First Bumpdate: 13 Weeks

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm starting these bumpdates! I honestly feel like I've just ate a bunch of donuts. Because the 3 ultrasounds haven't been convincing enough that Baby M is in there?!

I'm kind of lumping the first trimester into this bumpdate so tomorrow I'll catch us up with week 14. And I'm still trying to decide how I want to do these photos... turns out I feel super awkward without a big bump in them!

The first trimester is tough. You have to pretend you’re not extremely tired and an emotional wreck, suck in the bloat, and go into stealth mode when ordering mocktails at a blogger date. I'm feeling so thankful for the end of some of these symptoms!

Photo from 12 Weeks

How far along: 13 weeks (plus first trimester recap)

Size of Baby: a Peach

Gender: Steve and I are pretty convinced it’s a boy based on little to no real evidence

Weight gain: +3 lbs. by Week 13

Maternity clothes: Nope. My clothes still fit but I have had to use the hair band trick and Bella Band with my shorts and pants this week

Stretch marks: Stay away! I have some Mama Bees Belly Butter but I’m bad about remembering to use it. My mom said she didn’t get stretch marks so let’s hope they really are a genetic thing!

Sleep: Sleep is okay minus the 1-2 nightly pee breaks. I’ve been using my Bump Nest pillow (will review this later on in the pregnancy but so far is amazing!) and that has kept be from rolling onto my back. Trying to break that habit early!

Best moment this week: So many! Making it to the second trimester, the 3 ultrasounds we've had so far, telling our family and friends, etc. Also I managed to eat some Moe's at 12 weeks and I swear I was happiest person on the earth that day.

Miss anything: My energy! Also, hot dogs. I know they are gross but what kind of 4th of July is it without a hot dog?!

Movement: Not yet!

Belly button in or out: In

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Cravings: I have been known to eat pickles out of the jar, but I was guilty of that pre-pregnancy too

Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything other than carbs. Also Parmesan sprinkle cheese (so random!). I found that if I ate smaller portions more often, keeping me from ever actually feeling hungry, it helped with the nausea.

Symptoms: 24/7 nausea with no throwing up. Super tired. Crampy. Breakouts started around 10 weeks. Oh yeah, so did those mood swings! (Sorry hubs!) And I don’t know if this is pregnancy related but I have been really cold despite Charleston's summer heat!

Looking forward to: Hearing the babe's heartbeat at my 14 week appointment tomorrow!


  1. You look so cute!! You're showing more in this pic then I think you do in real life!

    Life as I know it

  2. a boy!! :) well that is exciting! you look great and im glad you found a cure to the constant nausea. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. Aww I can only imagine how tough it is in the first trimester, especially when you haven't told everyone. Hopefully the rest is easier! :) You look amazing!

    <3, Pamela

  4. Yay for your first bumpdate!! As for hotdogs I was devastated to think I couldn't have them but my midwife said they are fine, just make sure to cook them good on the grill or in the microwave.

  5. Love your little bump. What a cute chalkboard sign too!

  6. OH my goodness! Congratulations! I have been out of the bloggy world for a bit, and didn't find out until just now you were expecting! I'm so excited for you and to follow along on your pregnancy journey! So exciting !!! :):):):)

  7. So excited for these bump updates! Yay for the second trimester!!

  8. The cutest little bump and I love the chalkboard sign - so cute!

  9. So excited for all the bump updates to come, you look glowing and adorable girl! Your chalkboard is amazing too!

  10. YAY! Congrats! Don't worry your energy will start to come back. I totally know the bloated and lack of belly bump feeling. Can't wait to follow along.

  11. Aw I spy a little bump alright ;) I'm going to need to know your stealth-mode drink ordering tips. But really, everyone will know I'm expecting if not!

  12. Cute little bump!! I am in love with your chalkboard - did you do that yourself? It looks so perfectly done. Also, I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  13. Love these updates!! I had the 24/7 nausea with this pregnancy for the first 8 weeks or so but with my first I had it up until about 15 weeks and it was awful!! The mood swings are fun too and totally unpredictable, I scared my husband a few times the first go round! Can't wait to follow along on your journey- oh and that bump will be big before you know it!


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