Adventures in Wainscoting

You guys, it blows my mind that its the last week of August!

We've been in crunch mode trying to rid the last few rooms of angry tan walls and progressively work on picture frame wainscoting in our dining room. I'm really hoping to get it all done so we can focus on more fun things this Fall!

But of course my mom bod thought it was high time I finally picked up one of the four thousand viruses Rowan brings back from daycare, which left me in bed all day Saturday.

By 4 PM I finally decided to shower. I was a hot mess but thankfully my husband held down the fort.

We finally got to work on attaching the trim Sunday night, but the couch and Night Of finale were calling our names so this is what we've got! I can't wait to show you the finished product!

Thankfully we borrowed a friend's miter saw, brad nailer and compressor. (Soon he's definitely going to tell us to take a hike and buy our own shit). But they are major time savers in this project and obviously we need as much of that as we can get working only during nap times and after bedtime.

Right now all forty thousand pieces of trim have been cut and we started attaching it with glue before going back over it with the nailer.

It looks a little rough, but don't worry... all of those gaps will be filled with caulk and a nice coat of paint will spruce it right up!

I think it already makes the room look more finished even though that is clearly not the case. And to think we were quoted over a thousand bucks for this project from a pro!

Who knew the hardest part would be picking a paint color for the top half?!


  1. Wainscoting is so darn beautiful. One day, when we're done with the Army and have a forever home, I hope to have some!

  2. I cannot wait to see how this looks once y'all are done with it! Glad you have a miter saw for the project - I bet it has made things 100x easier.

  3. We have put up wainscotting in 3 of our upstairs bedrooms and even though it's a lot of work I love the end result! It makes such a huge difference in a room. Can't wait to see the wall colors you pick!

  4. Evil daycare germs! Hope you're feeling better! I love the look of wainscotting. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  5. it looks so good already!! im always so impressed with your diy projects! xo jillian - cornflake dreams


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