Old Wives Tales: Gender Prediction

Tomorrow we get to see our little babe again and find out whether our intuition is right or if we'll be exchanging the Batman shirt my husband picked our for a little dress and lots of bows. (In which case my husband will have to ban me from Etsy)

I know these are old wives tales aren't accurate, but it's fun to play along anyway!

I've been craving sweets the past week but before that it was all salt. So I counted both of them.

So the final tally is: Boy: 4, Girl: 6

Personally I think the craziest of them all is the ring test. It's so dependent on your ring, the string, and whether you can hold your hand steady. Whoever came up with that one must have been smokin' something.

So what's your guess? Are you on Team Pink or Team Blue?!


  1. Hmmm I don't know why but I'm thinking girl too. I feel like every one has had boys recently and you're going to be the start of the girls! :)

    <3, Pamela

  2. Team pink all the way - they say the Chinese Calendar one is always on point...but either way it will be the cutest little babe ever!

  3. I think the sweet v. salty cravings (at least early on) are very telling! I think GIRL!

  4. Blue!!! But I'm wrong usually. I was certain my coworker was having a boy and it was a girl!

    Life as I know it

  5. I'm guessing BOY!!! Can't wait to find out!

  6. I think its a GIRL all the way even before this test!!

  7. Ah such and exciting time!! Most of my friends who have had babies were right on with the gut instinct! Maybe you will be too??

  8. I'm going to vote boy because it seems like everyone is having a boy these days. I "knew" our baby was a girl until we saw VERY clearly on the ultrasound that he wasn't. ;-)

  9. I'm guessing girl! Eeekk so exciting!

  10. SO fun! And hey, even if you end up team pink you KEEP that Batman shirt! :)

  11. I'm thinking girl..allllllll of my friends had boys last year so this is going to be the year of the girl! :)

  12. Team Pink! Can't wait to hear! xo

  13. I'm on team pink...can't wait to find out :)


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