Five on Friday

Happy Friday y'all! This morning I desperately needed a second cup of coffee and a blanket at my desk so I hope you are all keeping warm too!

This week has been pretty exciting, we've gotten a lot of final details for our Europe trip taken care of like train tickets and decided on a couple tours in Rome. I also noticed two of the most famous macaron bakeries in Paris, the Ladurée and Pierre Hermé, are on the Champs-Élysées near our hotel so you know where I'll be!!

Also I wanted to thank you for the love on my DIY paper heart garland yesterday! As usual I'm linking up with Christina, April, Natasha, and Darci for another dose of Five on Friday!

Caprese Pizza

This week I made Caprese Pizza with Balsalmic Reduction and it was heaven! Seriously. I could have eaten 3 of these things!! It's a bit of a splurge if you're trying to eat healthy (like me... you can see how well that went this week) but you need a cheat day every once and a while :)

iPhone Camera Lenses and my own sewing corner

This week my husband helped me bring in our old dining table to use in our spare bedroom for a little crafting area. I've been working on kind of a big project (more on that next week!) and it has been awesome having this space to sew and make a mess. It doesn't match our coastal-looking bedroom and I'll be moving it when guests come anyway, but its so convenient to have for now!

I was playing around with a new toy, iphone camera lens attachments, in the photos below. You get a macro, wide angle, and fisheye lens with a clamp to hold them on your phone. The pictures aren't the most clear but for $10, its much cheaper and easier to carry around than any fancy lenses for my big girl camera. I'm really excited to try them out in Europe!

Pretty Camera Accessories

The Bloom Theory Love Me "Fleur" Ever Strap
Speaking of photos, I'm pretty much obsessed with this gorgeous camera strap! (And this one!) It looks much more comfortable and less nerdy than the standard strap. It's definitely going on next year's Christmas list! Or my Valentine's wish list??? ha, yeah right.


I'm getting a couple inches chopped off at the hair salon tomorrow... eek! I've been growing it out for over 3 years but this mane is just getting out of control! I found a great hairstylist in downtown Charleston who knows how to cut curly hair (curly hair girls all know this is big... I've had way too many bad haircuts!) so I'm looking forward to a new look for the new year!

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  1. That pizza looks amazing!! For someone like me who doesn't own a nice camera that iphone lens would come in handy.See you tonight!!

  2. Love that camera strap!! Def going on my wish list! Have a great weekend! Good luck with the chop!

  3. That pizza looks sooooo good!! That iPhone camera lens is pretty cool, I didn't know they made attachments for the iPhone camera. And that strap?! I think you need it- so pretty!!!

  4. Oh my gosh that pizza looks so good! Did you use a pizza stone? We don't have one and I've been wanting to get one bc we love pizza and there's so many possibilities. Yay for finalizing the last of your big trip details, that lens will no doubt come in handy. Happy weekend!

  5. That pizza looks so yummy! Cheat days are needed every once in awhile :) Carbs are good for the soul, right? Happy Friday!

  6. Yay for camera fun!!! And that pizza looks aaaaaamazing. DELISH!
    Happy weekend, lovely! xx

  7. I've never seen a camera strap like that. It is really lovely. P.S. Ruby, on my blog this week you inspired me to post a picture of my hair dried naturally (and brushed through) you should check it out if you get a chance! It should give you a laugh!

  8. That pizza looks so good! I agree that pizza is one of the best things possible to splurge on though :)

  9. omg that pizza looks SO good! good luck with the haircut! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Making homemade pizza tonight, but may have to tweak it based on your ridiculous looking recipe! Loving that camera strap and can't wait to see your new 'do! Have a great weekend, love!

  11. YAY for Europe planning! So fun! That pizza looks so yummy!! And those camera accessories are awesome! You'll be so glad to have both options of your camera & your new lens while of both worlds! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
    Happy Weekend, Doll!

  12. Saw those camera straps I am dying over them! Wish those had come out before Christmas because this girl needs one! Have a fabulous weekend!

  13. I just came across your blog and wanted to say hi! I'm a holiday lover, coffee junkie, and new blogger too! I'm currently living in Florida too! Happy Friday :)

  14. Hi sweets! I'm Elise @ Cheers Yall's little sis and new to the blog world! I just started following you on GFC and cannot wait to read along and be in this awesome bloggin' community with you! That pizza looks so good and I am super intrigued with the iPhone camera lens cool. Have a happy Friday! Xx.

  15. That pizza looks amazing..I need to try it before the end of the month when we start our carb-less dinners back up!

  16. I love that camera strap, and that pizza looks so good! Happy Friday!

  17. That pizza & camera strap look amazing!

  18. I've been wondering about those iphone lenses! Thanks for sharing and I'm totally making pizza next week! Have a wonderful weekend, xo

  19. Oh my gosh - that pizza look delicious!! And your sewing corner is so cute! I need something like that - but not sure where to put it in my house, running out of room! ;))

    xx Em

  20. So glad I found your blog through the link fun! My husband and I live in Germany and went to paris over Christmas! You will love it! If you have any questions or need suggestions...I have lots:) have a wonderful weekend!

  21. iPhone camera lenses?!!?! genius! And I am such a sucker for a good camera strap. I LOVE yours! SO pretty!

  22. What a cool new feature for the iPhone, I've never heard of that before! Also, I'm loving that you've turned your guest bedroom into a temporary crafting room. That is one of my "must haves" for any house I ever buy in the future...extra room for crafting :-) Happy weekend!

  23. Can't wait to check out your upcoming sewing projects. I have been looking for something fun and crafty to do, and I might try the heart garland you posted yesterday over the weekend. I like simple projects that don't take too long and that one looked like a lot of fun :)

  24. SO excited to see your new 'do--I LOVE a good haircut! Also--will have to make that pizza. We make our own pizza a few time a month & this looks amazing!

  25. That is one beautiful camera strap. And I agree - it's much less nerdy than the traditional ones! ;)

    A good haircut is SO refreshing! And it is so tricky to get a good haircut with curly hair! So glad you've found a good one!

  26. That pizza looks absolutely delicious!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls


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