Can't Live Without It | Amazon Prime Photo Storage

Happy weekend, friends! I've been excited for this weekend for a while now, knowing we'll officially be moved into the new house! I feel like life will finally be able to get back to normal-ish. Maybe I'll have time to relax, get a mani, or make an actual meal?? Cereal and pizza just aren't cutting it anymore.

This week I had quite a scare in the computer department when my computer wouldn't boot up. (Hence, being MIA on the blogging front). I thought for sure I lost all 1000+ photos of Rowan that I've taken since he was born. Thank goodness for random You Tube videos that helped me fix my computer without spending a fortune! All of my photos are safe (I most definitely would have cried for days if not) and it was a stark reminder that I need to backup my photos more often!

So today I'm keeping it short and simple: I can't live without Amazon Prime unlimited photo storage.

Did you know if you're a Prime member (why wouldn't you be?) you can get free unlimited photo storage in the Amazon cloud drive??!! Somehow I just found this out.

As I type this I've got about 4000 huge photo files in my Amazon cloud drive, and its free with your membership.

You can upload your photos through the Amazon website, download the app on your phone, or download the software on your computer. It does take a while to load photos but its worth it to know all of your travel, family, and baby photos are safe! I personally don't rely solely on an external hard drive because I've had one crash in the past. (Super lucky with this computer crap, right?)

And let's be real, who doesn't like shopping online and getting your package two days later? Sometimes I don't even get out of the house in that time frame. So if you don't have Amazon Prime, this is all the more reason to get it. And no I'm not being paid in anyway by Amazon, I just love it.

So there is my PSA for the week! I hope you all have fab weekend plans!

For us, it will be glorious living in just one home rather than two simultaneously. We've made some purchases for the living room and have a DIY project in the works so I'll have an update and some photos for y'all next week!

Want to join us?! Share something you can't live without, link back to Stephanie, Laura and I, and link up below!


  1. I love amazon prime! Do you use subscribe and save? You could also use amazon mom you can get more of a discount on momma related products.

    So glad you got your photos! I use an external hard drive to save my photos. Sorry about the previous comment, I noticed I had a typo, you can just go ahead and delete that comment.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  2. excuse me what? I had not clue! And how scary about your photos!! This is great info...I find reasons to love Amazon Prime everyday!

  3. This is phenomenal- I had no idea!!! Thanks!

  4. So scary! I had no idea Amazon had photo storage!

  5. Whaaat?! This is so great to know! My pictures disappearing are my biggest fear... I keep saying I'm going to get them printed off but this will be perfect in the mean time!

  6. Soon glad you didn't lose your photos! J need to transfer mine onto the cloud ASAP I'd be so sad if i lost them.

  7. Ps good luck with the move and let us know if you need help!!

  8. I had no idea that was an option! I will have to look into that. Seems like I'm using storage everywhere to keep pictures of my babe these days.

  9. Unlimited storage is amazing! I use Dropbox now but I just got an email that they are drastically reducing my space soon if I don't pay more money. Yeah no thanks.
    Have a good weekend!

  10. As soon as I take the 3000+ photos off my phone I may need to look into Amazon prime!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  11. Thanks for introducing me to this awesome storage option! I'm sure it's a lifesaver.

    Happy Friday :)

  12. I'm not a prime member - because I feel like I spend a lot more. But that...that is priceless. I would absolutely cry if I lost my photos!!

  13. Amazon Prime is seriously my favorite invention ever, but I had no idea about the photo storage... This is so good to know. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Wow - good to know. What does Prime NOT do??

  15. Amazon Prime was one of my Christmas gifts last year. I swear, I made up that $99 in the first month (if not sooner) of having Conner. Free two day shipping with a newborn!? YES, PLEASE!!!!


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