Can't Live Without It | All About that Wine

Y'all we're so close to the weekend. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you caught up with this post then you'll know why this week I can't live without..


Because, witching hour. Need I say more?

I'll take any type of wine, I'm not picky. Though I do love Barrel Oak Wine. It's one of my favorites from our time up in the DC area and luckily we can order online with free shipping. Hallelujah.

I know you're supposed to drink white wine when its warm outside, but this week I was desperate. Plus, I need some new white wines to try. Share some of your favorites!!

And cheers to the weekend :) I hope yours is full of beautiful weather, good food, and a bottomless glass of whatever you like!

Want to join us? Share what you can't live without this week, link back to Stephanie, Laura, and I, and link up below! Ready, go!

And make sure to hop around and say hi on the blogs below!


Wednesday Randoms

Happy hump day, friends!

We've had quite the week so far around here. It seems as though Rowan is going through a growth spurt and possibly a developmental leap all at the same time, so our 3 week stretch of sleeping through the night has been interrupted. Rowan has been such a happy, fuss-free baby so this has really thrown us for a loop.

Since energy and time are hard to come by, I'm taking a page from Katie's book and doing a quick update for y'all! Also linking up with Natalie and Annie!

Loving: this blush bucket bag, doing ab exercises during nap time, and the lips, cheeks, and double chin below (heart eye emojis times ten!)

I told him to enjoy the rolls now because they aren't as widely accepted when he's my age.

Loathing:  postpartum hair loss, witching hour, pale legs + shorts, and being allowed only one glass of wine between feedings

Looking Forward to: Girls brunch this weekend, closing on our house, and my first Mother's Day!

Making: Breakfast for dinner most nights. Its easy, quick, and good after the inevitable reheating with a fussy baby around.

Sharing: My friend Lo's blog! She has a super cute giveaway going on here, head on over and check it out!

Pinning: Living and Dining room inspiration, including paint colors. All I've narrowed it down to Benjamin Moore Palladian Blue for my office and Revere Pewter for our living room/kitchen/entryway. I'm planning a paint/stenciling job in our half bath so stay tuned!

Also I'm obsessed with this coffee table, I just need to figure out where I can buy it!

Shopping: We haven't decided on living room furniture yet (thanks so much for the help!) but I did pick up this metal bed for our guest room. I've also got this rug, this maxi dress for mama, and this sweet button down for my little man in my shopping cart. 

Watching: Scandal, Game of Thrones and Veep

Hope y'all have had a great week so far! Don't forget to join Stephanie, Laura and I tomorrow night (or Friday) for our Can't Live Without It linkup!

Can't Live Without It | Baby Bouncer

Hello weekend!

After the crazy busy work week I had, I can't think of anything more glorious than a weekend full of napping, pampering, and wine.

Only one of the above will likely take place this weekend, and I'll just throw it out there and say its the wine. I've been avoiding packing like the plague but I think the time has come. One thing that won't be packed up, and is the star of this post (aside from the cute baby), is this bouncer.

Today I'm joining some gorgeous co-hosts, Stephanie and Laura, for the Can't Live Without It link up!

Working from home with an almost 3-month hold has been quite the experience so far. Luckily Rowan is a great napper but he can't sleep all day, which is where this bouncer comes in handy.

If you're in the market for a bouncer, you don't need a fancy expensive one. This one does the trick without being some completely obnoxious color and covered with butterflies and fairies. It also has a vibrating function which puts R to sleep every time.

When I have time sensitive work to do and Rowan is awake, he sits in his bouncer next to me and has the best time. The kid just smiles away, kicking his legs and swinging his little arms around at the toys. It also helps that he is easily entertained by my singing and rambling.
He is also at the perfect height for Ruby to sneak some kisses and run off with his Sophie the Giraffe. (Which Ruby thinks is hers now that my husband gave that overpriced toy to her a few days ago... insert angry face emoji here)

Working from home with him is challenging and I may be slowly losing my mind, but I'm so happy I get to spend my days with him. I mean, how could you not love looking down at this sweet face?!

Want to join the link up?! Share what you can't live without... it could be wine, cookies, or a favorite product, whatever that one thing is that you are crazy about this week! Make sure to link back to your hosts and share your link below!


New Home :: Living Room Furniture

Now that closing on our first home is less than 2 weeks away, I've officially changed my mindset when it comes to cleaning and organizing the house.

Clothes are falling off of the shelves? Winter sweaters need put away? Nah, I'll just be packing them up soon anyway. Bathrooms need scrubbed? Can't see through the mirrors? Eh. I'll have to do a deep clean in 2 weeks, they can wait.

Does anyone else feel this way when you're about to move or am I just completely lazy and gross for not cleaning my bathroom? For the record, I did clean it a little bit.

Anyway, with the larger square footage of our new house we're on the hunt for new living room furniture and this is where I need y'all to help! You can see some of my inspiration here.

For a refresher, here is the room I'm talking about. Hopefully before Christmas there will be a fireplace installed!

We're thinking of doing a large sofa + loveseat or a large sofa + two side chairs. My basic necessities for the sofa are:
  • Spend a little more for great quality so I don't hate it a week after the purchase. I really want to avoid saggy cushions.
  • Must have lots of color options because we're still undecided. Shade of grey or tan? I love white but that will never work in this household. #Firstworldproblems
  • Not too traditional, but not too modern either

Here are the sofas we have narrowed it down to...

Basset Comfort Classics Sofa

Basset HGTV Custom Classics Sofa

Pottery Barn Comfort English Roll Arm

I also found a similar option from Ashley Furniture here, does anyone have thoughts on their quality? Does it hold up?

And if we go the sofa + chair route, I'm loving these chairs. 

So what do y'all think? Any other places I should be looking?!

Privacy, Watermarking and Blogging

FYI, this is not a Lilly for Target recap post. You're welcome.

This past weekend I was texting with some fellow mama bloggers turned friends and the topic of what photos we post of our babies, how we share them, and the fact that someone would be stealing their photos to use as their own came up. Though it had crossed my mind several times over, particularly as this little space of the internet I call mine has grown, this has been weighing on me more and more since Rowan came into the picture. Literally.
I won't go too in depth because both Stephanie from Newlyweds:North and Megan from Willow & Co. outlined what I'm talking about in perfect detail, but it's dawned on me that I haven't been careful enough about protecting my photos. As a blogger, you should be watermarking your photos regardless of whether they are of your kids, vacations, DIY projects, or just a weekend recap. 

I love that readers want to pin photos from my blog but I know I need to be better about protecting them. That's not to say people want to claim my amateur photography skills as their own but it is important to protect your work and yourself.

And on that note, make sure to check out this post on ways to be safe on social media

As for the future, my mama bear side is telling me to scale back on sharing photos of my little man. I still plan on posting photos of Rowan, though less than I'd like and with a big fat watermark near his cute face for all of the reasons Stephanie and Megan explained. After all, one of the reasons I started this blog was to share our life for our families and friends who live far away to see. If I totally pulled back on sharing photos of ourselves, what is the point?

This blog is also about a lot of other things besides my son, which I suspect is why many of you stick around. Now that I am learning to be more productive during nap time, I promise more DIY projects, recipes, and fun posts in the future! 

I hope you all understand and make sure to protect yourself online and in social media! There is far too much crazy in this world. 

Can't Live Without It | Nifty Fifty Lens

Thank you so much to those of you who joined Stephanie, Laura, and I for our first Can't Live Without It linkup last Friday! Y'all are awesome and I can't wait to read your posts again this week!

You know the drill... share something you can't live without, grab the image, link back to your hosts, and link up below! Make sure to hop around and check out some of the fab blogs that join us!

This week I'm giving some love to my "nifty fifty" DSLR camera lens. If you've got a DSLR camera, add this to your camera bag stat!

Canon 50 mm lens
Initially this lens freaked me out because it makes you seem much closer to your subject than you actually are. You also can't zoom because its a fixed lens so that takes some getting used to. 

My favorite thing to do with this lens is blur out the background by setting the aperture low.

In the photo above, it was pretty dreary outside but you wouldn't know it because the lens pulled in so much light! And this was with a pretty quick shutter speed so my little man's constantly moving legs don't look blurry.

The 50 mm lens is also great for beginners to learn how to shoot manual. I never thought I'd say this but after about a day of playing with the settings using this lens, I feel like I am getting the hang of it! For whatever reason manual seems easier with this lens than the stock lens.

Don't believe me? Check out Laura's post.. great minds think like :)

And if you're looking for something to do this weekend, this DIY camera lens strap is another one of my must haves! If you've been around for a while this strap may look familiar... I made it last year out of a scarf and some leather scraps. It beats the hell out of the uncomfortable stock camera strap and if its super easy to make if you have a sewing machine lying around collecting dust.

One of my goals this summer is to start using my DSLR more than I use my iPhone for photos so I know this lens is going to get a lot of use!

Also I realized I'm never in photos. Does that happen to anyone else? I think my husband needs a crash course on the fifty nifty lens so it looks like I actually exist... ha! Have a great weekend y'all!


My Love/Hate Relationship with Breastfeeding

I originally started writing this post a month ago when Rowan was 4 weeks and I'm glad I didn't post it because you could hear my frustration while reading it. I wanted to give breastfeeding a chance and I'm so glad I did, but it was not easy. I thought I'd share my experience because I have a feeling there are some ladies out there who have felt the same way, frustrated and tired, and have considered throwing in the towel.

What I needed when I reached that breaking point was encouragement to keep going and to know that it was 100% okay if I didn't want to breastfeed anymore. Your baby will thrive regardless of whether they are exclusively breastfed or formula fed, so no judgements here. And that's why I'm writing this, so others know its okay to switch to formula if you want to. Breastfeeding may not get easier, but after about 6 weeks you will both get much better at it.

I will preface this by saying I think I have been pretty lucky in the breastfeeding department, and I hope I'm not jinxing myself. I haven't had to experience clogged ducts or mastitis and aside from a few middle of the night feedings when Rowan was just overly hungry, he's had a great latch. It's just the damn postpartum hormones and sleep deprivation that you have to get past!

The Good

I know there are so many women who want to breastfeed but can't, and that was part of why mom guilt set in when I considered quitting. The other part is how many advantages there are to breastfeeding, the list goes on and on. The health benefits for Rowan alone are worth it but the cost savings and help losing that baby weight are an added bonus.  

The Bad

First Two Weeks
Those first two weeks are pure survival for breastfeeding mamas. If your babe is like Rowan, they may have their days and nights mixed up. Rowan also cluster fed every night for the first 10 days. I remember sitting in the rocker feeding Rowan every hour, watching my husband and Ruby sleeping peacefully in the bed next to us. I would burp Rowan, swaddle him, and put him in his lounger, but the moment I got comfortable he would spit up or be hungry again.

Soreness and Engorgement
When your milk comes in your boobs feel like rocks. I was in tears it was so uncomfortable and I was leaking constantly... so glam! To top it off, my lactation consultant said not to pump at that stage, just to hand express to the point that your babe can latch. You don't want your body to think you need to continue producing that much on a constant basis.

Even with a good latch, your nipples will still be sore and very sensitive at first. I put Lanolin on before showering because the water hurt them and it helped but only a little. Breast milk also helps a lot.  

It wasn't until about 6 weeks when I learned some of Rowan's cues and things got better. He would constantly unlatch and then squirm and cry like a crazy man, which I figured out later was because he needed to be burped. After he burped he would latch right away and go right back to eating. I really wish I had known this early on, it may have prevented some tears from mama at 3 AM. We also learned that he needed to be kept upright for about 45 minutes after feeding to help reduce spit ups.

The Ugly

Baby Blues
Remember when I said I was up all night the first two weeks? That lack of sleep contributed to some baby blues, which I haven't talked about much here. Every night when it was time to get ready for bed I would be in tears knowing what was in store... knowing my husband couldn't help and it was all up to me to keep our little man fed.

Pillow Madness
I tried almost every breastfeeding pillow there was and hated all of them. I would throw them on the ground in a fit of postpartum, hormone-induced rage. Seriously never thought I'd get so angry about a damn pillow.... I ended up sticking with the "My Breast Friend" pillow (terrible name) and cut some of the foam off of the back support.

Feeling trapped
Before I started pumping I felt trapped, like I was just going to be a hermit forever (dramatic, I know) because I couldn't leave the house for longer than an hour or two. I did a lot of impulse buying at Target because I had to rush back home every time.

A few of the things I use daily...

Pump (Check with your insurance, they are required to provide pumps for free!)

So what changed? Why did I do a complete 180 about breastfeeding? Here are a few of the things I recommend for breastfeeding mamas.

Push yourself to do it until the 6 week mark and then reevaluate. 
Things just clicked around 6 weeks and it was much less stressful. I think it was because I started pumping (see below) and because we were coming out of the newborn fog. The all night cluster feeding does end eventually, I promise!

Start pumping and get a small supply going. 
I started pumping after Rowan's noon feeding when he was 3 weeks and got a small freezer supply going before we introduced a bottle. It made me so much less stressed knowing that if I was out running errands and couldn't get back in time, my husband could feed Rowan. That little bit of freedom made a huge difference. I'm also so thankful to Laura for her advice on pumping!

Let someone else do a feeding. 
By 4 weeks, we started Rowan on a bottle for his last feeding before bed. This gave my husband the opportunity to be involved in feeding him and me some extra time to clean up after dinner, (maybe) shower, or just relax. I still have to pump at that time, but its been one of the best moves we made throughout this whole experience.

Get on a schedule
Rowan fed on demand the first two weeks but I started using the Moms on Call schedule once we knew he had gotten back to his birth weight (and then some!) and the Pediatrician gave us the okay. Having that structure has been so helpful for us! We don't follow everything exactly, but it works for us so far and we've even had a few nights in the past week where Rowan slept through the night! Not bad for a 9 week old!

I'm so glad I stuck with breastfeeding, it's amazing what your body can do. Knowing that I contributed to those adorable chubby cheeks and wrist rolls is a great feeling. I'm sure the boob situation won't be pretty after breastfeeding though... I propose that breastfeeding mamas should get to put the money we save on formula towards a post-baby boob lift. Who is with me?!

I know this was a long post but I hope it is helpful for some of you! Feel free to reach out if anyone has questions or needs some encouragement like I did!

Can't Live Without It | Go-to Jeans

Happy weekend, loves!

I hope you're all as excited about this link up as we are... when Stephanie said she was making her Can't Live Without It posts a link up, I was relieved. After a busy week trying to survive being a mama and working, I'm all about it! Plus, I get to see what y'all are loving on each week!  To join us, just grab the image, link back to me, Stephanie, and Laura, and link up below!

For my first installment of Can't Live Without It, I'm loving on these skinny jeans. And I'm totally crushing on this black distressed version. Their toothpick, matchstick, and skinny jeans all fit very similarly, I love them all.

I know jeans fit everyone differently but if they fit my "muscular" thighs, they must be good.

I wish I had a more current picture but I got pregnant right after and haven't fit my butt back into them since. Still working on that...

I wore them all over Europe and washed them once, but they never once got baggy or uncomfortable. Well, maybe a little tight after my 5th plate of gnocci in 6 days...

And don't worry, you never have to pay full price for these. I'm one of those people who can't rationalize paying more than $50 for jeans. Anyone else with me?! I don't care how great they are, they are not worth $150+ of my hard earned bucks.
So, if they aren't on super sale at J. Crew then I head to the factory store and buy them in every color. Clearly.

Dark and light versions here

Okay, your turn! What can't you live without!?


Our First Home!

After 8 years of moving, Charleston has won us over. As if 2015 hadn't been good enough to us yet, we're adding the purchase of our very first home to the list.

We're so excited for the new memories we're going to make in this place. I can't wait until Rowan can play tee-ball in the back yard or to watch him and Ruby play together.

I snapped a few photos of the interior so you can see what we're working with. This house is very builder-grade (most of the houses are in our little 'burb... womp womp) but I definitely see some spaces that I can tackle DIY-style.

Like those black appliances? This kitchen is brown and tan all over. Definitely going away at some point. But hey, I got my gas stove! 

For sure adding a fireplace between those windows.  

DIY wainscoting? Yes, please.

It's not a major reno, but the walls need some paint, the floors need redone, and the fixtures need replaced so we can totally handle that.

Paint, a (king size) bed, and dark hardwoods with an area rug. Perfect!

My list of projects is longer than my husband has the patience for, and they will definitely take time, but I can't wait to share them with y'all! There will be a few empty rooms for a while until I can make some decisions, something I'm notoriously terrible at, so I'm sure I'll be asking for your advice!

Now, let the paint color picking and packing commence!

Don't forget to link up this Friday with Stephanie, Laura and I for the first ever Can't Live Without It linkup!


Baby's First Easter

Gorgeous weather, family, a cute babe, and lots of food. That pretty much sums up our Easter weekend.

For months Rowan's Easter outfit has been hanging in his nursery waiting to be worn. It was one of those outfits that you just can't pass up. Fast forward to Sunday morning as we were hurriedly getting ready for Church (we're never, ever on time) and our little chunker barely fit in it!

We squeezed him into it anyway with the cutest penny loafers ever, which kept falling off.

I can't even... That face! He naturally didn't notice his Easter basket but we had to document it anyway. 

I put on my face, switched dresses last minute because my post-baby body just didn't fit in my favorite coral dress like it used to, and posed for some family pictures.

Squinty eyes and all.

But one of my favorites from Rowan's impromtu Easter photo shoot... because his face and that lean is just too damn good.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!

And in other, fun blog-related news... Stephanie, Laura, and I are joining forces for a weekly link up starting this Friday! It's super easy after a long week, just share one thing you can't live without! Note: Wine, Target finds, or the comfiest pair of yoga pants all count.

Hope to see y'all link up this week!

Friday Favorites

Happy weekend! I can't remember a time when I was more excited for the weekend. We officially survived my first week back to work with only one minor mom-guilt breakdown from me. Now we're prepping for Rowan's first Easter and hosting dinner!

I'm linking up with Christina and crew for a quick edition of Five Four on Friday!

ONE. Desserts. 

Of course dessert is my main concern for Easter dinner, since I know my Mom has the rest covered (great host, right?). I haven't had much time to bake lately but I'm looking forward to making these gorgeous rose cupcakes again! They are really easy, see the tutorial here, and can be made with store bought cupcake mix and frosting if you're pressed for time.

TWO. Rowan's First Easter Basket

Bucket Hat (Janie & Jack Outlet). Swim Diaper (Similar). Llama Llama book. Sandals.
Smocked Bubble. Basket (Michael's, with DIY liner).

I know he won't know what the heck is going on, but I had such a good time putting together Rowan's first Easter basket! We're all set for summer with his first smocked bubble, a reversible bucket hat, swim diaper, and adorable sandals. I just couldn't pass them up! What do you have in your mini's basket?

THREE. Target.

Not Easter related, but I'm trying to figure out where I can put these gorgeous stools. Also, I'll take one of everything in this picture.

FOUR. This smile.
Bouncer. Stay & Co. Hat (love their fabrics, so soft!).
I don't think its possible to kiss these cheeks any more than I already do! This smile just makes my day!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
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