Birthday Recap

Yesterday at 12:30 AM my wonderful mom texted me (like she always does) and wished me a Happy Birthday. I love that she stays awake to text me at the actual time I was born, it's one of those things I want to do for our kids someday. And with the rate kids get phones these days, I'll probably be texting a 5 year old.

This year I've got a lot of birthday anxiety... I'm really in denial about this whole 27 years old thing. Where has the time gone? Can we just rewind to my 21st... no wait, that was a shit show...

Looking back I've had quite a few comical birthdays, including the one where I had chicken pox as a kid and another where the Gators won the National Championship and I ended up in the hospital. I know what you're thinking.. and no, it wasn't because I drank too much. I actually got dropped on my head by a dude. True story.

This year my husband had to go out of town for work this week so I celebrated by meeting some girlfriends for beergaritas dinner last night. Lots of girl talk, laughs, and tortilla chips later, the restaurant was closing and we all concluded we needed more girls nights!

When I got home, I had a beautiful bouquet of roses and calla lilies waiting for me from my husband and munched on the rest of the red gummy bears he picked for me before he left. God I love him. :)

Since my birthday is so close to Christmas and we decided to cut back on spending in the New Year, I didn't really ask for anything in particular. We are planning to go to dinner this weekend to take advantage of Charleston Restaurant Week and I've got a little party planning in the works so I'll share the details soon!

Until then, I'm going to nurse this headache (so much for pretending I was 22 last night) and try to get my act together! I actually had a lot planned for the blog this week but my low energy level really put a damper on those plans... thanks for sticking through it with me!


  1. Happy birthday!! It's true the older we get, the longer the hangover!! Have a good day!

  2. Happy Birthday! My mom always calls/texts me at 8:20 on my birthday as well {which was last week}, it is so cute. And now, I want a beergarita at 9:10...too soon?

  3. So sweet! Love your love for your hubby too. Oh happy day to YOU! xx

  4. That's so cute your mom texts you the time you were born on your birthday! I love Beergaritas, I called them Margaronas but they're the same thing. I'll be 28 this year and I'm having major anxiety about that. 27 seems like nothing! Hope you had a great birthday!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!

  6. What a sweet mom! Happy belated birthday!!

  7. Happy birthday, and I love that he picked all the reds out for you, so sweet. They are my fave too ;)

  8. happy birthday!! gorgeous flowers!

  9. Aww my mom does the EXACT same thing to me every year!! So special :) Yayy for Mexican!! Happy birthday!!

  10. Beergaritas are the best way to celebrate! Happy Birthday friend!!!

  11. happy birthday! and that is so cute what your mama does, definitely a sweet tradition :)

  12. Happy birthday! Mexican and girl friends = a perfect birthday in spite of no husband in town at least

  13. Happy Birthday pretty girl!! Hope this year is a great one!

  14. Happy Happy Birthday! Have you posted about the dropping on the head incident? If not, that is definitely something you should elaborate on one day. :)


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