When I Grow Up...

Today it's getting real over here. I'm kind of putting myself out on a limb here because I don't normally post serious stuff (I mean, its definitely less fun to read about). But I've been thinking about this for some time and thought today might be the day to just let it out.

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. 

There, I said it. Although I like my job, I know its not something I want to do for the rest of my life.

I always envied my friends in college who were Pre-Med. It was pretty clear they were going to be doctors and dentists. I was over here like "Hey guys, I'm majoring in Anthropology and Criminology because its cool." But what the heck do you do with those degrees?! Before that, I was a Chemistry major. Clearly that didn't work out.

Then I went to graduate school and earned my Master's degree in Political Management. Though I think I found my niche, there are still a lot of different paths I could take. After 6 years of school, lots of great experiences working in the Capitol building and where I am now, I'm still unsure.

So what am I doing about it? Well... if you expected me to come to some grand conclusion by the end of this post, I'm sorry to disappoint. I'm still figuring it out. I don't have everything together at the moment but I know I will find my passion eventually. Until then, I'm thankful for a paycheck, my education, and my amazingly supportive husband and family.

And if I'm being honest, what I'd really like to do is retire now, travel, and eat lots of cupcakes without any of the calories. Is that too much to ask?!

Anyone else in the same boat?

Linking up with  Home of Malones and East Coast Chic!
Thoughts for Thursday



  1. Ohh I know there are so many of us in the same boat!! I was definitely envious of my friends in college that were medical majors or knew they were headed to law school to be a lawyer. Duh, they knew exactly what they were going to do after school. It's so tough finding what's going to make you happy for the rest of your life in work, but I think the best thing is that you are in a position that you are learning new things and still getting "professional" experience and that will lead you in the direction of the right job!! Or like me, have a baby and make that your full time job :) jk- kind of !!! Thanks for opening up to all of us and letting us know we aren't the only ones!!

  2. I am right there with you! For now, I have settled for gaining as much experience as possible and learning everything I can from my current position, so that one day I can apply it all to my dream job...whatever that may be. I think there's a lot more people that have no clue what they want to do than we realize!

    Thanks for getting serious with us! Happy Thursday!

    1. That's what I'm thinking too! Make the most of my time in my current job and be prepared for that dream job that will hopefully come along when the time is right! Good luck friend!!

  3. Definitely! I feel like a lot of people in their late twenties feel this way and I know I've felt lost in my career a lot over the last few years. Don't be afraid to make a change - it doesn't always have to be something big either. For me, I got laid off and found a new job working for a non-profit that benefits children, but I'm still working in marketing/advertising. Before I felt like my work didn't matter, but now I feel like I'm working for a good cause. Maybe even getting more involved in an organization/cause that you are interested in would help - even if it's just as a volunteer or something. Or even starting an Etsy shop or something similar on the side that involves a hobby you love. Sometimes that kind of thing can lead to something you love too. Just some thoughts I've had personally. You're not alone though!

  4. I'm 38 and have been in my job 15 years. When I came out of college the internet was just beginning to be a part of our daily lives. Now I work for an internet company so I definitely didn't have an idea of where my career was going. I've found that my passion doesn't come from work, it comes from my family, friends, and faith. As long as I am respected and valued at my job and like who I work with and for, then I can be happy in my job. I think sometimes we put too much emphasis on what we do for a living - the important thing is how we live.

    1. I definitely agree, I definitely find my passion outside of work with family, friends, etc. (and blogging!). I'm still envious of those who have it all, but maybe the career thing is just further down the road for me! Who knows! Thank you so much for your comments though, love the support!

  5. DEFINITELY in the same boat! I'm so envious (and at the same time, lucky) that my husband knows exactly what he wants to do, has been doing it since he graduated college, and still enjoys it. Other than wanting to rescue every dog possible, I can't think of anything else I'm really passionate about that I could make a career out of. You are not alone, friend.

  6. PS - I really like what Kelly said!

  7. Preach it!! I am in the exact same boat. I am thankful for the jobs I've had but I've never felt passionate about any of them nor have I felt very challenged!! I agree with Kelly- I've always found my joy/ passion in life outside of work & the people I get to do life with, so that's definitely encouraging! I would really like to find something where I look forward to work though :)

  8. Hey, I'm with you on the retire now, travel, and eat lots of cupcakes without any of the calories thing! I have no advice haha, I am about to leave my job of 8 years to move to the beach with no job currently lined up. All I know is I love the beach and I'll be happy doing whatever God provides me with there :) If I was staying in OK though I would definitely relate. I like my job, but I definitely don't love it... Here's to finding something we LOVE! (And hoping cupcakes are involved)

  9. Love this post...I have absolutely NO IDEA what I want to do or be. Dream job is doing something that makes a difference and helps/inspires others. But there are fun jobs like event planning and wedding industry stuff that I love too. Ughhh!!! Xxxx.

  10. Oh I hear ya! Still not in an ideal field (finance? fun?) but I LOVE my coworkers and because of that, I'm content to be there an indefinite amount of time. You may not have your one-true-job picked out yet, but you can only get closer with the next one, right? If I see any job openings for low-cal, super-yummy cupcake tasters, I'll be sure to let you know immediately ha.

  11. Right beside ya, sister.

  12. I'm right there with you girl! I'd love to just be able to retire now and travel the world and do whatever I want. That'd be amazing!

    <3, Pamela

  13. I can totally relate! Prior to staying home with my son I was not in my dream job, I've had a few "careers" since college and I have never loved any of them. At best I've tolerated them. I have so many friends who love their jobs and feel so fulfilled which I was always so envious of. Even though I'm home now I want to go back to work one day but I have no idea what I will do. Good luck on your search to find what you love!

  14. I feel like a lot of us are in this exact same boat. I just got my hands on a contact for a life/career coach and I am definitely going to make that call to try and take steps to find a better career. I seriously don't know where to start

  15. Girl I am right there with you. I really, really wish I went to school to be a veterinarian. I know yada,yada it's not too late. But the thought of going to school again (and going into debt again) makes me think twice about it. I say we will be 90 and still trying to figure it all out!

  16. It took me a long time to realize what i want to do -- (aka figure out what i really like to do). in the past few years at my current job my position has changed quite a bit and i am finally at the point of my career where i am doing what i really love to do -- graphic design. i am thankful that i am able to continue doing what i like to do (and what i think im good at) for a firm that appreciates my work. I would try to reflect on your current job (or past positions) and think about what parts of the job made you happy. can you do that full time? or maybe you have a hobby that you can make into a full time job (i would TOTALLY buy one of your scarf camera straps on etsy btw if you ever decide to start a shop). dont be too frustrated it takes some ppl longer than others (my husband loves what he does and doesnt ever think twice about it). good luck! and hang in there. xo

  17. At least you are thinking about it now and not when its "too late" I am very fortunate that i absolutely love my job. I couldn't be happier and that is so important. It makes for a better work day, better day after work, a happier person! I hope you figure out what you need! :)

    Alycia//Crazily Normal

  18. I bet so many more people struggle with this than we realize - I have definitely been there! You will figure it out step by step :)

  19. Sooo in the same boat as you! I left a career that I worked so hard to get into... but that just wasn't for me. Shortly after that... we moved over to Ireland. I am so nervous to move back and figure it all out. And seriously feel like I should have it all figured out by now. Thanks so much for the post... always nice knowing you're not alone.


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