Can't Live Without It | Baby Bouncer

Hello weekend!

After the crazy busy work week I had, I can't think of anything more glorious than a weekend full of napping, pampering, and wine.

Only one of the above will likely take place this weekend, and I'll just throw it out there and say its the wine. I've been avoiding packing like the plague but I think the time has come. One thing that won't be packed up, and is the star of this post (aside from the cute baby), is this bouncer.

Today I'm joining some gorgeous co-hosts, Stephanie and Laura, for the Can't Live Without It link up!

Working from home with an almost 3-month hold has been quite the experience so far. Luckily Rowan is a great napper but he can't sleep all day, which is where this bouncer comes in handy.

If you're in the market for a bouncer, you don't need a fancy expensive one. This one does the trick without being some completely obnoxious color and covered with butterflies and fairies. It also has a vibrating function which puts R to sleep every time.

When I have time sensitive work to do and Rowan is awake, he sits in his bouncer next to me and has the best time. The kid just smiles away, kicking his legs and swinging his little arms around at the toys. It also helps that he is easily entertained by my singing and rambling.
He is also at the perfect height for Ruby to sneak some kisses and run off with his Sophie the Giraffe. (Which Ruby thinks is hers now that my husband gave that overpriced toy to her a few days ago... insert angry face emoji here)

Working from home with him is challenging and I may be slowly losing my mind, but I'm so happy I get to spend my days with him. I mean, how could you not love looking down at this sweet face?!

Want to join the link up?! Share what you can't live without... it could be wine, cookies, or a favorite product, whatever that one thing is that you are crazy about this week! Make sure to link back to your hosts and share your link below!


  1. Sophie loved her Sophie the Giraffe. Even now at 15 months she'll still carry it around and play with it. I'm sorry that Ruby thinks it's hers maybe she'll give it back one of these days?

  2. so does it bounce on its own?! we have the baby bjorn bouncer and i love how it looks but it doesnt do anything for vi bc SHE has to move to make it bouce and right now that isnt happening. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. He is getting cuter and cuter everyday! So funny that Ruby punked his Sophie. She's such a popular toy!

  4. I agree that a good "chair of neglect" is essential. Haha, don't worry that is just what we call the bouncer that P likes to hang out in for a lot of hours. Circle of neglect just seemed fitting!

  5. So excited to share this bouncer with my sister in law, she has had a hard time finding one she likes. I love the new picture too by the way!

  6. SO cute! I'm happy the bouncer works for little man REFUSED to be put down ANYWHERE that wasn't one of our laps/arms for the first three months of his life. It was pretty tough haha! But yes to Sophie!

  7. Why didn’t I come up with that little giraffe that all babies are obsessed with?? Bouncers seem to be key for keeping little ones happy!


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