Easy Greek Salad

Good news, we're almost through the week! It's been a busy one for me with work, which usually translates into me snacking throughout the day and eating at my desk rather than taking time to make myself a healthy lunch. Anyone else do that?! When I worked in the Capital I always ate lunch at my desk while doing a million other things at the same time, so it's a bad habit I can't seem to kick.

I find that if I don't step away from the computer and eat something other than chips or pretzels for lunch, my energy level plummets and I start getting cross-eyed. It's no good. Anyway, on to the real point of this post which is a super easy greek salad you can have for lunch without feeling bad!

I love this salad. It's delicious and gives you a bunch of veggies topped with feta. I mean, what could be better? You can even bring some pita bread and use it as a dip. Storing it in a mason jar also makes it so easy to grab and go for lunch!

Adapted from La Petite Fashionista

1/3 cup EVOO
2 Tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar
2 Tbsp. fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
1 clove Garlic, minced
1 tsp. Italian Seasoning
Fresh Parsley, chopped
Pepper and a dash of Salt

1 Cucumber, cut into small cubes
1 Red Pepper, cut into small slices
1/2 can Black Olives, sliced
1/3 Sweet (or Red) Onion, chopped
Cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
1 pkg. Feta Cheese

Whisk your dressing ingredients in a small mixing bowl. Add your chopped vegetables and toss. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving. So easy!

What's your go-to meal for a quick and healthy lunch? I'm always looking for more ideas!


  1. Looks delicious! And I love the idea of putting it in the mason jar!

    by the way, I nominated you for a Liebster award. Check it out http://themeghanandchrisstory.blogspot.com/2014/05/liebster-award.html

  2. I'm so bad about eating at my desk and snacking all day... :( I try to go to the gym during my actual lunch break so I usually eat at my desk before or after but I should be eating healthier. This sounds amazing though. I absolutely love feta and red wine vinegar so I'm going to have to try this out!

    <3, Pamela

  3. mmm i want this for lunch!! minus the olives :)
    xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. Looks good and refreshing! Love the jar storage too :)

  5. Love all things Greek. I make something a lot like this but the main ingredient is Garbanzo beans/chick peas, plus a vinaigrette and yummy Greek goodness like feta and definitely tomatoes.

  6. I've made that dressing before and it's delicious! We make a similar salad but Theo doesn't like olives so we have to nix those!

  7. drooooooolllling.
    yep. yum. gimme.

  8. Delish, this one is a keeper....were you inspired by Stephanie's trip?? :)

  9. Ohh I am definitely going to make this-- sans the tomato and probably the cheese, but I LOVE just using cucumbers instead of lettuce, my husband always laughs at me because I usually leave half of the lettuce on my plate whenever I have salads!


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