Summer Party Planning: Red White & Blue Style

We're almost through the week! Things have been crazy around here due to long work hours (they still suck even when you work from home) so blogging has taken a back seat. To top it off, I woke up yesterday and it felt like I got hit by a freight train or ran a marathon, neither of which happened obviously. Needless to say this long weekend can't get here soon enough!

I've been really looking forward to Memorial Day this year because it marks one year for our little family in Charleston. It's also not just about the three-day weekend or awesome sales at your fave stores, but its the one day of the year set aside to thank our veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice.

Though we'll be the guests rather than hosts on Memorial Day, I suspect we'll have some friends over for some BBQ, brews, and Bags (cornhole) at some point throughout the weekend. I'd much rather be casual and comfy for picnics, especially since our Bags games can get intense!

Shorts. Sandals. Top. Earrings. Sunnies. Straws. Sangria.
You can find more inspiration for Memorial Day\July 4th and party planning here and here!
It's been a while since we hosted a party which is probably why I'm so excited for the next festive weekend... the Fourth of July!

We'll be partying it up at my parents' casa to celebrate the 4th and my Dad's 60th birthday, so I'm helping my Mom with all of the party prep. I'm thinking of making it a "vintage Americana" type theme, with a mix of kraft food + drink labels, my burlap flag banner, mason jars, drink tins, and navy and red paper straws (of course!) I shared some of my inspiration above!

What are your plans for the weekend? Anyone else counting down the days until July 4th BBQs?!


  1. How fun! Love the look and all the goodies.

  2. I could totally see you wearing this! This week has been crazy busy for me too glad to be done with work for the next few days! What are you guys doing this weekend?

  3. I'm just ready for some time away from work! 3 day weekend... yay!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  4. Vintage American would be the cutest thing! You could use old crates as holders for plates and cups etc...can't wait to see!

  5. this would look fabulous on you ;) and i want those red shorts. i have been searching for a cute, not booty short, cheap pair of red shorts for so long. they would be perfect for july 4th!

  6. Love it! The whole thing! I am really diggin the theme - that is just perfect and festive for your Dad's special day!

  7. Such a great inspiration board! Makes me crave summer and the 4th of July!

  8. I cannot wait for 4th of July as it means vacation time for me!! I love escaping up to the mountains where I have zero wifi or cellular service!

  9. Hope you're feeling better! YES, can't wait for the 4th too :) We are having family in this weekend and hanging with friends. Enjoy your weekend girl!

  10. Love this outfit! I've been on the hunt for cute red shorts and I love these!! Perfect July 4th outfit! :)

    <3, Pamela

  11. Cute outfit! Love playing some cornhole and comfy clothes are a must for that. Love the vintage Americana theme too! We're hosting a bunch of friends for the 4th too. I might have to steal some of your cute decor ideas. :)

  12. Cute picks, love those red shorts! MD and the 4th are two of my favorite holidays! I'm a sucker for anything patriotic. PS - Target's dollar section has a ton of cute red, white + blue stuff right now! ; )


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