Weekend in Pictures

I hope you all had a great weekend! I'm trying not think about the fact that its Monday again. Boo. I admit, there wasn't a lot of excitement going on here this weekend. The hubs was out of town so I caught up on some projects, cleaning, sleeping, and I managed to get a little bit of a tan since it was 4327 degrees outside.

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that I painted the antique dresser previously seen in this post. I will be following up with a more detailed post about my first experience with Annie Sloan chalk paint and wax this week, but I thought I'd give you a glimpse of the dresser while it was still in progress!

Here are some other shots of this weekend, I'm just now realizing that I look like quite the boozer. ha! I guess I find it necessary when cleaning and/or doing DIY projects. All in moderation of course!

Barrel Oak Winery: If any of you are ever in Washington, DC or Northern Virginia, please make a trip out to Virginia wine country and stop by Barrel Oak. The setting is beautiful, it's very dog friendly, the owners are great, and most of all the wine is my absolute favorite! We like to order it online every once and a while, and I think it'll be a good addition to our 6 month wedding anniversary celebration next month!

Cinnamon Banana Bread: On Sunday I made this recipe that I've been meaning to try after finding it on Pinterest. I ended up adjusting it a bit, and would probably just add the cinnamon and sugar to my regular banana bread recipe so that it plumps up a bit more. It was still very yummy though.

Ruby: Have you ever seen that Someecard that says "Everyone is having babies and I'm over here like 'Look at these 500 pictures of my dog!'" Well... that's me. Cleary, because you've seen my blog name. haha!

Charleston Bloody Mary Mix: This is a bit spicy for me but I was just in the mood for a Bloody Mary this weekend and it hit the spot.

I also started working on the bunting and wreath projects seen in Friday's Fall roundup post so I'm excited to share those with you soon! And finally, I'm planning a giveaway this week so get excited! :)


  1. I can't wait to see your done DIY project, I've never used chalk paint but I've heard it's fun to work with! I love Bloody Mary's and spicy stuff...where do you get that mix? I wonder if it's available out here on the West Coast!

    1. Chalk Paint is definitely fun and easier than I expected! Hopefully I'll have the update on Thursday :) I picked up the Bloody Mary mix at Publix (our grocery store, not sure if you have those on the West Coast) but it says it is made in Charleston so I'm not sure if they sell it anywhere else!

  2. I love how booze and fur babies are included in the group of pictures ;) Can't wait to learn more about the chalk paint!

    1. haha thanks for the support Brianne :) I'm working on my review of the Chalk Paint but also have some fun stuff planned for Friday's post so hopefully I'll be able to get my stuff together to post it this week!


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