Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! It's completely blowing my mind that we're nearing the end of July. I'm not sure where this month went but we've got some fun things coming up so I'm excited!

Today I'm linking up with Amanda, Karli, and Amy and for my weekly dose of Friday faves!

Favorite Furry Paws

Is it me or do Ruby's paws look like little furry boots? This is what happens when the vet trims your pup for surgery, it looks ridiculous and cute at the same time. Her staples are getting removed today and it seems like her recovery is doing better this time around, thank goodness!

Favorite Clearance Find

I don't normally find much at the Gap Outlet normally but I picked up these shorts there last weekend for $9! Stylish shorts for under ten bucks? Sign me up. Don't forget to flash your super cool AAA card if you have one for 10 percent off.

Favorite First Glimpse of Fall

Quilted Puffer Vest

So I'm not trying to rush Fall (that's a lie) but I'm loving the vests at J. Crew Factory and can't wait to snatch one up! I'm thinking of adding a monogram to it. They also have the black and white herringbone vest again, which luckily I got my hands on before they sold out last year, but make sure you get it early!

Favorite Snack for on the Go
Fruit Strips

Because I'm too old to buy Fruit Roll Ups, I'm really enjoying these fruit strips as an easy, sweet treat!

Favorite New Tunes

Loving the Sam Smith album lately, his voice is so good! You can listen to the whole album here. Anyone else a fan?

I hope you all have a fab weekend! We've got some plans with friends tonight and a beach trip on Sunday (finally!) so I'm ready to get this weekend started!


  1. her paws absolutely look like boots! When my dog had to have surgery I kept saying he had his Uggs on, haha!

  2. OMG awww Ruby's paws do look like little boots! And those fruit strips sound amazing... yum!

    <3, Pamela

  3. I'm a little bit excited for fall too! But I'm not quite done with summer yet :) & that Sam Smith album has been on repeat all week for me - it's so good!

  4. Those are some cute furry boots. Glad to hear she's doing well! I am not ready for fall, but I am loving that vest! I cannot wait for fall clothes I guess. :)

  5. The fruit roll up for big kids looks delicious!

    happy friday!

  6. I wanted that vest so badly last year and I think I'm just going to scoop it up and not wait for it to not be in stock lol!! I love those fruit strips - they don't last very long when I buy them haha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. I'm totally trying to rush fall! I love summer, but I love fall even more!! :) Happy Friday! xo

  8. I am not even lying.... I pretty much love all of your favs! I have not heard of Sam Smith but will def give it a try! So the Fruit Strips are my vice in life and I simply cannot eat just one, they are too delish. Ruby looks like a little Diva with her new paw do and love love love the vest! Have a fab weekend Love!

  9. I's kind of killing me seeing all the bloggers posting about the Jcrew factory quilted vests that were released. Im obsessed with Fall, but I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet.

  10. sam smith's new album is amazing! I am obsessed with the whole thing.

  11. Yessss little paws, the cutest! I love those fruit strips too :)

  12. I love Sam Smith that voice! Stop those little furry paws are perfection!

  13. Yay for a beach trip (still haven't been out this year either ha). Ruby looks like she's wearing those Nodric boots like that come w/ the fur-lined dress for Halloween costumes. Love it! Happy weekend and glad she's doing so much better!

  14. Hahah all I could think of was "apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur" that's going to be stuck in my head allll day now!

  15. Oh my goodness I LOVE Sam Smith's album! And I'm totally with you on the whole fall thing. I can't wait for sweater weather and yep, pumpkin spice lattes. There I said it haha.

  16. Girl, I say snatch those vests right now!! Monday there was no waiting for additional 20% off of $100 or more and I got the warm bisque color vest and the herringbone vest for the price of ONE! I'm loving all these pre Fall sales right now...Summer clothes are officially not in my focus anymore haha

  17. I have been going back and forth about grabbing the herringbone vest at JCrew or wait to see what to see what new look they come out with. I love those fruit strips from target as well!

  18. Ooooh first glimpse of fall. Looooving it.

  19. i'll be thrilled to not be preg because next summer i'll be wearing denim cut offs all summer long...but i have yet to find the perfect pair, so good for you for finding some for $9. so jealous. ps. thank you so so much for linking up!

  20. definitely get the vest, i love mine!!


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