Can't Live Without It Link Up

We've almost made it to the weekend... Y'all I can't even contain my excitement!

I'm throwing in the towel this week and have nothing exciting to share unless you count finally finding a bra to wear in this mess exciting. Move 1, Me 0. I swear one of these days I'll get my crap together!

I hope you all have a great long weekend filled with lots of sun, sand and a drink in your hand!

Want to join us for the link up?! Share something you can't live without, link back to Stephanie, Laura and I, and link up below!


  1. This craziness will be just a distant fuzzy memory soon... and the weekend is here!

  2. Oh, moving, it is the pits! Find that bra, or not, and put your feet up, have a drink, even if it is just for an hour. Have a great weekend.

  3. You can't put a price on a comfy bra! Hope the rest of your move goes well. Don't forget Momma needs some rest too! ;)

  4. Ya for the long weekend is right! Happy Friday!

  5. Enjoy the long weekend! Hopefully you manage to relax a bit among all the move craziness!

  6. When moving, it's the little victories that count! ;)


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