Five on Friday!

Y'all, I'm having a terrible time functioning this week. My level of disorganization right now is of epic proportions. But I love Five on Fridays with Christina and crew, so I'm keeping it simple with my favorites from this week!

ONE. Souvenirs from Europe. 

Pretty prints for my office from the riverside stands in Paris. Random Colosseum and mask trinkets I plan to rig into Christmas tree ornaments. Laduree macaron box (not sure what I'm doing with this yet). Paris Starbucks mug (adding it to my ridiculously large mug collection, I have a problem). Carnevale mask from Venice (Because I have so many masquerades to go to... #itwaspretty). Not pictured: Italian Olive Oil and Wine (which we drank the next day...)

So sad I never had time to go to Diptyque for a candle, but at least I can get one at Nordstrom.

TWO. White Pizza with Cherry Tomatoes and Zucchini.

As much as I was sick of pizza and carbs by the end of our trip, I have a serious craving for this pizza I got in Siena! It was delicious... I may or may not have eaten the entire thing. Definitely putting it on the menu for our lazy weekend ahead.

THREE. Pillow Updates. 

We never really have any pretty pillows on our couch unless its during a holiday, so I finally added these. I'm not totally loving our couch, so these pillows give it a little update. The white one is from Ikea, Blue geometric from H&M Home, and the Ikat is a DIY with fabric from Joann's.

FOUR. Ruby.

This little Ewok (who is totally getting a bath this weekend) has been such a cuddlebug since we've been home. To the point of sleeping on our heads in bed, laying on my lap while I work, and following us around everywhere. So stinkin' cute!

FIVE. Target + Zara Home.

This sounds ridiculous but I was so happy to step foot back in Target last night. I didn't buy anything spectacular, but just being able to browse the fun Spring items made me thankful to be home. If I ever moved across the pond, I would really, really miss Target. So pathetic! On another note, has anyone seen Zara Home? We went into their store in Paris and they have the most beautiful home decor, even little baby things for the mamas-to-be!

That's it for me this week, check back next week for regularly scheduled programming and the start of our Italy recaps! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Loving all of your souvineirs and those pillows are so pretty! Hope you have a fab weekend!

  2. That pizza sounds amazing!! Love all your souvenirs! Don't forget Blue Mercury downtown sells Diptyque candles too! I've got to check out Zara's baby stuff. I know I have no reason to yet but I just love looking at baby stuff anyways!

  3. Love all your souvenirs, the pillows and little Ruby. Target really is the best :) Happy weekend!

  4. oh the souvenirs! jealous. that pizza... yum! have a great weekend :-)

  5. Wait... are you saying Zara and H&M have home product lines? I think I'm about the go broke... :S

    Also, please report back about the Laduree box! I don't know what to do with mine either.

    1. Yes! H&M Home line has super good prices! I'm thinking of just decorating my office tray with the box, we'll see. It's too pretty to throw away though! :)

  6. That pizza looks amazing and love the way your pillows look.

  7. Yeah I think I'd have a hard time functioning after spending time in Europe...mostly because I'd wish I'd never left hahaha

  8. ughh I really want a Target!!! Let me just say that I'm obsessed with pillows and those are fabulous! (especially the color family!) Love sweet Ruby girl! Happy weekend! xoxo

  9. So glad you had a fabulous time on your trip and love seeing all your souvenirs. Its so hard to recover after a vacation...we always say we need a vacation from our vacation :)

  10. Fun souvenirs! I do the same thing with trying to rig various items into ornaments and I always like to get at least one little art print. Can't wait to hear more about your trip :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Love that you do the same with the ornaments!! :) Hope you had a great weekend!

  11. I love Zara and I had no idea they had a home line.....oh that is dangerous information!

  12. Love all your souvineers! We got a painting from there as well and just love it! Those pillows are so cute, good choice! hope you have a wonderful weekend, catch up on some good sleep!

  13. I love your pillows!! Your sewing projects always make me more motivated to get mine going :)

  14. hahah target is the best :) !! love your pillows. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. Love the pizza combo idea. Sweet Ruby missed you guys I'd say! Have a great weekend :)

  16. That's one thing I wish I got more of when traveling, artwork. Nothing fancy just the stuff on the street. Is love to do a gallery wall with paintings from the places we've been!

  17. Gorgeous prints! Such a good idea! And that pizza looks delish!

  18. I did the same thing -- turned trinkets into Christmas ornaments! Great minds :) Can't wait for more Europe posts ... we loved spending our 2nd anniversary in Paris with that lovely twinkling Eiffel Tower. Magical!

  19. I bet Ruby was so excited to see y'all!! :)

  20. Sounds like Ruby was SO excited to have y'all back home!

  21. Can wait to hear all about your trip! We spent our honeymoon in Italy and Croatia and just loved it! Welcome home!!! Xoxo

    1. Thank you so much! Croatia is definitely on our travel bucket list too, what a great honeymoon!

  22. I hope you had an amazing time in Europe! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
    *join the Monday Madness link up!*


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