month (or two) once it finally starts to cool a bit here in Charleston. Is it cooling down up North yet? It's HOT here with no end in sight!

That's it for me today, short and sweet! I'm trying to put together a closet sale soon, so if anyone needs any new work attire, keep your eyes peeled next week! I'm planning on posting it in a separate blog so if you're not interested, you don't have to read about it here.

I hope you all have a fab weekend!


  1. My husband loves IPAs as well, but I don't drink beer, so I feel you on the awkwardness of not drinking at a brewery! I have no idea about the couch vs daybed situation. We'll be in the same boat once we start our family though.

  2. I am obsessed with your favorite look for early fall -that is just perfect!! I'd vote sleeper couch in the living room... hope you have a great weekend!

  3. So exciting with all the new baby planning! I love jellycat stuffed animals, my nephew has the bunny, so cute!

  4. My hubs would love a place like that too!! I think I'd have to vote sleep couch in living room maybe? Have a great weekend! Love the mail! xoxo

  5. That striped dress is amazing.. something I would totally live in! I'd also take the Henri Bendal tote, too ;) Such an exciting week - hope you have a great weekend, too! Happy Friday!

  6. Um your mail looks amazing. I want those booties in my size! Can't wait for the gender reveal. Enjoy your weekend (and water because it's worth it!). La Croix plus any juice and some frozen berries would be a fun faux cocktail while we brave the rest of this heat!

  7. Aw sweet baby mail :) I think I would vote sleeper in the living room maybe? Love that dress!

  8. I suggest day bed in nursery. Sleeper couches are rarely comfortable as either a couch or bed. Also, a bed in the nursery can come in handy during middle of the night feedings, when they are sick, or when you just have bad nights sleep training them.

  9. My husband LOVES IPA and I absolutely hate it! I love beer, but IPA is the bottom rank for me. Bleh. All of that to say, that brewery would be right up my hubby's alley!

  10. I love the daybed. I really need one in my house! I love all the baby M find you got!
    I am hosting a linkup today and would love for you to stop by!

  11. I haven't been able to try it out yet but I have heard good things about 'The Wonder Weeks' from all my mommy friends.
    ... you just reminded me that I need to order The Happiest Baby on the Block...

  12. That is a tough call between the daybed and sleeper sofa. I guess depends what kind of guest you have? Will they want privacy, or be OK in your living room?

  13. I just love Jellycat. I worked in a small toy store for a few years and it was my favorite newborn plush item.

  14. I vote sleeper couch. You'll be surprised how quickly the nursery gets filled up!

  15. Daybed all the way! And I'm loving that lamb jellycat. I just got my little guy a monkey jellycat. They are so soft!

  16. The book Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth is an amazing read. While I had a med free hospital birth (and the books really does kind of focus on med free birth) I lent a friend of mine the book and she found it helpful as well even though she was planning on getting an epi. It gives you so much confidence and definitely eases any nerves you might get!

  17. I love filling my little guy's closet although there just AREN'T as cute boy clothes as there are girl. Also, 3 days after finding out I was pregnant, my hubby and I went off to a pub with some friends and I just got iced tea. (Which, thankfully, wasn't super weird for me since I don't always love beer) Our friends actually asked us when we were thinking about starting a family and we laughed to ourselves, knowing we were pregnant but not ready to tell them. You better believe that once we did they yelled at us a little bit for not telling them at the time. ;-)


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