Can't Live Without It | Go-to Jeans

Happy weekend, loves!

I hope you're all as excited about this link up as we are... when Stephanie said she was making her Can't Live Without It posts a link up, I was relieved. After a busy week trying to survive being a mama and working, I'm all about it! Plus, I get to see what y'all are loving on each week!  To join us, just grab the image, link back to me, Stephanie, and Laura, and link up below!

For my first installment of Can't Live Without It, I'm loving on these skinny jeans. And I'm totally crushing on this black distressed version. Their toothpick, matchstick, and skinny jeans all fit very similarly, I love them all.

I know jeans fit everyone differently but if they fit my "muscular" thighs, they must be good.

I wish I had a more current picture but I got pregnant right after and haven't fit my butt back into them since. Still working on that...

I wore them all over Europe and washed them once, but they never once got baggy or uncomfortable. Well, maybe a little tight after my 5th plate of gnocci in 6 days...

And don't worry, you never have to pay full price for these. I'm one of those people who can't rationalize paying more than $50 for jeans. Anyone else with me?! I don't care how great they are, they are not worth $150+ of my hard earned bucks.
So, if they aren't on super sale at J. Crew then I head to the factory store and buy them in every color. Clearly.

Dark and light versions here

Okay, your turn! What can't you live without!?


  1. Linked! :-) Finding a good pair of (affordable) jeans is reason to celebrate. I've been living in leggings for the past 6 months haha!

  2. Love to read about jeans, I swear they are the hardest things to buy! What a great find! Happy weekend!

  3. I'm loving this link up! You're totally rocking those jeans. I'm going to have to check them out! Happy weekend!

  4. Jeans are the hardest thing to shop for so whenever I find a pair that fits, I stock up!! Right now I'm loving Banana Republics ankle jeans (because I'm a shorty!) but going to check these out next time!

  5. I totally forgot about the link up! Good thing I told Stephanie I wouldn't be reliable to do it every Friday! Nothing better than finding a pair of skinny jeans you love. I wear the heck out of my rag & bone ones.
    Ally - Life as I know it

  6. What an awesome idea for a link up! I will totally be back next Friday :) Those jeans look fantastic. I will definitely need to check them out. I hate when jeans get too baggy after one wear.

  7. I have J.Crew distressed jeans and I LOVE them. Will have to check these out. I always splurge on jeans if only they magically made me skinnier...

  8. OK thank you for the "...haven't fit my butt back into them since. Still working on that." I happen to be wearing all my coats unbuttoned at the moment. I figure the baby weight provides the extra insulation, right?

  9. those jeans are SO cute! i need to wait a few more weeks til i start buying "real" clothes again...aka jeans or shorts that dont have elastic in them. ah well SOMEDAY! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Love that you are able to get these at the J. Crew Factory store! I'm with you, I don't like to spend more than $50 on a pair of jeans, especially when its almost guaranteed that they will end up with some form of food or other gunk on them thanks to my toddler. Thanks so much for sharing, I might need to get myself a pair! :)

  11. Okay your shoes in the pic with your husband-are they Sperrys? Was just looking at a pair just like them. Great jeans! Love J. Crew Factory store.

  12. I haven't tried these on in years, but I definitely should! I have mom thighs and it is so hard to find jeans that fit everything just right!


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