Our Decked Halls

It's finally Friday and I finally finished decorating for Christmas... with less than 2 weeks to go. Ugh. Where has the time gone?! This Christmas season has been entirely too short so all this work is staying put until at least mid-January. I don't want any of this festiveness to end!

Last night my husband and I had a fire (I mean, it was almost 30 degrees here...), watched the Santa Clause, and drank some vino. Perfection! I even wore my absolute favorite, giant, comfy sweater of the season, the BDG Animal Games Sweater. If you follow me on Instagram, you already got a peek! P.S. It's $20 off right now!

So without further ado, here is our little rental, all decked out for Christmas! Note: I tried to get the live tree this year but failed, husband promises next year!

Tree Skirt | Stockings (Pottery Barn) | Garland (Michaels)

You can check out more mantel photos here.

Fair Isle Paper (Target) | Chalkboard Paper (TJ Maxx)

I'm loving our wrapping paper this year! I dressed the gifts up with some tulle and ribbon from Hobby Lobby and DIY gift tags made from Target dollar section Christmas cards.

We now have quite the collection of ornaments for our little tree. We buy one from every place we visit (or live). Our new additions this year include the El Yunque Rainforest ornament from our honeymoon in Puerto Rico and the ball with dried flowers from my wedding bouquet and ribbon from our ceremony programs.

Red Pillow | DIY No Sew Deer Pillow | Plaid and Houndstooth Pillows (DIY)
All of the plaid fabric you see was made out of a $10 table cloth from Home Goods. All I wanted was a table runner, so after I made that I used it for the pillows and in other little spaces throughout the house.

Chalkboard Print
Chalkboard Inspiration

I've been on a hot chocolate kick this winter... damn sweet tooth... so I decided to switch out our bar section with some new goodies. And yes, I left the Baileys. You never know when you're going to want an Irish Hot Chocolate!

Last night with the fire lit!

And last but not least, some pretty ornaments in our bedroom!

Mercury Glass Ornament (Marshalls) | Red Ornament (These were cheaper in the RH store!)
That's about it! We have the gold leaf print in our entryway, but since our entryway table is so small, there wasn't a whole lot to photograph for that. I'm planning to look for some silver and white decor during the after Christmas sales to use in our bedroom next year.

How are your holiday decorations coming?! Anyone else feel totally behind like me?! I hope you all have a great weekend, only one more Friday until Christmas! We're going to be on a Christmas movie kick this weekend, and I couldn't be more excited! You better believe I'll be wearing my Home Alone shirt. :)

Linking up with  Chelsea of Two Twenty One!


  1. It all looks so warm and inviting! When can I come for cocoa? ;)

  2. Love your decor, your house looks so cozy! And LOVE the Ruby paw print ornament :)

    1. Thank you so much!! That paw print ornament was a challenge to make with our little Ruby but its so cute to look at now! haha :)

  3. Your house looks perfect!! I'm so jealous of your Kitchen Aid mixer! I loved the sweater you posted on your instagram! Have a great weekend!

  4. Everything is just BEAUITIFUL!
    I'm thinking we need a hot chocolate bar at our home too. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your home with us! :)

  5. Love it! So warm and cozy! That ornament full of dried flowers from your bouquet is genius! I am definitely going to copy you. ;) Merry Christmas!

  6. I love all the little touches you added like the ornaments on your perfume tray!

  7. Your place looks so good!! Our may look that good one day...may...

  8. I love each and every part of your Holiday decor. Your home screams MERRY CHRISTMAS and I LOVE IT :) You are such a doll and have a good eye for decorating my sweet friend!

  9. Your decked halls look beautiful! We are finally getting our tree this weekend. Gotta love that Home Alone t-shirt!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

    FYI - giveaway at my blog!

  10. I Love it ALL~! You did such an amazing job decorating!

  11. Loving that tray! We totally have Finn's paw print too!

  12. Your house is looking GREAT! And that pic of Ruby is precious :)

  13. Your decorations are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Your house looks beautiful! Such a good idea to get ornaments from places that you travel - I think we might start doing that :) Hope you are having a great weekend!

  15. Your house looks absolutely gorgeous!!! :-D

  16. totally have the pup paw ornament.i have a Morkie aka my child. ;) your house looks gorgeous.

  17. Your home is beautiful!!! (I'm just now getting around to seeing this) and that bedroom tray/decor? GORGEOUS!


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