Thanksgiving Recap

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and successful Brown Thursday (ew...)/Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping days! Thank you for bearing with me while I was out of town, I had a very uncooperative computer to work with last week!

After a fabulous week off from work, 23 total hours of driving, 6 inches of snow, freezing cold temperatures, totally surprising my parents with a new TV (for Christmas), and tons of family time, we're finally home. It was such a great trip, and even though I already miss my family like crazy, it's kind of nice to get back to the swing of things. And by that I mean, decorate of our house for Christmas!

We spent Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle's house, where I got to meet the newest addition to our family and the first boy great-grandbaby for my Grandma. It was perfect! So without further ado, here are the detail shots from our Thanksgiving week!

Ruby at her spot during one of our daily fires in the fireplace. Can you spot the grey cat?!

Impromptu family photo sesh in the snow...

I have about a million snow pictures. I couldn't stop taking them... it was so gorgeous! It helped that my frozen ass could run inside and cozy up next to Ruby by the fire...

My mom's pineapple + brown sugar ham... absolutely delish!!

In between shoving my face with food and keeping everyone's wine glass full, I played with my cousins' kiddos and gave them early Christmas gifts... password-protected journals that they asked Santa for. One of the girls' passwords was "I love you Caitie" and I pretty much back-flipped at how damn cute she was saying it into the microphone all day. :)

The desserts! We brought the wine (big surprise!) and made more peanut butter and chocolate covered pretzels!

In case you missed it on Instagram... my Grandma is awesome and made us our own pumpkin pie to take home. Guess that After-Thanksgiving diet is on hold for a few more days....

As for holiday shopping, I got so much accomplished either online or at the outlets throughout the weekend. That's a good thing for everyone... I don't have much patience for doorbuster deals or Black Friday crazies. 

I hope you are all ready for lots of Christmas festiveness coming up! I can't wait to share some of our decor, recipes, outfit ideas, crafts... you get the idea. I'm also heading to DC this weekend and I'm so excited to be back there, spend some quality time with my girlfriends, and actually dress up for work again!


  1. I am so jealous of your snowy Thanksgiving! I love the picture of you three in the snow!

  2. Oh, such pretty snow! We haven't had our first real snowfall yet, and I'm getting worried that there won't be pretty snow on my wedding day!

    But looks like you had a lovely Thanksgiving, and all your pictures are so beautiful!

  3. Love your vest!! I've been looking for something like that for winter!!

  4. everything looks fabulous as do you in that fabulous vest!! I'm jealous yall got snow!!

  5. The desserts look so yummy and your pup looks so cozy by the fire :) Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving!!

    1. Thank you so much!! And yes, I did some damage in the desserts portion of the meal. haha!

  6. Beautiful photos! Looks like a successful holiday indeed!

  7. Oh my gosh THE SNOW!! So pretty - looks like you had an amazing Thanksgiving, such a cute family photo :)

  8. So jealous of the snow photos! That picture with your husband and Ruby is a total framer!

  9. I'm with Ruby - I wouldn't be moving too far from the fireplace either. :)

  10. Your pictures are so pretty and such a cute pup! I love your blog, I'm a new follower!

  11. Sounds like the perfect Thankgiving to me! :-)

  12. LOVE everything about this post and your blog!!
    So glad you stopped over in my little neck of the woods... definitely looking forward to following along with you! Happy Tuesday, Love!


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