
Last night, just one week after a very positive check-up with the vet, our Ruby tore her other ACL. We haven't confirmed it with the vet, but she is struggling to walk at all at this point and is exhibiting all of the same signs as she did with the last ACL injury.

We knew this was a possibility but its still extremely difficult to see our sweet pup go through this again. We're hoping her surgeon can call her in some pain meds while we are still up North.

While I try to keep this space positive and happy, I'm struggling to be optimistic right now. My husband and parents have been so great at reassuring me that it could be worse and that she'll be herself again. But as I'm sure many dog owners understand, it's so sad to see your fur baby hurt!

Prayers are truly appreciated!


  1. Oh no!! Poor Ruby! Praying for your sweet little pup. I hope she feels better soon. :(

    <3, Pamela

  2. Oh no! I completely understand, our lab had the same surgery on one of his knees and we were told the same thing that is likely to happen to the other. I feel your pain and know your frustrations. I think its truly harder on the owners. Prayers for y'all and hope she feels better soon!

  3. Oh, poor Ruby! I'm so sorry to hear that she is going through this again. Keep strong!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. Poor Ruby! Sending good thoughts your way!

  5. Oh no! I am sooo sorry! Sending happier thoughts your way.

  6. Poor Ruby! And Poor "mom and dad"...I know that has to be tough. I'm sorry. Keep us posted!

  7. Praying for your sweet girl and for you too mama. I am so sorry, she WILL be back to herself soon, just give her lots of love. I hope they get her some pain meds soon so she can get to feeling a little better....

  8. Aw sending a prayer and lots of kisses to little R. Lots of snuggles and a few doggy treats are due from her Auntie Shelby so you better pay up ;) Keep us posted on the little one!

  9. Hey Love, my heart goes out to you, your fam and especially your sweet little Ruby. Everyone who is reads your blog just simply loves that little pup and we are all sending very positive thought her way. Much love to you today!

  10. Awwww...poor sweet Ruby....Hoping she starts healing soon and quickly....just breaks my heart when our pup isn't feeling the best, so I can only imagine how you are feeling watching her in pain. Let us know how she is doing after the vet!

  11. Oh no poor Ruby!! She was just getting better too! I'm so sorry Cait! I know how much our fur babies are our real babies and we don't see them suffer!! I'll be thinking about you guys!!

  12. Oh no, Ruby :( :( I am so sorry, Cait! My pup is my babes, and I know that Ruby is yours... so hard to watch when you're unable to help them

  13. oh cait, I am sending positive thoughts and good vibes to both you and ruby! xo

  14. Oh no, I'm so sorry :( Sending lots and lots of prayers!

  15. So sorry to hear about Ruby. One of our pups tore a tendon in her knee about 6 months ago. Luckily is was a partial tear so no surgery was required, but it was a rough couple of months for her and us. I totally know how you feel. Sending thoughts and prayers your way!

  16. Thinking of you and little Ruby!! I hate when my boy is injured so I hope she feels better really soon! Were you able to get pet insurance and is this covered - or do they look at it as a pre-existing problem?

  17. oh gosh, SO sorry to hear that!! it's so tough to see our babies in pain. :( hoping for a speedy recovery.

  18. Prayers for Ruby and sending you strength! I know how hard it can be to see your fur baby suffering <3

  19. Poor baby :( I'll definitely be praying for you guys & your pup!


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