Monday Randoms

Welcome to another Monday, y'all. I have to admit, last week wore me out and I'm still trying to recover from who knows what hit me!

Today I'm guest posting over at Newlyweds: North while Stephanie and her hubby are on their babymoon in Greece! I'm sharing some tips for packing your carry-on (and what you should definitely not pack) so make sure to check it out here!

Speaking of babies, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday! And yes, dog moms totally count! Unfortunately I think my family was a little let down when I called to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day... My grandma, aunt and uncle were with her and the first thing they asked was if I had any "news" to share. And when I figured out where they were going with that, they followed it up with "we thought there might be a European baby on the way!" Ugh. Anyone else start fielding these questions the moment you got married?!

We didn't get to see our parents this weekend but we did have another fun day with Ally and her husband! We drank some beers at Westbrook Brewery, easily my favorite in Charleston, and then headed to Shem Creek for cocktails on the water. It was such a perfect day, not too hot and with a breeze. If only Charleston summers could stay like this!

Besides that, my weekend mostly consisted of spray painting my desk and shopping for a new desk chair. Nothing more exciting than that... right? Hopefully I'll have everything put together to share soon! 

Another favorite of the weekend...  this lounger I picked up for our back yard. It's really nice for the price (on sale now!) and I can't wait to sit outside, drink some frozen cocktails, and work on my tan without having to use our community pool. Anyone else not ready to accept that its bathing suit season?!

Anyway that was it for our weekend excitement. Sometimes you just need a weekend to catch up! Did anyone do anything exciting or get to spoil your mamas?!


  1. Those tulips are gorgeous!! I totally understand what you mean about getting the baby question...thankfully I just answer back with an even more awkward "we're having fun trying haha!" Love the new lounger!! Hope you have a great Monday!

  2. ugh, those questions started on the wedding day! i just keep saying nope until they shut up. i will have to try the 'having fun trying' that B suggested lol
    love the tulips! so pretty. off to read your guest post now!

  3. Such pretty flowers! And yes about the baby questions... so many! Ugh. Too much pressure. So fun you and Ally hung out this weekend. Looks like fun!

  4. Love that lounger! Looks so comfy! Fun weekend with you guys!!

  5. When I was in Charleston I tried a Westbrook beer and loved it!! So fun they have mini flights at the brewery. Sounds like a great weekend!

  6. My hand is in the air for the bathing suit comment.....especially in the harsh lighting in the Target dressing room yuck! I am all about fancy beer tastings they are my absolute fav! Sometimes those less planned weekends end up being the best!

  7. Gorgeous flowers and yes, fur baby mom's get to be celebrated too!! Love your post on Newlyweds North too!! So jealous of her trip to Greece!

  8. haha people asked us the same thing when we got back from our European honeymoon... I told them the only baby I brought back was a food baby named Luigi! xoxo

  9. Beautiful flowers! I'm glad being a fur baby mama counts too, I'm content with that for now :) Oh yes, we've been married almost 6 years now, we get asked that question constantly!

  10. aww a european bebe! :) haha YES. every time i see my mom she asks when she is going to be a grandma! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. That brewery looks great! My mom lives 3 hours away so I didn't see her this year...she did get a flower delivery though! I spent mother's day with my in-laws and it was nice and relaxing =)

  12. Oh my, the ever present baby question...haha. It's not too bad with me, but I set the expectations REAL quick with my family. I said I wasn't going to be ready for a good two years haah.

  13. LOL you gotta love the baby questions! I think its funny to respond with "Practice makes perfect" ;) That brewery sounds right up my alley and cocktails on the water? Yes please!!

    <3, Pamela

  14. Thankfully no baby-hounding (yet) around here. Love your new lounger. I would MUCH prefer wearing a bathing suit in the privacy of my backyard compared to anywhere public so I totally agree ha.

  15. when we got married we mentioned to our parents dont ask we will tell you and fortunately they didnt :-)

  16. I'm getting married next month, and I am already getting questions about when we are having a baby. I even had a friend try to convince me to start now. So I'm sure it will get even worse once we are officially married. I loved your travel tips by the way. We have an international trip scheduled in Jan, so this will come in handy :)

  17. Happy Fellow Fur Mamma's Day! And normally I would be drooling over that margarita, but after this past Friday...well...let's just say I don't think I will be drinking anything with tequila in it for a while hahaha.


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