Baby M FAQs

Thank you all for the sweet comments and well wishes about Baby M! Our hearts are full from all of the love for our little babe!

I've had a ton of questions coming in from friends and family so I thought I'd try to cover them all today so y'all can get the scoop! I know I always love following along with fellow bloggers during their pregnancy (I definitely took their advice for getting through the first trimester!) so it feels very surreal to finally be able to share our experience!

What’s my due date?

February 11, 2015… our little Valentine!

"If I can't eat these, I'm not interested."
How did we find out?

For whatever reason, I woke up really early one day and had an urge to take a test. We had been "trying" for a couple months so it was on both of our minds. Plus we were leaving for Florida that day so I decided I'd rather take one while we were home. Two lines appeared (although one was faint) and I ran over to Steve to wake him up and get his opinion. I don't even think his brain was processing what I was telling him. Imagine waking up to a pee stick in your face. Really sweet, right?  (Almost as good as our walk-in-closet engagement... guess that's just how we roll)

After a little squinting, he saw both lines and we couldn't help but test four a few more times that week just to see the lines get darker. I'm still not sure it has really hit us yet!

How did we tell our parents?

We waited until I was about 9 weeks to tell our family, which was after our first ultrasound. I wanted something low key so I made a card for our parents and we put a copy of the sonogram in a frame for them.

Tiny 7 week old Baby M in that ultrasound photo!

We were able to tell my parents in person and Steve's family via Facetime. Seeing their reactions was really special. My parents thought it was their anniversary gift and they kept saying they didn’t want whatever it was. ha! I think its safe to say we caught everyone by surprise!

How have I been feeling?

I'm slowly feeling better but still waiting on the return of my energy. I never threw up, but holy food aversions! I was nauseous all day and basically lived off of grilled cheese and pasta for 8 weeks. You know... single-handedly ensuring our little babe doesn't have a gluten allergy. I would be lying if I didn’t get a bit “hangry” as a result of my inability to eat what I wanted.

The overall exhaustion made it hard to get motivated to do anything so some of you may have noticed the blog slow down a bit. I have to say though, I'm thankful for the symptoms because I would have been so paranoid without them and it was a reminder of our little babe growing!

Will we find out the sex?

Yes! We're counting down the days! We are both convinced it's a boy, so it will be interesting to see if we are right.

I imagine a gender reveal party would be kind of tough considering the closest family to us is 7 hours away but I’m still hoping to think of a special way to share the news… stay tuned!

Am I planning on doing Bumpdates?

Definitely! Although I will probably stick to posting them every other week unless there is some sort of major change from one week to the next. I know not everyone is into the baby business, so I will try to stick to baby posts on Wednesdays. After holding this big news in for the past 3 months, the planner in me can't help but get excited for itty bitty baby clothes and planning the nursery!

I think that covers it! Thank you all again for sharing in our excitement! :)


  1. I love the way you announced it! That's low-key but still sweet and definitely a shocker! Again, so happy for you!

  2. Love the card and photo you made to tell your parents!!! Such a good idea!

  3. So so exciting. Congrats again! I tried not to post a bunch of baby stuff too, but it's so hard not to. Our little girl is due in just two weeks and I think it's all I've written about for months!

  4. Aww what a cute way to tell your families! That card is adorable! And I literally laughed when you said you woke your husband up with a pee stick in his face! I can only imagine him trying to process everything! :) Can't wait to hear all about your pregnancy!

    <3, Pamela

  5. Aw, how adorable! I love how you told your families -- and a Valentine baby! So sweet. Congratulations!

  6. So very exciting, a valentine's baby, so wonderful!

    And I love how you told everyone, lowkey but still special. Well done!

  7. Love the Q&A and so excited for you guys!! It gets much better starting around week 14 when your energy comes back and it feels a little better to eat things other than bagels or grilled cheeses!

  8. Love the framed photo of the ultrasound! And honestly don't worry about if your blog goes in the baby's your blog for your memories. Share whatever you like mama!

  9. The CUTEST way to tell the grandparents! So happy for y'all!

  10. oh this is just so sweet! what a great way to tell the family!!

  11. Laughed at loud at you waking him up with the pee stick in his face! So exciting, can't wait to see bump pics and read progress posts :)

  12. Yay! Can't wait to see your bumpdates :)

  13. Hah super story - welcome to Daddyhood where pee sticks will be NBD soon enough. Love how you shared the news with your parents and in-laws. Always so creative!

  14. Yay!! Glad you are starting to feel better and hopefully your energy returns 100% soon. Love the way you told your parents.. that frame is so cute!

  15. Cannot wait to touch the bump this fall!

  16. Haha I love how you woke him up to look at the stick!! I also love how you told you parents and that coming soon frame is just amazing!!

  17. Amazing! Love hearing about all these sweet deets! :) How funny that your parents were saying they didn't want the gift. Bless it! What an incredible surprise!!! xx

  18. I gave my parents a picture frame too! Love that way of announcing! Congratulations! :)

  19. When is the big day that you find out if it's a he or she??

  20. Great updates! Excited to follow your journey!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  21. Best/cutest post ever. I am still so over the moon happy for you and CANNOT wait to be following along! xoxo Have a great day!

  22. Soooo excited for you! Congrats! Xo

  23. Congrats! It's definitely an exciting time. I can't wait to follow along and exchange tips along the way. It's fun knowing other bloggers going through it at the same time!

    1. Thank you so much!! :) I agree, so excited to follow since we're at about the same point in our pregnancies! Hope you are feeling good!


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