Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!

I've missed this little space! Life has been a bit crazy, as evidenced here and here, but I think we may be coming out of the fog of my toddler's two week stomach bug. Yes, you read that right... TWO WEEKS.

To be honest there's been a lot of online shopping, solo cookie cake eating, and wallowing on my part. A lot of "who the eff gets a stomach bug for two freaking weeks?!" thoughts.

But seeing as Rowan acts relatively healthy and happy despite the bug, there have also been so many sweet moments. I don't normally get this much time with him because of work, so its been fun despite the diaper situation. I've been teaching him how to say important words like "peaches," which currently sounds like "pee-pee" so we're still working on that one.

Anyway this has and always will be one of my favorite kinds of posts: Friday favorites! So I thought it was high time I got back to it and linked up with Christina again.


We're making so much progress on our DIY wainscoting and I'm hoping to have the bulk of it done after this weekend! A friend of ours was a saint for letting us borrow his Miter Saw, it made the trim process so much easier, but now it has me scheming all of the other projects we could use it for!


The Night Of (SO freaking good) and Stranger Things. Anyone else a fan?!

Honestly I'm a huge baby when it comes to creepy movies and I wasn't expecting to make it through the Stranger Things season. It reminded me of a sci-fi Goonies and aside from making my husband keep the lights on all over the house, I really liked it!


I can't get on board with another social media tool (sorry IG stories) so aside from following all of my mom/blogger friends on Snapchat, I've really enjoyed following along with Amber from Barefoot Blonde (Amberfillerup) and Liz from Sequins & Stripes (Lizadamsss). Super down to earth mamas with the sweetest families. I also like following Julia from Gal Meets Glam (galmeetsglam) to see all of her travels, girlfriend has seriously gone to some stunning places!

I'd love to hear some of your favorite accounts! And follow along with us at HomeSweetRuby to see glimpses of Charleston, our current DIY projects, and my toddler's ridiculous antics.


Does anyone else have an unhealthy obsession with storage bins?! Or is it just me? We have a bunch from Pehr Designs in Rowan's playroom and I love them so much, so I wanted to give y'all a heads up they are 30%  off all weekend! (Use code PENCILS) The bins fit in IKEA storage units and I also love the pints for things like blocks and Rowan's shape sorter pieces.


A few weeks ago we took advantage of a free week of meals from Hello Fresh (thanks Annie!) and I have to say they were really delicious! I'm not sure if we'd use them too often because my husband is the world's pickiest eater and there really aren't many leftovers for Rowan and lunch the next day... at least in our house. But the meals were healthy and really convenient for a busy work week!

If you haven't tried it yet, you can get $40 off your first delivery with the code 222525BXPL4L.


Also really loved this article I shared on Home Sweet Ruby's Facebook page this week! After a rough week of nonstop diapers and laundry, I just felt totally spent and needed to hear it.

Hope you all have a fun weekend! I promise the first part of my Charleston Visitor Guide series will go live next week!


  1. Thanks for posting a few new snapchat accounts to check out. I love Liz too! I just added you, I'm tshields622 :)

  2. Miter Saw = best tool ever. I never realized how much we would use one until we started doing some DIY projects around the house. It was a game changer when we were building our farmhouse table!

  3. I felt that way about Snapchat (not being able to do another social media account that is)! lol. Although, now I feel like I'm missing out. Gimme all the storage bins. That brand is so cute! Hope you're little man gets to feeling better! Have a great weekend! xo

  4. Liz is hilarious and I saw she was in Charleston a few weeks ago and really wish I had seen her out and about! She comes here's a good bit so maybe it'll happen one day. Follow HappilyEva. She has a 2 year old and is pregnant and she keeps it real. Isn't Stanger Things so good?! They need to come out with season 2 ASAP!

  5. Stranger Things is SO good!!! I was so happy we watched it. I'll check out the other show you mentioned too! Those baskets are so cute! I wish i needed some -- we have more baskets than i know what to do with! And Liz is really sweet IRL! I met her a few years ago in Chicago. xo jillian - cornflake dreams


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