World's Most Unorganized Moving Day

Sorry for the radio silence y'all! It's been one heck of a long weekend.

I'm happy to say we survived the world's most unorganized moving day. And if you don't believe me, take a look at this.

We opted to go the cheapest route possible for this move, meaning no moving companies and minimal boxes. (Because who wants to buy boxes? We used some from my husband's office). And in case you're wondering... yes, we did pack, unpack, and repack boxes several times throughout the weekend.

That's right. Absolutely no preparations were made before the big day.

If there is one thing about moving, its that you learn how much shit you accumulate over the years and proceed to put much more in the trash rather than let it take up valuable box space.

If it weren't for my parents and my cousin who came to help, it would have been a week-long event. Or the friends who offered to help would have sprinted in the opposite direction.

Even just having Grandma around to keep Rowan occupied was indispensable.

We took a break from the moving madness on Sunday to enjoy the hot weather by the water. R slept through everything, including the mad dash around Trader Joe's for two buck Chuck (they can't sell alcohol at TJ's where my parents live) and speculoos cookies.

It's safe to say I'm exhausted beyond belief and our house is barely liveable at this point. It makes my type-A self cringe just looking around. But we're so excited to get settled in! I'm hoping once my office is fully set up I'll have a lot more regular blog posts, so thanks for hanging in there with me in the meantime!


  1. Congrats on the house! Moving is so stressful, and it is one thing I absolutely despise. Can't wait to see how the house comes together! Hang in there!

  2. Oh my gosh you must be exhausted beyond belief! Thank goodness for family and friends helping out!

  3. Caitie, let go of that typeA. Move to B. One room at a time. At least the beds were up and you can find the pots and dishes! Take your time and don't stress! It certainly is not going anywhere!

  4. Hurray for moving! I know it's a lot of work but it's so exciting to be in a new place.

  5. Moving is so hard and overwhelming! Great job! Can't wait to see more pics!

  6. moving is the worst - aren't you glad it is over with? On to the fun stuff! Can't wait to see you this weekend!!

  7. I hate moving. It was a trial moving from a dorm to a house a few years back, who knew in my short 20 years (at the time) that I could accumulate more stuff than my grandma! Can't wait to see the new place.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  8. Goodness! I feel ya! We had to pack our whole house up to have the floors refinished and I just wanted to throw the majority of it away!

  9. Yeah, but the purging of the exhilarating!! Enjoy being in your new home!

  10. Yeah, but the purging of the exhilarating!! Enjoy being in your new home!

  11. We moved when our little one was just 6 months old..(and once again since then!) Your move sounds exactly like ours lol :P Glad that you are in the new place..It will only get better from now! :)

  12. Ha! Omg not gonna lie but that looks intimidating! I see you have cable though so thats a win!

  13. oh lord sorry lady! but im glad you're DONE!!! dont stress too much about putting everything away right away it will get done and in the meantime just close the door to those extra rooms! that's what im going to do hah xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  14. When are moving days every organized? ;) Yay for finally being your new home!!

  15. Moving is the worst!! But at least it's behind you now and soon you can get on to the fun stuff- decorating!

  16. Uh, moving is so stressful! Good thing is that it's over and now you can take your time and settle in!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle


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